![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fx9bQdCe.png)
Hey there! Micro Wars is a unique real time strategy, or RTS, minigame in Minecraft similar to old classics such as Red Alert 2 or Command & Conquer. Players construct bases made up of custom miniature models in order to create armies to beat the opponents in this Free For All battle game.
Before we begin I just want to point you to the Google Document for Micro Wars. Here everything is described in great detail instead of the general overview I give here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZeR7GWGH33EBDObAyk33Ih7eDyZLJvz22tNflMiUchs/edit?usp=sharing
In the videos below I am playing against a computer opponent. Click the spoiler button below to see more gameplay videos.
This plugin comes with a ton of unique features and they are described in great detail in the google document linked above.
- Unique Structures: This game comes with a whole bunch of different construction options. In short they are: Powerplant, Ore Refinery, Barracks, War Factory, Airfield, Battle Lab, Nuclear Missile Silo, Pillbox, Patriot Missile System, Laser Defense Turret, French Cannon and the Headquarters.
- Unique Units: A lot of structures have unit recruit options. These units are your key to victory, in short they are: Soldier, Bazooka, Sniper, Engineer, Rocketeer, Rocket Angel, Spy, Battle Tank, Rocket Tank, Gattling Tank, Mirage Tank, Overlord Tank, Demolition Truck, Kirov Airship, Fighter Jet, Rocket Jet, Black Eagle Jet, Ore Miner, Super Ore Miner and the MCV. In short, a lot of options! The units in purple are faction exclusives as described in the document and below.
- Player vs Player: This game can be played with as many players as you want. It is a free for all game.
- Player vs AI: Alternatively, this plugin comes with a computer opponent you can try your hands on.
- Factions: Players can earn points by playing games using which they unlock different factions. Each faction comes with its unique perks and units and are described in great detail in the document linked above. In short they are: United States, France, Germany, South Korea, United Kingdom, Egypt, Libya, China, Japan and Russia. No faction is by definition more powerful than the others, they just play differently.
- Captureable Structures: Admins are able to place Oil Derricks and Hospitals into the map which users can capture using Engineers. These provide benefits such as extra money and increased health.
- Ingame Tutorial: The plugin will help players who have never played before if it notices the players need help. Say for example a player has no clue how to build structures, the plugin will tell him via a message but if the player does know he won't get a tutorial message. Only a tutorial for those who need it.
- Full Customization: Every single message in the entire plugin is customizable. You can customize how many points players need to accumulate before they are rewarded with extra factions and you can balance out every unit and structure to your own likings.
- Custom Balancing: If you find a unit too powerful or too weak you can simply go to their files and nerf/buff them. You can edit anything from range to whether or not they can target air units. In theory you could even make the Demolition Truck an anti air weapon.
- Spectating: Have you been defeated? Don't feel sad! You still get to watch your nemesis get his share of destruction. If you are destroyed you become a spectator of the game and other players can't see you. It's up to you whether you leave or stay.
- Keeps player attention: Because of the progression system players are more likely to stick around because playing more games yields more points and players will actively be working towards the next faction. The factions can be picked from the faction picker in the lobby. I purposefully allowed users to read the descriptions of factions they don't own to get people more excited.
- Custom Resource Pack: The resource pack is automatically downloaded when a user enters a lobby. If you don't want the plugin to force the resource pack but instead want to do this yourself you can toggle force-resourcepack off in the config.yml.
Here is the link to the resource pack so you can download it now in case you have got no internet connection. To turn the auto-force-resourcepack off simply go to the config.yml and change force-resourcepack to false.
A tutorial on how to setup the arena as well as a full manual of the entire plugin can be found by going to the google document via this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZeR7GWGH33EBDObAyk33Ih7eDyZLJvz22tNflMiUchs/edit?usp=sharing
This plugin doen't require any other plugins. If you, however, want the UI toasts to appear (Those slide-in messages as seen in the videos) you will need to add the CrazyAdvancementsAPI to your server. Here's the link to the plugin page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/crazy-advancements-api.51741/ This plugin also works with the PlaceholderAPI. More information on that below.
This plugin allows you to use placeholders from other plugins in its messages. You can also use placeholders of this plugin in other plugins. Please visit the google document linked above to get a list of all placeholders. Here's a link to the PlaceholderAPI so you can check it out: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/
Is something not right or do you need additional features? I'll be here for you. If you buy the plugin I promise to help you out with any issue within a day. Just send me a PM me and I'll read them. I have also set up a Discord server for quicker support. Here's the invite link:
Problems with configuration?
If you have issues whilst configuring this plugin please follow these steps:
- Make sure you have the latest version of the plugin installed.
- Reload the server.
- Use /micro fix, and solve all issues mentioned here. If no issues are mentioned anymore and it still doesn't work, continue.
- Send me a private message! If you have a public server please give me the IP Address so I can help you.
With all its moving parts Micro Wars is quite a complex plugin which means its slightly more performance heavy than some of my other plugins but despite that the plugin runs quite well. There shouldn't be any significant lag spikes. Unit movement and path calculations are done off thread as to not cause performance issues. I have been testing this plugin on a decent local server with 2 gigabytes of RAM and I have not experienced any significant performance issues.
If you are experiencing performance issues please send your timings report to me and I'll get the source of the issue sorted as soon as possible!
The latest update adds the ability for users to change their language. As an admin you are able to go to the plugin folder -> Settings -> Languages in order to copy the default English.yml file. Rename it to the language you wish to add and translate the messages within. In the game players can use /micro language <language> in order to switch languages. They can also see all the available languages using /micro languages. You can add as many different languages as you want!
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FASw6f2b.png)
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FEwzSQWe.png)
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FoY9Ho8t.png)
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FfKZXWDv.png)