If you wish to use placeholders which are too long to fit in a sign's single line, use the 'set' command.
- /papisign [help] : displays the help menu.
- /papisign reload : reloads this config file.
- /papisign set <line number> <displayed string> <papi placeholder(s)> : sets the <papi placeholders> to the specified <line number> of the sign you're looking at.
- papisign.reload : allows you to use the reload command.
- papisign.set : allows you to use the set command.
- Install PlaceholderAPI.
- Place PAPISign.jar in your plugins folder.
- to create a MineResetLite's mine sign:
- 0th line was set using a sign's GUI.
- /papisign set 1 blocks_mined &b%mineresetlite_A_blocks_mined% &rmined
- /papisign set 2 blocks_%_mined &b%mineresetlite_A_percentage_mined%&r% mined
- /papisign set 3 reset Resets @ &c%mineresetlite_A_percentage%&r%
(a) using PAPISign (b) using PAPISignLite
(a) using PAPISign (b) using PAPISignLite