Generate weapon/armor for mmoitems but use stats of mobs from mythicmobs
Support: Discord
MMOItems, MythicMobs, Java 17 - This should work on every version which can make mmoitems, mythicmobs work without issues
How to use ?
  • Create mob by mythicmobs have health, damage, armor, custom name
  • Save mob & reload mob
  • Use /myi create and wait it generate item for use
  • Open Armor /mi browse mythicarmor
  • Open Sword /mi browse mythicsword
/myi reload - reload config
/myi create - generate item for mmoitems
Known Issues
  1. When use load_all_mob_on_enable: true you must wait plugin give ```Loaded all items``` message to console until you can edit/delete/create new mob's mythicmobs or edit/delete/create anything in mmoitems
  2. When use load_all_mob_on_enable or /myi create it can be take a minutes to complete generator if you have many mobs
  3. You should use custom type from plugin default settings because when you make new mobs, you can delete that file and use /myi create -> /mi revid increase mythicarmor or /mi revid increase mythicsword to update it (You should make sure make mob 1 times and don't change any stats like damage, armor, health after /myi create)
  4. When on the 1st time server use this, if you want generate item, use /myi create after server started
  5. Same as #1 but when you use /myi create - It will give message in game or in console when you use it
  6. Placeholder in config doesn't support PlaceholderAPI (If i support it later, it will be removed)
  7. Setting prefix_to_suffix only apply for mythicarmor
  8. This doesn't show to /mi browse, only show by command
  9. /mi browse mythicarmor and /mi browse mythicsword
  • You are not allowed to redistribute this product to other web site or people.
  • You are not allowed to decompile and modify this product.
  • You are not allowed to claim name or source code as yours.
  • You won't be refunded after bought plugin
  • You are not allowed to share/resell premium version to others
  • Report bugs in my Discord


# Debug logs for testing / Default false
debug: false
# Prefix for message
prefix: "&7[&fMythItem&7]"
# Item's setting load
  # Not recommend turn this on. Use /mythitem create when server started
  # After use that command, please don't edit anything in mmoitems's file or mythicmob's files until plugin say it done
  # Recommend load it when don't have so much player in server / or have 0 player is the best
  load_all_mob_on_enable: false
# Plugin will take a mob's stats to load item for that mob. So if you want some mob needn't has weapon & armor
# Put internal mob name below this list
# Maybe every message will be here
  reload: "&aReloaded files"
  starting_load: "&bStarted load all items | This can take a few minutes if you have so many mobs"
  loading_done: "&aLoaded all items"
      - "&a/myi reload - Reload file"
      - "&a/myi create - Generator Items from MythicMobs Stats"
# Generate settings
  # MMOItems custom type
  # We have known issue with this: This type will never show to /mi browse
  # But you can open that gui by command /mi browse MYTHICSWORD
    # Recommend keep all things below generator_custom_type
    # You can change MythicSword to your new custom type name
    # It just custom load type for generate item
      enable: true
      display: DIAMOND_SWORD
      name: MythicSword
      parent: SWORD
        name: "&f#prefix#Unidentified MythicSword"
          - '&7This item is unidentified. I must'
          - '&7find a way to identify it!'
          - '{tier}'
          - '{tier}&8Item Info:'
          - '{range}&8- &7Lvl Range: &e#range#'
          - '{tier}&8- &7Item Tier: #prefix##tier#'
    # Random level to load item
    # For example: We will load sword for that mobs
    # We will load from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 level
    # So we will have 10 level of that sword with different stats
    # You can increase by format config: [lower number]-[higher number]
    # Highly recommend keep this from 1-10, if you have a mind to make higher number higher than 10
    random_level: 1-10
    # Name's for weapon
    # Example mob have name: "&aZombie"
    # So weapon will have name: "&aZombie &7[&f#level#&7]
    # With #level# is from random-level
    name: "#mm_name# &7[&f#level#&7]"
    # Stats settings
      # As I remember most of the stats in mmoitems is number and boolean
      # So I spilt it to 2 settings
      # For string_boolean is only for true/false stats
        unbreakable: true
        disable-crafting: true
        disable-smelting: true
        disable-smithing: true
        disable-enchanting: true
        disable-repairing: true
        disable-droping: true
        disable-attack-passive: true
      # For number is only for number stats
      # stats.number can be calculator to give a number for that stats
      # Not supported PlaceholderAPI
      # Self placeholder explain:
      # #mm_health# -> return mob's health
      # #mm_damage# -> return mob's damage
      # #mm_armor# -> return mob's armor
      # #level# -> return random_level setting above
      # After calculated, which number stats doesn't higher than 0
      # Stats will be removed from weapon
        attack-damage: "#mm_health# / #level#"
        critical-strike-chance: "#mm_damage# / ( #level# * 10 )"
        critical-strike-power: "#mm_damage# / ( #level# * 20 )"
        pve-damage: "#mm_armor# / ( #level# * 10 )"
        pvp-damage: "#mm_armor# / ( #level# * 20 )"
