You have problem making 1 mob but according to many levels that mob can't give xp which increases with level? This addon is for you
This addon helps you
- Kill mobs and give xp that increases with level (xp * mob level)
- Not config xp in each class file of mmocore
- Limit level to earn xp from mob, if your level so high or so low, you'll earn less xp
- Custom formula to give xp from mob to player
- Custom formula for command
- Can execute command when mob death
- Custom mechanic & condition for mythicmob skill....
- Create private booster for mmocore
MythicMobs 5.x.x, MMOCore 1.x.x, Java 17
/mmoxpaddon reload - reload command
/mmoxpaddon version- version command
Config File
# %player_level% -> return player level
# %mob_level% -> return mob level
# %mob_xp% -> return mob xp
# Placeholder with PlaceholderAPI support
# Summation: "number1 + number 2" ; Ex: "1 + 2" ➙ 3
# Subtraction: "number1 + number2" ; Ex: "5 - 3" ➙ 2
# Multiplication: "number1 * number2" ; Ex: "3 * 2" ➙ 6
# Division: "number 1 / number 2" ; Ex: "10 / 2" ➙ 5
# Division Remainder: "number1 % number2" ; Ex: "7 % 2" ➙ 1
# Exponential: "number^exponent" ; Ex: "2^3" ➙ 8
# Square Root: "@{number}" ; Ex: "@{16}" ➙ 4
# Percent: "percent # number" ; Ex: 10 # 20 (10% of 20) ➙ 2
DEBUG: false
MOBS: #List mob, if you don't list here, mob won't give xp
MYTHICMOBSINTERNALNAME_2:same_as: MYTHICMOBSINTERNALNAMEMYTHICMOBSINTERNALNAME:USE:FORMULA: trueLIMITED_XP: falseCOMMAND: trueLEVEL_END: trueCONDITIONS:CONDITION1: '%mmocore_level%;>=;5;NUMBER' #you can check by >=, >, <=, <CONDITION2: '%mmocore_is_casting%;==;true;BOOLEAN' #only ==CONDITION3: '%mmocore_class%;==;KNIGHT;STRING' #only ==WARRIOR_CLASS: '%mmocore_class%;==;Warrior;STRING' # only ==MAGE_CLASS: '%mmocore_class%;==;Mage;STRING' # only ==BOOSTER2: '%player_has_permission_booster.2%;==;yes;STRING' # Booster x2BOOSTER5: '%player_has_permission_booster.5%;==;yes;STRING' # Booster x5BOOSTER10: '%player_has_permission_booster.10%;==;yes;STRING' # Booster x10CHECK_BOOSTER_2_5: '#BOOSTER2#;#BOOSTER5#;false;COMPARE_CONDITIONS' # #CONDITION_1#;#CONDITION_2#;#CONDITION_3#;COMPARE_CONDITIONSCHECK_BOOSTER_2_10: '#BOOSTER2#;#BOOSTER10#;false;COMPARE_CONDITIONS' # COMPARE_CONDITIONS condition checks if 3 conditions have same values: true true true, false false falseCHECK_BOOSTER: '#CHECK_BOOSTER_2_5#;#CHECK_BOOSTER_2_10#;true;COMPARE_CONDITIONS' # #CONDITION_3# can use in CONDITION use use true/false (rcm use true/false for check)CUSTOM_FORMULA:NORMAL: '%mob_xp%'BOOSTER2: '%mob_xp% * 2'BOOSTER5: '%mob_xp% * 5'BOOSTER10: '%mob_xp% * 10'COMMAND:OUT_OF_BOUNDS:- '#WARRIOR_CLASS#;mi give MATERIAL FRAGMENTS %player_name% 3 0 100 0 s;1' # If player is class warrior, system will give 3 material (Chance = 1%)- '#MAGE_CLASS#;mi give MATERIAL FRAGMENTS %player_name% 1 0 100 0 s;1' # If player is class mage, system will give 1 material (Chance = 1%)WITHIN_LIMITS:- '#WARRIOR_CLASS#;mi give MATERIAL FRAGMENTS %player_name% 3 0 100 0 s;30' # If player is class warrior, system will give 3 material (Chance = 30%)- '#MAGE_CLASS#;mi give MATERIAL FRAGMENTS %player_name% 1 0 100 0 s;30' # If player is class mage, system will give 1 material (Chance = 30%)FORMULA:OUT_OF_BOUNDS:LOWER:- '%mob_xp%'HIGHER:- '0'WITHIN_LIMITS: # If a player has booster x2 and x5, player will receive 7 xp | x2 x10 -> 12 xp | x5 x10 -> 15 xp | x2 x5 x10 -> 17 xp- '#CHECK_BOOSTER#;%mob_xp%;0' # If a player doesn't have any booster, player will receive 1 xp when kill mob -> If a player has any booster, mob gives 0 xp- '#BOOSTER2#;#cf_BOOSTER2#;0' # If a player has booster x2, player will receive 2 xp when kill mob- '#BOOSTER5#;#cf_BOOSTER5#;0' # If a player has booster x5, player will receive 5 xp when kill mob- '#BOOSTER10#;#cf_BOOSTER10#;0' # If a player has booster x10, player will receive 10 xp when kill mobXP:DEFAULT: 1MAX: 1LEVEL:END: 10MAX: 5MIN: 1