- Support 1.21.4.
- Added a new type of animation for animated-framed-captcha - Noise animation.
- Added support for coloring replacement text for pick-captcha.
- Added a small API to allow database management.
- Added new bstats database statistics.
- Fixed incorrect migration of user-sync-check option.
IMPORANT Update your plugins before running the proxy, to avoid possible bugs due to protocol changes.
What's new:
1. Support 1.21 (provided on discord since 13/06/24
2. The checks in the antibot have been slightly improved
3. Now the antibot expects a little more packets from the player;
4 The attributes check has been changed. Now it is an independent template in which you can separately configure blocking of a brand or player nicknames;
5. Improved license checking. Now the check has additional backup addresses just in case;
6. Improved fall check loading speed;
7. Added new default Turkish language (Special thanks to Texider);
8. Added the ability to configure packet limiter for geyser players;
1. Fixed possible client connection issue when connection to the filter;
2. Fixed possible empty trigger data in the BotAttackDetectedEvent;
3. Fixed broken fall-and-animated-hand-captcha;
4. Fixed the /antibot dump command which could generate incorrect reports;
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> discord.shieldcommunity.net
New features:
1. Implemented render layer text. Now you can specify any custom text and place it in any part of the captcha.
2. Added the ability to block certain versions of the game protocol in the antibot filter.
3. Added the ability to configure degrees for render layer rotation.
4. Added the ability to disable the use of generated code as an answer.
5. Improved glowing-circle animation for animated captchas.
1. Fixed a bug that caused incompatibility with some plugins.
2. Fixed render layer chance not working correctly.
3. Fixed font scaling for non-standard captcha sizes.
4. Fixed incorrect generation of glyphs for pick-captcha.
5. Fixed a situation where Query could stop working in some cases.
6. Fixed a bug due to which loading the proxy list from the database was duplicated many times in the logs.
7. Small performance improvements when serializing/deserializing text components.
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> discord.shieldcommunity.net
1. Added support for 1.20.5/1.20.6.
2. Added the ability to configure ignore transparent option for render layer group.
3. Added the ability to execute most nullcordx commands from the game.
4. Added render layer negative.
Now you can invert the colors of the image to achieve variety in the captcha.
6. Slightly improved proxy performance by using faster collections.
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> discord.shieldcommunity.net
Raised the minimum java version to 17 and update all dependencies that were required for java 17.This change will allow us to develop and update nullcordx more efficiently, as well as having the latest version of all necessary libraries.Compatibility with plugins written in java 8 and above will also remain, as newer versions of java are always backwards compatible with older ones.
Added the ability to cache license API result.You don't have to worry that our API might fail at the worst possible moment.If you run the proxy at least once, then even if the proxy cannot access the API license server, with the help of caching the proxy will still be able to run
Now that waterfall does not "update" what will you do? Very simple, waterfall has not been updated for years, except for bungeecord's own updates. NullCordX will continue with strong updates, as always.
Fixed and improved modern forge support
New features:
Added config migration. Now the configuration will be automatically migrated from old to new versions and you don't need to worry that some parameters were changed after updates.
Added chance render layer. You can now set a specific layer to have a rendering chance. This is useful if you want to diversify noise generation.
Added group render layer. Now you can specify your own individual layer groups, which will be rendered separately and combined into a single layer.
Added copy and paste render layer. Now you can copy the content of the previous layer under a specific ID and then paste the content with that ID anywhere as a separate layer. Very useful, for example, if you have a list of random images but you want to use a specific copy in the current rendering context.
Added the ability to trigger the mode under attack via /antibot trigger command. Compared to the /antibot toggle command, this command simulates the mode triggering as if the proxy actually detected the attack.
Added the ability to expect code for framed puzzle. It can be useful when you want the player to first restore the image, and then enter the code from the restored image
Updated libdeflate and added a new alternative compression - igzip. Igzip has a faster compression rate but slightly lower compression ratio compared to libdeflate, so it may be the preferred choice for captcha generation
Added the ability to configure compression type for cached packets and network compression. You can now separately specify what type of compression and what compression level will be used when decoding and encoding packets on the network and when generating cached antibot packets such as captcha
Added /antibot testcompression command.This command allows you to run a small performance test on all available compressors so you can see which one you should use
- Added the ability to send timeout time in the filter using the player's experience bar.