    # Type settings
      # We have 2 option: random, list
      # Lets me explain it:
      # random: When generate item, we must have material for it.
      # So random option will have you choose random material for it
      # For example: When generate item, it's choose random and prefix is WOODEN
      # and suffix is SHOVEL -> that's item will be had material is WOODEN_SHOVEL
      # If prefix is BLAZE_ROD and suffix is SWORD -> unknown material so system
      # will check prefix first, if prefix is material, system will take prefix
      # as material -> that's item will be had material is BLAZE_ROD
      # If material from prefix still unknown -> system will check suffix like the
      # ways check prefix. If material suffix still unknown? It auto return to DIAMOND_SWORD
      # Explain for list option will be explained below
      option: random
        - WOODEN
        - IRON
        - GOLDEN
        - DIAMOND
        - NETHERITE
        - BLAZE_ROD
        - STICK
        - BONE
        - AXE
        - HOE
        - SHOVEL
        - SWORD
    # If that's mob doesn't have a custom name
    # Item will take a custom name from this setting
    # to make a custom name for it
      WOODEN: "&8Wooden"
      IRON: "&7Wooden"
      GOLDEN: "&eGold"
      DIAMOND: "&bDiamond"
      NETHERITE: "&dNetherite"
      BLAZE_ROD: "&cBlaze Rod"
      STICK: "&7Stick"
      BONE: "&fBone"
      AXE: "&fAxe"
      HOE: "&fHoe"
      SHOVEL: "&fShovel"
      SWORD: "&fSword"
  # MMOItems custom type
  # We have known issue with this: This type will never show to /mi browse
  # But you can open that gui by command /mi browse MYTHICSWORD
    # Recommend keep all things below generator_custom_type
    # You can change MythicSword to your new custom type name
    # It just custom load type for generate item
      enable: true
      name: MythicArmor
      parent: ARMOR
        name: "&f#prefix#Unidentified MythicArmor"
          - '&7This item is unidentified. I must'
          - '&7find a way to identify it!'
          - '{tier}'
          - '{tier}&8Item Info:'
          - '{range}&8- &7Lvl Range: &e#range#'
          - '{tier}&8- &7Item Tier: #prefix##tier#'
    # Random level to load item
    # For example: We will load sword for that mobs
    # We will load from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 level
    # So we will have 10 level of that sword with different stats
    # You can increase by format config: [lower number]-[higher number]
    # Highly recommend keep this from 1-10, if you have a mind to make higher number higher than 10
    random_level: 1-10
    # Name's for weapon
    # Example mob have name: "&aZombie"
    # So weapon will have name: "&aZombie &7[&f#level#&7]
    # With #level# is from random-level
    name: "#mm_name# &7[&f#level#&7]"
      # As I remember most of the stats in mmoitems is number and boolean
      # So I spilt it to 2 settings
      # For string_boolean is only for true/false stats
        unbreakable: true
        disable-crafting: true
        disable-smelting: true
        disable-smithing: true
        disable-enchanting: true
        disable-repairing: true
        disable-droping: true
        disable-attack-passive: true
      # For number is only for number stats
      # stats.number can be calculator to give a number for that stats
      # Not supported PlaceholderAPI
      # Self placeholder explain:
      # #mm_health# -> return mob's health
      # #mm_damage# -> return mob's damage
      # #mm_armor# -> return mob's armor
      # #level# -> return random_level setting above
      # After calculated, which number stats doesn't higher than 0
      # Stats will be removed from weapon
        armor: "#mm_damage# / (#level# * 10)"
        max-health: "#mm_health# / #level#"
    # Type settings
      # We have 2 option: random, list
      # Lets me explain it:
      # list: When generate item, we must have material for it.
      # So list option will have you choose random material prefix + all suffix in list for it
      # For example: When generate item, it's choose random and prefix are LEATHER, CHAINMAIL, DIAMOND, NETHERITE
      # Because we have 4 suffix, so it will choose random 4 times
      option: list
      # For example default name is "&aZombie Helmet"
      # When set this to false, name is "&aHelmet Zombie"
      prefix_to_suffix: true
        - LEATHER
        - CHAINMAIL
        - IRON
        - GOLDEN
        - DIAMOND
        - NETHERITE
        - HELMET
        - CHESTPLATE
        - LEGGINGS
        - BOOTS
    # If that's mob doesn't have a custom name
    # Item will take a custom name from this setting
    # to make a custom name for it
      LEATHER: "&8Leather"
      CHAINMAIL: "&7Chainmail"
      IRON: "&7Iron"
      GOLDEN: "&eGold"
      DIAMOND: "&bDiamond"
      NETHERITE: "&dNetherite"
      HELMET: "&aHelmet"
      CHESTPLATE: "&aChestplate"
      LEGGINGS: "&aLeggings"
      BOOTS: "&aBoots"