MySQL Support

You can enable reward system in config

Commands - Permissions
/playtime - none
/playtime leaderboard - playtime.leaderboard
/playtime view <player> - playtime.view
/playtime reload - playtime.admin

Documentation link

Placeholder availables
%playtime_days% - return days counts of player
%playtime_hours% - return hours counts of player
%playtime_minutes% - return minutes counts of player
%playtime_seconds% - return seconds counts of player
%playtime_leaderboard_<1-10>_name% - return player name of that position
%playtime_leaderboard_<1-10>_format% - return playtime of that position
%playtime_is_afk% - return true/false if player is afk
%playtime_join% - return player join date
%playtime_join_<SimpleDateFormat>% - return player join date with date formated
%playtime_days_all% - return all days counts of player
%playtime_hours_all% - return all hours counts of player
%playtime_minutes_all% - return all minutes counts of player
%playtime_seconds_all% - return all seconds counts of player

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