- Added the ability to reload permissions via /antibot reload command.
- Added the ability to configure max dirty captcha time.
- Added the ability to modify framed-captcha spawn distance.
- Added the ability to display antibot ping data in the logs.
- Added the ability to generate less than 2 glyphs for code generator
Added the ability to set answer prefix for captcha
Added the ability to set answer prefix for captcha.
Added the ability to download maxmind and proxylist databases from our servers.
Added the ability to block client brand by regex.
Added the ability to disable empty chat check.
Added the ability to configure sending of new captcha on fail.
Added the ability to random rotate background for glowing circle.
Added the ability to enable specific blocks for fall check.
Added the ability for the proxy update check on startup.
Added more blocks for fall check.
Added more config options for curve layer.
Added more flexibility to create examples for the arithmetic generator.
- Fixed missing description for reset-ping-on-complete option.
- Fixed missing update for TranslatableComponentSerializer.
- Fixed missing serialization of Adventure components in plain text.
- Fixed missing normalization of console commands input.
- Fixed timeout check in the filter.
- Fixed ProxyCheck.io risk check if ip was whitelisted.
- Fixed wrong placeholder for russian translation file.
- Fixed plugin compatibility (such as Protoclize) with motd cache mode 2.
- Fixed some memory consumption for windows when using compression.
- Fixed maxmind database loading behavior.
- Fixed incorrect reason for kick when exceeding packets or bytes per second.
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.shieldcommunity.net
New features:
- Added the ability to disable calling the garbage collector after generating a captcha.
- Added ability to specify frame sizes for framed captcha.
You can now specify an exact frame size instead of a size range.
- Added ability to limit plugin message amount in the filter.
- Added the ability to override the execution of a ping check after the check is completed.
- Added the ability to switch spam and ping attack.
Please note that this changes the message configuration for them, we recommend resetting the configuration or removing specific translation lines so that the proxy regenerates the correct lines.
- Now the filter will try to spawn the player to the center of the framed captcha correctly, even when the captcha is not symmetrical.
- The proxy has been updated to the latest version of BungeeCord.
- Fixed two serious memory leaks when generating and loading captcha from disk.
- Fixed increased RAM consumption when using fall check.
- Fixed file captcha cache calculation, which was broken in the last update.
- Fixed missing hex color for kick reason when connecting to a server.
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Added support for 1.20.3. (1.20.4 has the same protocol)
- Added a new rendering layer - colorize. Now you can paint a specific element any color, including even transparency.
Fixes from 3.8.1x
- Fixed false positives of fall checks for clients 1.12 and lower.
- Fixed captcha encoding for online mode
- Fixed dump command
- Now the generator will not throw an exception if no font is specified for the code generator
If you want higher mitigation you should check XDP firewall system
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.shieldcommunity.net
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
Fixes from 3.8.0x
- Fixed false positives of proxy check
- Fixed large heap memory allocation for captcha
- Fixed captcha generation when using large fonts
Implemented the ability to specify vertical mirroring for the mirror layer
By the way, we have a fork of Paper that you can purchase as an addon to this resource!
If you want higher mitigation you should check XDP firewall system
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.shieldcommunity.net
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
Big changes in configuration:
Migrated to a more updated configuration system from the Elytrium developers.
Loading and saving configuration should now be more faster and correct. -
From this moment on, the entire captcha configuration has now been divided into separate configuration files that are located in a separate captcha directory in the nullcordx directory.
In addition, each type of captcha is now configured separately, with the exception of render layers.
This means that you can now, for example, configure separate frame sizes for framed-captcha and animated-framed-captcha.
Most parameters are no longer shared. -
The structure of the translation configuration has been changed.
Added absolutely all translation strings from nullcordx. -
Added minimessage support for all string related configurations.
Now it's easy to create beautiful gradient or rainbow text in any message, including messages from bungeecord! -
Now for all configurations where you need to specify the path to files, the ability to specify a directory has been added.
The proxy will load all files in the directory. -
Added the ability to parse the subnet mask for IP addresses.
