1.8.4 Apr 8, 2024
First, I want to say MMOXPAddon still in keep in develop but I'm starting make new addon for it and make it more easy edit and use for normal user (MMOXPAddon is need good at math to use because you need so much calculator and conditions)
So the new addon for it is MCoreAddon - Wiki: https://github.com/VoChiDanh/MCoreAddon/wiki
Beta Features:
  • You can directly configure mob drop xp in the mythicmobs mob file instead of having to configure it in mmocore
  • Has its own booster [Booster only works for configuring xp drops directly on mobs]
And same with MXPA - It is free devbuild on discord and I need new idea add to it.
If you worry about MCA has booster but MXPA doesn't have, don't worry because you can use MCA and MXPA on your server at the same time to use booster
So this is changelogs of MXPA (MMOXPAddon)
  • Hook with MCA | Add new line config.yml # Required MCoreAddon Installed BOOSTER_OPTIONS: MCoreAddon ``` (1/16/2024)
  • Remove limited_xp in use settings and xp.max in xp settings 
  • I recreated new wiki, if anything is missed, I will update it to wiki as soon as I can 
  • Fix bug 
  • Wiki is available right now: https://github.com/VoChiDanh/MMOXPAddon/wiki (11/12/2023
MCoreAddon in demo version so a long time and I can't rerlease it because of busy time so I'll happy if you use it and report issues to me. I will need idea to make new features for it. 
MCA & MXPA still free on discord devbuild

1.8.3 Nov 26, 2023
Fix command doesn't work on console
Fix placeholder %mob_xp%
Fix another issue, but I don't remember it
Add default booster config example
    FORMULA: true
    LIMITED_XP: false
    COMMAND: true
    LEVEL_END: true
    CONDITION1: '%mmocore_level%;>=;5;NUMBER' #you can check by >=, >, <=, <
    CONDITION2: '%mmocore_is_casting%;==;true;BOOLEAN' #only ==
    CONDITION3: '%mmocore_class%;==;KNIGHT;STRING' #only ==
    WARRIOR_CLASS: '%mmocore_class%;==;Warrior;STRING' # only ==
    MAGE_CLASS: '%mmocore_class%;==;Mage;STRING' # only ==
    BOOSTER2: '%player_has_permission_booster.2%;==;yes;STRING' # Booster x2
    BOOSTER5: '%player_has_permission_booster.5%;==;yes;STRING' # Booster x5
    BOOSTER10: '%player_has_permission_booster.10%;==;yes;STRING' # Booster x10
    CHECK_BOOSTER_2_10: '#BOOSTER2#;#BOOSTER10#;false;COMPARE_CONDITIONS' # COMPARE_CONDITIONS condition checks if 3 conditions have same values: true true true, false false false
    CHECK_BOOSTER: '#CHECK_BOOSTER_2_5#;#CHECK_BOOSTER_2_10#;true;COMPARE_CONDITIONS' # #CONDITION_3# can use in CONDITION use use true/false (rcm use true/false for check)
    NORMAL: '%mob_xp%'
    BOOSTER2: '%mob_xp% * 2'
    BOOSTER5: '%mob_xp% * 5'
    BOOSTER10: '%mob_xp% * 10'
      - '#WARRIOR_CLASS#;mi give MATERIAL FRAGMENTS %player_name% 3 0 100 0 s;1' # If player is class warrior, system will give 3 material (Chance = 1%)
      - '#MAGE_CLASS#;mi give MATERIAL FRAGMENTS %player_name% 1 0 100 0 s;1' # If player is class mage, system will give 1 material (Chance = 1%)
      - '#WARRIOR_CLASS#;mi give MATERIAL FRAGMENTS %player_name% 3 0 100 0 s;30' # If player is class warrior, system will give 3 material (Chance = 30%)
      - '#MAGE_CLASS#;mi give MATERIAL FRAGMENTS %player_name% 1 0 100 0 s;30' # If player is class mage, system will give 1 material (Chance = 30%)
        - '%mob_xp%'
        - '0'
    WITHIN_LIMITS: # If a player has booster x2 and x5, player will receive 7 xp | x2 x10 -> 12 xp | x5 x10 -> 15 xp | x2 x5 x10 -> 17 xp
      - '#CHECK_BOOSTER#;%mob_xp%;0' # If a player doesn't have any booster, player will receive 1 xp when kill mob -> If a player has any booster, mob gives 0 xp
      - '#BOOSTER2#;#cf_BOOSTER2#;0' # If a player has booster x2, player will receive 2 xp when kill mob
      - '#BOOSTER5#;#cf_BOOSTER5#;0' # If a player has booster x5, player will receive 5 xp when kill mob
      - '#BOOSTER10#;#cf_BOOSTER10#;0' # If a player has booster x10, player will receive 10 xp when kill mob
    DEFAULT: 1
    MAX: 1
    END: 10
    MAX: 5
    MIN: 1
Then use luckperm add permission to player for a short-time:
/lp user <name> permission settemp booster.2 true 5m
  -> x2 booster, 5 minutes
/lp user <name> permission settemp booster.5 true 5m
  -> x5 booster, 5 minutes
/lp user <name> permission settemp booster.10 true 5m
  -> x10 booster, 5 minutes

1.8.2 Aug 30, 2023


  List update


1.6 Jun 14, 2022
v1.6 - Fix the parentheses, add debug mode

1.5 Jun 14, 2022


Add formula give xp when in level range
Fix formula give xp when out of range
(maybe) Fix location show xp



Fix check killer
Fix bug with min xp


Separate the mob configuration and the plugin's configuration


Fix bug with formula, You can try with any plugin's placeholder (like %mmocore_level%....)
Add formula for give less xp when kill mobs out of level range
Remove prevent player kill mob when out of level range
Update config file


Fix bug

Added a level limit system that deals damage to monsters

1.0-SNAPSHOT May 27, 2022