Boost up your players experience with amazing, customize-able and rich pets
Miniature Pets is the The First and Most Innovative Custom Pets Plugin. It has been #1 Pets plugin since 2016, with tons of community resources and feature-rich pet interaction. You can create your own pets using our guides and support.

- Custom Animated Pets
- Plugin provides ability to use custom mobs, as player pets.
- Custom pets do not require any texture packs or resource packs to be installed.
- With our feature-rich pets, players can:
- Ride pets
- Wear pets as a hat
- Disguise as pets
- Name pets
- Have pets follow owners
Our pets are animated, have idle, walking animations.
Huge Community [500+ pets available]
- Over 100 free pets available to download for free, as well as 400+ premium pets, made by our community.
- You can download community-made pets, drag & drop into your pets folder and start using new pets immediately - very simple install process!
EULA Compliant & Friendly Support
- All of our features are EULA compliant - that means you even can sell pets for donations, give pets with ranks or as donation rewards - this is fully allowed according to Minecraft End User License Agreement.
- Our support team is extremely friendly - you will be helped no matter what the question is, just hop on our 1,000+ Members Discord server and ask away!
Extensive Wiki & Extremely Configurable
- Our wiki explains all features in details, all frequent questions are answered - check for yourself: https://docs.miniaturepets.net
- Configure all pets, all messages
- All menus are also configurable
And many other various features
- Integration with Citizens NPCs - use custom mobs as your server NPCs - Learn more at MiniaturePets/Citizens on GitHub!
- ModelEngine Models Supported as Custom Pets
- BungeeCord network compatible
- MySQL database support
- Extremely extensive Plugin API


Terms of Service
You are responsible what happens with the plugin after you download, therefore, if plugin is leaked or redistributed and it's registered under your name, I am allowed to remove you from buyers list without a warning. I may be obligated to report you on SpigotMC.
You may not redistribute plugin, in any shape or form neither it's code or parts of it.
You may ask me for support.
No refunds, as one does not have a right to get a refund for such digital item, because you have been gained access to it instantly and may have used it.
- Player Commands
[LIST=1]/pet - Main plugin command; miniaturepets.spawn, miniaturepets.spawnother/pet ride - Ride your pet; miniaturepets.ride/pet hat - Makes your pet like a helmet; miniaturepets.hat/pet call - Summon your pet; miniaturepets.call/pet sit - Prevents pet from following you, toggle-able; miniaturepets.sit/pet disguise - Disguises you as your pet; miniaturepets.disguise/pet remove - Removes current pet; miniaturepets.remove/pet name - Allows changing your pet name; miniaturepets.setname, miniaturepets.setnamecolor/pet help - Sends help menu; miniaturepets.help
- Administrator Commands
[LIST=1]/pet reload - Reloads the plugin; miniaturepets.reload/pet clear - Clears all of the pets in the world; miniaturepets.clear/pet clearall = Clears all of the pets in the server; miniaturepets.clearall/pet dump - Exports server information; miniaturepets.dump
- Administrator Permissions
[LIST=1]miniaturepets.checkversion - Sends you a message in chat if a new version is available for download whenever you join the server.miniaturepets.allpets - Gives you access to all of the pets installed.