Now you can specify for example to include addresses from to in the list. -
Warning! There has been a bit of cleaning done on most configs, some options have been moved or merged, so please be sure to check out the configs and tweak them!
Loading old configurations may break existing configurations.
Don't forget to make a backup copy of your configurations to configure the new configuration the same way!
Captcha optimization and improvments:
Captcha generator has been optimized.
Now the captcha is generated 2 times faster and takes up almost 2 times less memory space. -
Added file cache for fonts.
Now the proxy will load much faster, since it will not have to redraw the fonts every time. -
The code generator is now a separate render layer.
The generator was divided into 3 types of layers - code, arithmetic and number spelling.
You can set up and use any of the generators or use them together in one captcha.
Or create a second template for the generator that only draws, for example, numbers with a certain font. -
Added 2 more default fonts - dialog and dialog-input.
Added the ability to make default fonts italic or bold.
Added random render layer.
It allows you to draw one of the layers specified in it randomly.
This can be useful, for example, for random render of code and arithmetic. -
Added the ability to use only the color palette from version 1.8 of the game.
By default, 4 color palettes are used for more accurate colors, but this captcha takes up some memory space.
Using only one palette can save almost 4 times memory space, however, image colors may be poor. -
Now the captcha generator will forcefully terminate its work when reloading nullcordx.
Antibot improvments:
Added the ability to configure any number of custom modes.
For example, you can create a mode called test which will contain only framed-captcha and then switch it with the command /antibot check custom false test (where false is whether to switch the mode for bedrock players)
Thus, you can create any modes in advance and switch their commands for different situations.
(Don't forget to enable custom mode with the /antibot toggle custom command so that the filter uses custom checks.) -
Added the ability to specify risks for proxy checks.
Added ASN check.
Now you can block the specified hosting providers from which bot attacks are usually carried out. -
Added a new proxy service - Vpn Api.
Now country and asn check will periodically update the database while the proxy server is running.
Motd improvments:
Added the ability to send the same game protocol for all versions.
Added ability to set online placeholders for custom motd.
Added protocolize support for motd cache type 2.
Other improvments or fixes:
Added more information about which components are loading during the nullcordx initialization process.
Added api for anti-proxy, anti-asn and anti-country.
Added info about dynamic dns updating.
Fixed sometimes wrong dithering for captcha.
Added ability to configure pooled or unpooled ByteBufAllocator for cached packets.
Fixed velocity forwarding mode.
Fixed guava and some other dependency relocation.
Added api to override isNeedCheck for antibot.
Added pagination for whitelist command.
Added /antibot banlist command with pagination.
Added HaProxyConnectionInitEvent event.
Fixed entity remove packet for 1.17 client.
Fixed wrong description and configuration for tcp fast open.
Fixed advanced ping check mode checking.
Added ability to disable PlayerHandshakeEvent event.
Added UserFailedCheckEvent event.
Added ability to hide server switching log.
Fixed /antibot servers reload command.
By the way, we have a fork of Paper that you can purchase as an addon to this resource!
