- You can directly configure mob drop xp in the mythicmobs mob file instead of having to configure it in mmocore
- Has its own booster [Booster only works for configuring xp drops directly on mobs]
- Hook with MCA | Add new line config.yml # Required MCoreAddon Installed BOOSTER_OPTIONS: MCoreAddon ``` (1/16/2024)
- Remove limited_xp in use settings and xp.max in xp settings
- I recreated new wiki, if anything is missed, I will update it to wiki as soon as I can
- Fix bug
- Wiki is available right now: https://github.com/VoChiDanh/MMOXPAddon/wiki (11/12/2023
Add formula when player higher or lower limit
Fix hologram
Improve code
if player level is greater than or equal to end -> mobs don't give xp anymore
Fix issue with killer is NPC
add Custom Formula (Only apply to command)
Fix bug if calculator return double not int
Add execute commands with rate
If the rate of the config is greater than or equal to the system rate (random 1->100), the command will be executed
Wiki: https://github.com/D-x-Z/MMOXPAddon/wiki
Discord: https://discord.gg/CWjaq5fZN9 / VoChiDanh#0862 / vochidanh
Add tabcomplete
Change reload command from /mmoxpaddon to /mmoxpaddon reload
Add command check version /mmoxpaddon version
Settings USE_MANY_FILE was removed, edit mob in mobs.yml
Fix default mobs.yml
Remove mythiclib from depend
Add more debug
Add condition to execute command
Full example config mob
Fix NPE if condition is null
You need use paper or paper fork to enable custom mechanic and condition! From now you need mythicmobs, mmocore, mythiclib and java 17+ to run this plugin !
Add condition to formula
Add condition to formula
command will be executed if chance >= 100
command will be executed if chance >= 100
update maven
add some method
Fix issues if mob in list in config.yml but not config in mobs.yml (Build #53)
Make the jar size smaller
Remove some api that are never used
Remove build number, new version will increase version instead of build number
Add same_as for premium user
Allow Formula can config in list
Fix file issue when plugin is going to disable
Update pom.xml to 1.8.2
Remove xp auto multi by mob level
Fix xp
Fix %mob_level% and %mob_xp% doesn't work on condition
Allow dynamic placeholder instead of use number for level and xp
Fix negative number p1
Fix negative number p2
Add formula give xp when in level range
Fix formula give xp when out of range
(maybe) Fix location show xp
Fix bug with formula, You can try with any plugin's placeholder (like %mmocore_level%....)
Add formula for give less xp when kill mobs out of level range
Remove prevent player kill mob when out of level range
Update config file
Fix bug
Added a level limit system that deals damage to monsters