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PermissionHealth lets you change all that just add the permissions node to the group, class, race or faction. Anything works!

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Ever wanted to make a RPG server and have each class have it's own HP, like a tank that has 40 health or an archer with 15 health? Well, now you can!

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Custom Health Settings for groups, classes, factions, races, you name it. Anything that supports permissions. Besides being easy to use, it's also lightweight, comes with custom permission nodes and even the ability to change everything in-game!

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# Limitations:
# The minimum amount of health is 3
# The Maximum amount of health is 10000
# May you ignore the warnings above, the plugin might not function like it should.
# HealthRegainScale examples:
# false: default (vanilla) Minecraft regain: 1 health per every 4 seconds for 20 health
# true: every 20 health 1 regain is added so 40 health would regain 2 every 4 sec, and so on based on 20 health.
# 20 health = 1
# 40 health = 2
# 500 health = 13
# 9999 health = 240
# This affects your natural regeneration rate, meaning that it only affects you if you're not hungry.
healthRegainScale: false

# Default amount of health
defaultHealth: 20

# Health applied to operators
operatorHealth: 20

# Add new permission nodes here - give player permissionhealth.<name> permission
    example1: 20
    knight: 50
    racename: 80
    knight: 200 # everyone with the permissionhealth.knight permission would get 200 health points
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<> = mandatory arguments || [] = optional arguments
/ph - Main Command
/ph help - Help command (this)
/ph reload (/phr) - Reload the config
/ph hp [player] - View a player's current and max health
/ph heal [player] (/phh) - Heal a player (or yourself)
/ph add <node> <health_value>
/ph update <node> <health_value>
Aliases: [phh, phr, pha, phu, php, pheal]

Note: operatorHealth and defaultHealth must be changed from within the configuration file. There is no command for them yet. Same goes for healthRegainScale.

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Permissions are unlimited but need to start with "permissionheal.", e.g.:

Any dot in the permission name is replaced with an underscore.
When you're in-game and type /ph add level.1 30, it will turn out like so:

May you be using inheritance with permissionhealth, you must set the node to negative if you don't want to be in that group.
    default: false
    - permissionhealth.test_1
    - phadmin.showhp
    - ''
    default: false
    - -permissionhealth.test_1
    - permissionhealth.test_2
    - Tank

Removal Instructions
Before removing the plugin, make sure nobody is online. This ensures that everybody's health is set to 20. You can then remove the plugin.
NOTE: When players join the server, they'll be in god mode (temporary). To get them out, affect their health by healing them!

Known Conflicts
  • PermissionHealth may have conflict with plugins that display ASCII HP-bars. If it's a chat display of health, they may cause spam to you and your users.
  • PermissionHealth may conflict with plugins that set your max health. Other Plugins that allow you to set your health will no longer work due to events that are used to maintain health from staying or bring abused.*
*Events are that set that health to the configure amount are PlayerJoinEvent & InventoryCloseEvent (InventoryCloseEvent was implemented so health would be updated if a player gained a new permission node or guest health was changed ingame.). PlayerKickEvent & PlayerQuitEvent set the player's health to 20 health. This is so plugin is removed while the player is offline, the player does not keep the health they obtained from the plugin once they come back online.