This plugin allows server owners to issue time-based permission/rank to players. Time-based permissions/rank can be used as
  • voting rewards (any servers in general)
  • PVP rewards (PvP, Faction, KitPvP servers)
  • mining rewards (Prison Servers), etc.

The time-based permission/rank will automatically expire after the duration specified at the time of issuing the permission/rank.  You can use any existing permission nodes /ranks with this plugin to make them time-based. You can also specify whether the time is counted only while a player is online or even when they are offline.

Doesn't permission plugin like PermissionsEx have timer feature?
Yes, and if it's working for you, you would not need this plugin.  However, if it's not working as you wanted or if your permission plugin does not have timer-based permission/rank feature, this plugin is for you.

With this plugin, even if the server shuts down/restart/crash, timer information is still kept safe and when the server resumes the timer will resume counting down.  Also, the timer will be monitored for offline players too. And expired permissions/ranks are re-checked at the time of player login to make sure they are indeed expired.

Test Server: 
  • Please contact me to get test server information.

  • /ptimer help : displays a help menu
  • /ptimer reload : reloads the config.yml
  • /ptimer info [name] : Display your (or [name]'s) time-based permissions.
  • /ptimer give <name> <common-perm-name|rank> [perm[img=18x18]styles/default/xenforo/clear.png[/img]ermission-node] [time:duration] [world:worldname] [online:{true|false}]: Gives <name> a permission <common-perm-name> or a rank <rank>.  If [node] and [duration] are not specified, the <common-perm-name|rank> specified in the config.yml will be used.  If a player already has a specified timed-permission, the specified time will be added to the existing time.
  • /ptimer remove <name> <common-perm-name | rank> : Removes the permission <common-perm-name> or the rank <rank> from <name>.
  • /ptimer giveaway <name> <common-perm-name | rank> : Stop the timer for this particular permission|rank and give it to the player.

  • permissiontimer, ptimer

  • permissiontimer.reload : allows you to use /ptimer reload
  • allows you to use /ptimer info  command
  • permissiontimer.admin: allows you to use /ptimer give and remove command

You can customise
  • common name of a permission node, for instance "fly" for "",
  • limit the number of times a player can use a permission,
  • duration/expiration of a permission,
  • messages for each permission given/removed.
in the

Put PermissionTimer.jar in the plugins folder.

Vault (you need this to interface PermissionTimer and your permission plugin)

Example Usage:
  • /ptimer give TestUser fly time:10m
    will give the user "TestUser" the Essential permission "" for 10 minutes.
  • /ptimer give TestUser VIP time:1d
    will give the user "TestUser" the "VIP" rank for 1 day.