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mineLogin is an advanced login plugin for premium and non-premium players with automatic authentication of premium accounts. All other features are listed below.

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Premium player accounts are
protected so non-premium
players cannot play under
their nickname.

Everyone has to register.
Premium players can enable
auto authentication using
the /premium command.

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  • Possibility to block logging in from a given country.
  • Possibility to set the duration of login session for non-premium players in the config. Changing the IP address terminates the session.
  • Multiple database types: MySQL, Flat.
  • Configuration of words that should be forbidden to use as passwords.
  • Possibility to lock the chat until the player logs in.
  • Ability to set multiple authentication servers!
  • Ability to set more than one lobby server!
  • Highly configurable MOTD with hex colors support.
  • Efficient mailing system that helps the players recover their accounts.
  • Possibility to configure the fallback servers. When the main server is down, players will be connected to the Fallback servers.
  • Currently there are 4 hashing algorithms supported: SHA512, SHA256, Bcrypt and MD5.
  • Additional password protection with salt.
  • Ability to set the maximum number of accounts for each IP address.
  • Ability to set the time between the next connection.
  • mineLogin supports 4 APIs for premium account authentication.
  • Possibility to set the minimum password length.
  • We offer a system connecting bungeecord and spigot servers which blocks all interactions until the player logs in. This system offers a highly configurable server selector menu!
  • Ability to enable the lobby command which allows players to easily connect with the lobby server.
  • Allow your players to secure their account with two-step verification.
  • Ability to enable the captcha system, in which players will have to rewrite the code from the map or chat to register.
  • Ability to display commands on the bossbar.
  • Showing notifications on title.
  • Ability to hide players who are not logged in.
  • Ability to hide items before logging in.
  • Possibility to set the login location.
  • An option to set a default skin for cracked accounts.
  • Placeholders to use for your spigot server.
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  • /login <password> - Used to log into an account.
  • /register <password> <password> [captcha] - Used for account registration.
  • /unregister <password> - Used for unregistering an account (Deleting the account from the database).
  • /changepassword <old-password> <new-password> - Used for changing the account's password.
  • /email <email-address> - Used for adding or changing the account’s email address.
  • /recovery - Used for recovering the account’s password by email.
  • /session - Used for enabling or disabling cracked players login session.
  • /premium - Used for enabling premium authentication account.
  • /cracked - Used for enabling cracked authentication account.
  • /2fa - Adding two-step verification with a map
  • /lobby - Allows you to teleport to the lobby server.
Administrator - Proxy server
  • /minelogin changepassword <nickname> <new-password> - Changes the player’s password.
  • /minelogin changetype <nickname> <CRACKED/PAID> - Changes the player's account type.
  • /minelogin changeuniqueid <nickname> <new-uniqueid> - Changes the players unique id.
  • /minelogin forcelogin <nickname> - Forces a player to log in.
  • /minelogin geolocation <add/remove/check> <IPv4> - Manages the geolocation whitelist.
  • /minelogin register <nickname> <password> - Forces a player to register with the selected password.
  • /minelogin reload - Reloads the plugin configurations.
  • /minelogin unregister <nickname> - Unregisters a player.
  • /minelogin userinfo <nickname> - Displays information about the player.
Administrator - Spigot server
  • /sminelogin setHubSpawn - Set hub spawn lobby.
  • /sminelogin setLoginLocation - Setup login location.
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  • minelogin.* - Ability to use all admin commands.
  • minelogin.command - Ability to use the /minelogin command.
  • minelogin.verification - Ability to use the /2fa and /verification command.
  • minelogin.version - Ability to use the /minelogin version command.
  • minelogin.changepassword - Ability to use the /minelogin <nickname> <new-password> command.
  • minelogin.changetype - Ability to use the /minelogin <nickname> <CRACKED/PAID> command.
  • minelogin.forcelogin - Ability to use the /minelogin forcelogin <nickname> command.
  • minelogin.userinfo - Ability to use the /minelogin userinfo <nickname> command.
  • minelogin.unregister - Ability to use the /minelogin unregister  <nickname> command.
  • minelogin.register - Ability to use the /minelogin register <nickname> <password> command.
  • minelogin.geolocation - Ability to use the /minelogin geolocation <add/remove/check> <IPv4> command.
  • sminelogin.admin - Ability to user /sminelogin (spigot server) comamnds.
  • sminelogin.protection.bypass - Bypass for lobby protect events.

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  • %minelogin_email% - Allows you to display the email address linked to your account.
  • %minelogin_is_paid% - Returns an account type value (true = premium / false = cracked).
  • %minelogin_register_time% - Shows the date the account was created by the player.
  • %minelogin_login_session% - Shows the remaining time for the login session.
  • %minelogin_online_time% - Returns the user’s online time on the server.
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Special thanks to JorgiTV and maks for creating this presentation.