
Who We Are
We're MCSync! We make it easy for Twitch Affiliates and Partners to seamlessly link their Subscribers or Followers to your Minecraft Server.
Our Plugin requires the use of our custom Discord Bot found at to generate an API token to connect your Discord Server & Minecraft Server to our system.


We're attempting to make things as simple as possible to get up and running fast. To get started, follow these simple steps!

  1. Head over to to log in and authorize our system with your twitch account.
  2. Download the latest version of the plugin
    and LuckPerms (While LuckPerms isn't a dependent, you will need it for Permission & Group control to be automated by MCSync)
  3. Generate an API Token through the Discord Bot Setup Command (/setup).
  4. Place the .jar file in your plugins folder, restart your server, Edit the config File and place your newly generated token in the field.


  • Can I let my friend on my server without them being subscribed to me?

    ➡ You certainly can! Add them to the vanilla whitelist but be sure to keep the vanilla whitelist disabled
    1. /whitelist add <username>
    2. /whitelist reload
  • How many servers can I have with the Free Version?
    ➡ By default, Free accounts will have access to create 1 server / API token. Premium users have the ability to create as many server API tokens as they please.
  • How much is Premium?
    ➡ Premium is $4.99/month.
  • What benefits does Premium have to offer?
    ✔ M.S.S - Multiple Streamer Support
    ✔ Unlimited Server Tokens
    ✔ Premium Discord Support
    ✔ Priority Support.
  • Does MCSync work with Forge, Paper, or Sponge?
    ➡ We are working on developing a Forge compatible plugin. Spigot plugins do run on Paper however not on Sponge. We work hard to develop addons for the most commonly used Minecraft servers.
  • Do we support Offline Servers?
    ➡ Unfortunately, while we wish we would be able to support servers running in offline mode, we cannot support it. We require servers to run in Online Mode so the server is able to validate the username that is attempting to connect, then MCSync can take over from there.



MCSync comes with user friendly commands to help you easily get up and running in no time!

All commands run under the permission node mcsync.admin. If you do not have a permissions system set up, being a server OP will also work to run these commands.

  • /mcs help - Show list of MCSync Commands
  • /mcs set - Set your server token
  • /mcs get - Show your server token
  • /mcs reload - Reload the MCSync Config file


Please don't use Reviews for errors or support.
If you find an issue, please contact us through our discord support server.