Customize Global Cooldown: Adjust the cooldown time to your preference for seamless usage.
Toggle Sound Effects: Easily set your preferred sound for the grappling hook and switch it on or off as desired.
Craft with Emeralds: Limit who can craft it using permission(s), or fully disable the module altogether.
Flexible Usage Settings: Choose default uses for players or disable the module altogether, with the option readily available in the default enabled config.yml.
Commands: [Aliases: /gh or /hook]
  • /grapplinghook give <player> <optional number | or use 'random'>: Use this command to grant players a grappling hook. You can also specify the number of hooks (overriding the default from config.yml). The random min and max can be set in config.yml.
  • /grapplinghook reload: Reload the plugin to apply any changes made to the configuration.
  • /grapplinghook set <velocity/cooldown> <number>: Adjust the velocity or cooldown of the grappling hook using this command.
  • gh.admin: Gain access to ALL features of the grappling hook plugin.
  • gh.player: Obtain permission to use the grappling hook.
  • gh.craft: Get access to craft the grappling hook.
  • gh.bypass.cooldown: Bypass the cooldown restrictions. This privilege is granted to OPs and gh.admin users as well.
Feel free to share your thoughts and questions about the plugin. Happy grappling!