Note: The price of the resource pack will continue to increase due to the change from static texture to dynamic texture

Cool gamer games make your server richer. The overall title style is medieval, where you can experience the presence of medieval professions.

Courses included include:

  • Jack
  • viscount
  • Count
  • marquis
  • duke
  • Grand duke
  • The king
  • Emperor

All textures are 256x256 pixels in size, with a total of 9 textures

There are two versions of these titles, one in English and the other in Chinese. If you need to change the version, open the YAML file in the config folder, change each path in the directory to en_us or zh_cn, and then execute the command /iazip


Please don't ask me if I support the Oraxen plugin. My answer was that I wouldn't support it because I didn't know about it or use it. I only used the ItemsAdder plugin


How to install:

  1. Decompressing the package
  2. Add a file based on the file name
  3. Be sure to delete the ItemsAdder/storage/font_images_unicode_cache.yml file before installation
  4. After completing the previous steps, type /iazip in the console

Resource Toolkit Terms of Service:

  1. You may not redistribute the resource Pack in any form and we will take legal action against you
  2. You may not share any images in this package or any images within it and we will take legal action against you as a result
  3. You may not take the resource kit for yourself
  4. You can only use this package on the server
  5. I can change the price of the package at any time