If you want higher mitigation you should check XDP firewall system
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.shieldcommunity.net
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Implemented 1.20.2 support
- Updated upstream stuff and libraries
- Implemented fall and proxy check condition
- Fixed placeholder on wrong captcha message for Spanish translation
- Fixed slightly incorrect translation of the no-permission message for the Russian translation
- Fixed velocity forwarding for offline mode
- Fixed loading of glowing circle background for animated captcha
- Fixed allow state saving for proxy check if enabled DO_NOT_KICK_IF_ERROR
- Fixed loading of condition check. Now it will load recursively
- Fixed wrong width and height for cached captcha file loading/saving
If you want higher mitigation you should check XDP firewall system
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.shieldcommunity.net
Large update has been roled out ->
- Rewrited message system now it's possible depending on the settings of the game client, to display the desired translation (by default Spanish, english and Russian) however, you can add your own language and translate it or change the current one
- Updated upstream with some other changes
- Fixed and improved the feature of blocking the IP address when an exception occurs during an incoming connection
- Fixed plugins like FastLogin dependency by returning the unused field "stats"
- Fixed issue where bungeecord config could change server names to lower case
- Fixed incorrect "fall-and-hand-captcha" pass condition
- Fixed situation when "connect-to-filter only-on-attack" was enabled, the many check was triggered
- Fixed incorrect entity frame hitboxes for clients 1.12.2 and below
- Fixed null forward secret and null game version in waterfall.yml config which could lead to unexpected behavior
- Removed unnecessary decoding check when checking nickname length for dowstream connection
- Implemented the ability to specify the path to the file on the current host for the proxy scraper feature
- Now for geyser players, the fall check will always be simplified due hard-emulation for packet translation
- Now The /antibot cpu command will now show the amount of RAM used, including direct memory and heap memory
- Now you can specify at what specific type of exception to block the IP address
- Now the antibot will try to send all the necessary packets to the client improving even more vanilla-check
- Now the splash is more correctly replaced when entering a captcha message
- Improved Query handler replacing redundant cache with Caffeine
- Improved fall check added even more blocks and some other checks to new vanilla-bots
- Improved the API and some abstractions have been moved to other packages. Now it is possible to create and register your own anti-bot checks
- Improved Name blacklist by adding name-regex, and now this check is considered as a template and for it to work you need to add it to modes
- Modified the system of conditions for antibot templates has been rewritten.Templates can now, depending on the failure or success of the check, kick, finish, start the next check, or start any specified check. This allows you to flexibly configure in which situation what check the antibot should perform, depending on how the player passed it.
- The proxy is now loaded asynchronously on boot, which will allow much faster opening of a listening port for bungeecord without having to wait for all the nullcordx components to load. This also fixes the situation when after executing the command to restart, it was impossible to use any commands during the boot
- Added the ability to cache all images and gifs to disk for fast loading when the proxy is enabled
- Added the ability to adjust the quality of image resizing
- Added a more correct gif decoder for correct reading of any gif files
- Added the ability to complete the puzzle only when entering any message in the chat
- Added a command to add players to the cache of successfully passed players
- Added the ability to configure in which memory to store cached packets. The default is direct memory
- Added the ability to customize the game mode, hardcore mode and nickname in the tablist
- Added the ability to apply render layers for glowing circle background
- Added the ability to disable player caching when the "connect-to-filter-only-on-attack" mode is enabled
- Added the ability to randomly shift glyph height for captcha
- Added the ability to cache all types of captcha to disk .Now, between proxy restarts the captcha will not be regenerated, instead, the captcha will be loaded from disk
- Added ability to set trigger chance for render layer rotation
- Added render layer mirror
- Added the ability to turn debug mode on and off automatically during an attack
- Added attack end events on the API and modified it
- Added new pick-captcha (Most advanced anti-bot) system the principle is similar to recaptcha or hCaptcha, you need to click on all the images where an abstract object is displayed and then enter into the chat if there are none left. We're the first one adding this system, same like Framed-captcha
Please support us giving feedback and a proper review! This really helps out and makes us grow. This updates take a lot of time!
To avoid high performance attacks you should limit your concurrent connections and tune your kernel!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
(GEYSER "FIX" without disabling nothing)
Partially fixed the situation when the proxy kicked the player's geyser with the disable compression parameter enabled.
This still won't work for a filter because all packets for a filter are always cached and compressed.
If you store an uncompressed copy, the memory consumption will increase by at least 3 times, for this reason you still need to disable this option.
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.gg/HhFxScZWAT
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Implemented 1.20 support
- Implemented the ability to specify the path to the file on the current host for the proxy scraper feature
- Implemented new caching motd mode that theproxy will call ProxyPingEvent itself and store the result globally for some configurable time
- Improved messages for easier license information
- Fixed geyser support without modify configuration
- Fixed a bug due to which sometimes it was impossible to create a dump
- Fixed player kick messages if the player was kicked after checking on the filter when trying to connect to the server
- Fixed "connect-to-filter-only-on-attack" mode
- Fixed some throthle issues by increasing some settings
- Netty 4.1.93
Now geyser works without disabling "disable-compression" I recommend you to re-enable it for higher performance
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.gg/HhFxScZWAT
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Implemented configurable AntiProxy/AntiVPN system with custom proxy check service
- Added dump command. Now you can easily export all existing configs and other information and provide it to us if necessary
- Added the ability to set the maximum nickname length when decoding a packet
- Implemented all players by default on the filter have a levitation effect that will not allow them to switch flight mode during captcha
- Added transparent rendering layer for captcha. Now you can make some pictures translucent.
