PixieJumpPads is a great and simple way to add jump pads to your server, each jump pad you create can have a different launch force, sound, and particle! Each jump pad can be edited even after you create it directly from in-game, so there's no need to worry about messing with config files.

Customizable JumpPads
- Disable fall damage.
- Per jump pad customization.
Sounds and particles on activation.
90% of messages are customizable.

Discord: https://discord.gg/hAhZ4GqDmE
Docs: https://docs.pixievice.net/
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/pixiejumppads.95784/

- You are not allowed to redistribute this plugin as your own.
- Do not use review section to report bugs, we have a Discord for support.
- I am allowed to change these terms whenever I feel like it.