
Minecraft Fixer is a plugin that protects your server from Minecraft exploits (Note: It is not a packet anti-crash).


-TimerSpeed blocking (MoveTick check).

-Redstone/Piston Lag-Machine detector and destroyer

-FishingRod/Crash Protection

-Sign Exploits Protection

-Command/Chat Flood Crash Protection

-Customizable Messages

-ButtonDelay / Interact Crash-Fix

-Head/Pitch Exploits

-Block Command/Force-OP Books

Current Config:


checkSignLenght: true

checkMoveTicks: true

blockLagMachines: true

blockCommandBooks: true

commandDelay: true

chatDelay: true

blockHeadExploits: true

buttonDelay: true

fishingDelay: true


prefix: '&a[&cMinecraft&eFixer&a] &c'

blockedCommandBook: '%prefix% &cYou cant use Commands while holding a Book in

your Hand.'

commandSlowDown: '%prefix% &cPlease wait before using another Command.'

chatSlowDown: '%prefix% &cPlease wait before sending another Message.'

buttonDelay: '%prefix% &cPlease wait before using the Button again.'

fishingDelay: '%prefix% &cPlease wait before using the Fishingrod again.'

[img] tag