- Added ability to create render layer templates for captcha. Now you can create several identical layers but with different settings and draw captcha in different ways.
- Added the ability to create templates for antibot checks. For example, now you can create several fall checks but with different settings.
- Improved Ping check system + added some new ones
- Now live statistics show your current ping to the proxy
- Improved configuration system (Elytrium one) that includes configuration backups and fixeable settings
- Now country and proxy checks are templates. To use them, you need to add them to the modes in the correct order in the antibot.
- (Huge) Added check conditions for the antibot. Now you can configure whether the antibot should skip the check if the previous check failed or passed.
- Added the ability to set the chance of rotating frames for captcha puzzle
- Added the ability to block a player for a different amount of time, depending on how often he has failed the bot check lately and how exactly.
- Added the ability to disable saving data to the database
- Added the ability to configure external blacklist more flexibly. Now you can specify which specific commands and when should be executed when blocking the IP address
- Added ban command. The command does the same as the proxy when adding an IP address to the blacklist
- Added the ability to limit the number of players with the same ip addresses on the filter.
- Added ability to always apply offline uuid for all players.
- Fixed a rare situation where a proxy could connect the same players
- Fixed compatibility of built-in modules with other plugins
- Removed an invalid space if the statistics showed gigabytes
- Fixed a situation where a proxy could generate a captcha when it is clearly not used anywhere
- Fixed a situation where the player was not kicked if there was an error in the connection and the full-stracktraces mode was enabled
- Fixed situation when NullCordX-Bridge plugin could run on a proxy that is not NullCordX
- Fixed NullCordXApi.getInstance() returning null if NullCordXImpl instance was only loaded for the first time ever
- Fixed favicon not being temporarily removed from motd during a ping attack if some plugin always changed it via an event.
You will probably need to make a backup and reset your captcha.yml and antibot.yml configs to figure out how it all works again
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> [url]https://discord.gg/HhFxScZWAT[/url]
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Updated support to 1.19.4 (ON DISCORD 1.19.4 WAS ABAVIABLE FROM 14/03/22)
- Netty 4.1.89
This version is exactly same as 3.7.4 but with 1.19.4 support. The new version have's no ETA (but brings powerfull stuff)
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.gg/HhFxScZWAT
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
Every day we are the most advanced in the human filtration industry...
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Fixed lobby-kick feature (you must have a priority server configured)
- Add ability to hide error message to player on kick
- Improved packet-filtering, now it fixes all type of related-plugins issues
- Improved fall check debug messages
- Improve fall check debug messages
- Improved messages on license problems, it will say you exactly what happens
- Implement rotation layer for more flexible captcha's
- Implement render layer splitter for captcha
- Move message settings for console to config.yml
- Added ability to complete disable the anti-bot (only human layer-verifications)
- Added reverse replay cycle for animated captcha
- Added uptime info to cpu command on players/console
- Added glowing circle captcha rendering
- Added ability to sync users from database
- Added statistics reset command
- Added simple command framework for better proxy command handle. New permissions for commands:
- Add ability to configure timeout for initial connections
- Add ability to disable on ip change check in antibot
- Added statistics for the maximum number of connections per second
- Add a rotation layer that rotates only the whole image and not fragments
- Add ability to remove cached players (thanks to Lew_X for the idea)
- Added the ability to dynamically change the maximum amount of online for the cached motd
- Add ability to configure and disable hit platform for fall check
- Add ability to hide antibot logs if some configured attack detected
- Improved proxy scraper -> Added the ability to download and block a list of known proxy lists (You can add as you-want)
- Fall-check now works good with GeyserMC
- Slightly faster captcha generation
- Add more blocks to hit for fall check
- Add ability to disable favicon compression
- Add ability to unban ip addresses
- Add motd reload command
Thanks to the people that helped suggesting things for the update, now we are working to improve modern-fml support and other stuff :)
/nullcordx - nullcordx.player
/nullcordx help - nullcordx.player.help
/nullcordx stats - nullcordx.player.stats
/nullcordx default - nullcordx.player.livestats.default
/nullcordx cpu - nullcordx.player.livestats.cpu
/nullcordx network - nullcordx.player.livestats.network
/nullcordx upstream_network - nullcordx.player.livestats.upstream_network
/nullcordx downstream_network - nullcordx.player.livestats.downstream_network
All our updates are usually stable, you will not see more updates for a while (probably when 1.19.4 is released).
