ErykIII Dec 22, 2023
Version 6.9.4
Probably best plugin for randomly generated items. Since its a very important thing in RPG/MMO server you should use it if you want to have one.
Daedreus Sep 15, 2023
Version 6.9.4
Can be very tedious to learn as most plugins are, but for what it does, it does beautifully, i heavily reccomend this for any mmo server, or rpg-esque.
Kadasje Jul 18, 2023
Version 6.9.4
Very good plugin, and super good support!
Burchard36 Jun 13, 2023
Version 6.9.3
10/10 Plugin and 10/10 Support, has always been my go to for every server I make for many many years now and I'm glad they have kept this hidden gem maintained :p I always recommend this one over ANY other item/enchantment plugin just because this one is so versatile

The GUI Config Editor is also the best from any plugin I've ever seen, it never bugs or glitches and saves to the file Immediately instead of waiting for server shutdowns

Also the item lore customizability for this plugin is absolutely insane, when you buy it you'll see what I mean ;)

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