I recommend you to upgrade, it has already been tested by big servers and others.
All our updates are stable, you won't update too much so must
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.gg/HhFxScZWAT
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
Every day we are the most advanced in the human filtration industry...
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Added 1.19.3 support, totally tested
- Added the ability to change the maximum and minimum framed captcha size.
- Added forwarding system (This totally replaces the usage of BungeeGuard or similar!)
- Animated framed captcha are now more optimized and require less traffic
- Added the option to be kicked into the lobby in a backend crash
- Added on startup the used Java version and OS information
- Removed totally legacy-decoder from discard-handler
- Usage of Int2ObjectOpenHashMap and replace of Guava i.e
- Fixed problems with nLogin on UUID before PreLogin fires
- Added the option to make configurable the path of server-icon
- Fixed legacy Sponge/Forge support with ip_forwarding
- Added the option to reset titles on upstream-handler
- Add the ability to change live statics and add CPU live statics
- Improved live statistics, now you can view separately upstream and downstream network statistics and cpu statistics
- Now the color palette will be loaded into memory when it is required to generate a captcha, saving somewhere around 64 MB of memory
- Slightly speed up captcha generation by pre-rendering fonts
- Used ForkJoinPool when loading nullcordx components to use all CPU cores to speed up proxy loading
- Added the ability to fully customize the arithmetic code generator for captcha
- Added StaticManagers API for NullCordX
- Fixed custom ReconnectHandler (wasn't saving locations)
- Updated netty to latest (Released yesterday)
- Added api to get mapdata packets and holders of all types of captcha
- Added animated framed puzzle
Added manual protection mode
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.gg/HhFxScZWAT
On top of that, 1.19.3 was pre-released on the discord (same day as released), if you're a buyer join!
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Add the possibility of very flexible captcha settings. Now you can customize the rendering layers and change the appearance of the captcha to your taste
- Implemented Fast-fall check for large networks (2-3s verification)
- Improved fall check, now bots need to process the correct fall on solid blocks
- Added the ability to use dithering in captcha
- Add ability to use multiple gifs for captcha
- Add ability to reverse animation for gifs
- Live statistics now show current network usage (IO-in/out)
- Now built-in modules from Waterfall are plugins and are loaded as usual. You can disable them in the config.yml
- Fix missing action bar for <=1.10 clients in filter
- Fix bug when live stats sends a gigantic amount of action bar packets
- Fix server list loading, add ability to load servers using ranges and add command "greloadservers" to reload servers list from config
- Now exception "Team %s already exists in this scoreboard" always suppressed.
- Changed some debug flags (-Dshieldcommunity.packet-decode-logging)
- Removed useless Pipeline stacktrace information & Fix legacy-decoder leak
If you have any question or problem hit us on -> https://discord.gg/HhFxScZWAT
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more sockets.
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Now NullCordX uses Caffeine for cache-handling (Improved by a lot performance for cached-utils)
- Fixed decoder exception when it catchs it, i forgot to release the buffer.
- Added arithmetic captcha, you can enable it on your configuration.
- Added number-spelling captcha (Like hello123)
- Added framed-puzzle check (No captcha) you need to rotate frames
- Text height in captcha is now always different to increase the difficult for tensorflow AI
- Now all the captcha answer checks are using equalsIgnoreCase
- Fix and implement frame rotations for animated framed captcha
Fix 8-bit background colors (for all versions)
Improve captcha generation speed a bit using ForjJoinPool and fast random
Add cooldown for frame rotations
Add the ability to disable versions using a range, ej (47-760)
Add noises generator for captcha to make harder for AI
Attempt to fix anti knock back for <1.15 versions
Improve live statistics using less symbols (the actionbar)
Added the option to disable ClientConnectionEvent (ConnectionInitEvent is already configurable)
Remember to reset antibot.yml & config.yml for running this version
If you like your work, don't forget to give us your feedback it really helps out, if you need support join our discord!
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more attacks
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Added framed captcha (Like google/discord captcha), also works with animated gifs
- Added more colours for captcha.yml
- Update upstream (Waterfall)Waterfall
- Improved unframed-connections detection
- Improved captcha generation, now only will regen for verified players
- Added a UserCheckedSuccessfullyEvent that only fires when the player has successfully passed the check
- Fixed compatibility with sodium (configurable)
This update needs a reset of antibot.yml and config.yml to work properly
On top of that, review us if you liked our work, it really helps.
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more attacks
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Fix memory usage when packet caching with MOTD
- Fix StatusRequest packet (broke by a change on the protocol)
On top of that, review us if you liked our work, it really helps.
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more attacks
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Captcha generation speed up (fixed problem with closing libdeflate which slowed down generation)
- Updated libdeflate + netty workers
- Added detection of spam attacks (attacks that do not complete the handshake process to the end)
- Removed support for pings below 1.7 versions (super-legacy)
- Added the ability to disable connections for certain versions of the client (configurable)
- Added information about the number of open connections to the statistics
- Added ability to create captchas with animated background (gif-only)
- The check system for a bot has been rewritten, now you can specify several checks in a row at once
- Added the ability to change the player's spawn point, the slot in which the captcha will be placed and the time on the filter
- Implemented new FlushConsolidationHandler (https://github.com/SpigotMC/BungeeCord/pull/3393)
- Improve malicious username detection on protocol
- Verify if status response is null and cache the exception
Please, remember to reset your antibot.yml and motd.yml configuration or migth a warning will spam your console.
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more attacks
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out ->
- Added a bridge internal "plugin" for fully support of geyser + bStats metrics.
- Added configurable packet-limit on the main filter (Configurable)
- Added ability to disable ConnectionInitEvent of Waterfall to avoid performance-break under huge attacks
- Added API for developers, to get instance use #NullCordXApi.getInstance(), also you can use the triggered BotAttackDetectedEvent and PingAttackDetectedEvent
- Fixed compatibility with most plugins and moved all nullcordx dependencies to libs directory
- Improved the way to handle legit connections, so plugins with rate-limit will not reach by ddos attacks
- Re-implemented country blacklist (Better way)
- Re-implemented name-blacklist to avoid spam of typical botters
- Improved action-bar information (such as pings, total, more specify attacks)
- Improved pipeline-handlers such as compressors
- Better underAttack detection, added "debug" logs to know when stars and when stops
- Better typo & information on the configuration for new people
- The logic of connecting to the filter has been redesigned. Now, by default, after passing a successful check on the bot, the player is asked to reconnect to the server.
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more attacks
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out, and hooks on performance ->
- Added a performant MOTD system with Hex support, cached-motd and favicon compression support (motd.yml)
- Added option to make "captcha" times configurable
- Improved some internal stuff on the source
- Fully replaced proxy exceptions for our custom e-manager
- Fixed & improved geyser-hook for antibot
- Splited anti-bot settings of "config.yml" to "antibot.yml"
- Optimizied fully compressor, such as combining with the field prepender, adding a handler for ready-made to sent instantly
Due a lot of botters are in way be ensure to have root to protect you low layer with iptables!
Also, remember to increase socket files-limit, so you can absorb more attacks
A new update of NullCordX has been rolled out, and hooks on performance ->
- Added a performant MOTD system with Hex support, cached-motd and favicon compression support (motd.yml)
- Added option to make "captcha" times configurable
- Improved some internal stuff on the source O_o
- Fully replaced proxy exceptions for our custom e-manager
- Fixed & improved geyser-hook for antibot
- Splited anti-bot settings of "config.yml" to "antibot.yml"
- Optimizied fully compressor, such as combining with the field prepender, adding a handler for ready-made to sent instantly