![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F5wiJMda.png)
~Graphic by Sooshio
QualityArmory adds guns into Minecraft without affecting the base game. Over 100+ items have been added to the game.
[!] I will not respond to bug fixes in the review section.[!]
If you are experiencing a problem with QA, please report this issue in the Discussions tab or the Github page, including any errors you recieve and whether you tried it on a clean server (with no other plugins installed). I will not respond to issues in the review section, so don't use it as a way to try to get faster responses.
- Adds over 80+ Weapons, and 7+ Ammo Types.
- Does not replace existing items in the game.
- Built-in resoucepack distributor; players will see the guns without you needing to change your server resoucepack.
- Includes an API to allow other plugins to add guns
- Supports 1.9 - 1.16
- 1.8 has partial support-Due to the way this update handled textures, there are currently only 15 guns. More may be added if I can find a work around.
- If LightAPI is installed, guns will have muzzle flashes.
- [Optional] Enabled weapon durability (EnableWeaponDurability in the config.yml)
- Built in shop and crafting table.
- Fully Configurable. (Here's the wiki for all the configurable options:
The resourcepack is included in the core plugin, and can be configured in the config if needed:
By default, the resourcepack is sent when the player uses a /qa command, or when they interact with a custom item. These values are configurable in the config; The resourcepack can be disabled (useDefaultResourcepack), can be set to be sent when the player joins (sendOnJoin), or can even be overriden with a custom resourcepack (setting DefaultResourcepackOverride to true(so that QA knows its a custom url), and DefaultResourcepack to the URL of the resourcepack)
Crackshot support/conversion:
QualityArmory now supports crackshot weapons conversions. Drop the weapon configs for crackshot in the /newguns/ directory and reload to have QA convert the weapons. All crackshot weapons will now have a corresponding yml file for QA.
ViaVersion/1.8 support:
Since 1.8 does not allow multiple models per item, each gun needs to replace an item for this update. To get around this, if 1.8 is detected or if the server runs ViaVersion, a new system is implemented to work with 1.8. However, this limits the amount of weapons available.
When it comes to viaversion, by default, the system is in place which allows 1.9+ users to see all of the guns, but will limit the guns used by 1.8 players. In certain cases, 1.8 players will only see a single model for all of the 1.9+ guns, or it may have the weapon converted into an item that 1.8 players can see/use. If you wish for 1.8 weapons to be consistent across all versions, set "ManuallyOverrideTo_1_8_systems" to true in the config and delete the /newguns/, /armor/, /ammo/, /misc/ and /attachments/ directories.
- /QA give <Gun/Ammo>, gives the player the item if they have permission "qualityarmory.give"
- /QA craft, allows players to be able to craft guns if they have permission "qualityarmory.craft"
- /QA shop, allows players to open up the gun shops if they have permission "qualityarmory.shop"
- /QA reload, reloads all of the values for the plugin.
Creating custom guns is as easy as Crackshot. To learn how to create new guns, visit the Wiki HERE.
Also note that if you want to change any of the settings for any of the default guns, you will need to set "allowUserModifications" to true. This setting lets QA know that it should not try to update these files if there are any changes.
There is a known conflict with EssentialsX, as it has a value to make players invulnerable after teleporting. However, it also stops damage for players who get shot at. To fix this, change teleport_vulnerability from 4 to 0 in the EssentialsX config.
Plugins that support QualityArmory:
- MythicMobs
- Battle Royale
- BattleGrounds
- Withered
- [Support for other plugins can be added upon request]
Plugins that QualityArmory soft-depends on:
- LightAPI: Used for muzzle flashses when guns are used. [Not required]
- Parties: Used to disable friendly fire. [Not required]
- ProtocolLib: Used to smoothly change player's Yaw for recoil when guns are used [not required.]
- Vault: Used for the weapon shop. [Not required]
- ViaVersion: QuialityArmory has ViaVersion support that allows players from different minecraft updates to see the same models. [Not Required]
- ItemBridge: This plugin allows other plugins to access QualityArmory items if they support that plugin.
- qualityarmory.*
- Inherits qualityarmory.admin
- qualityarmory.admin
- qualityarmory.give
- qualityarmory.create
- qualityarmory.reload
- qualityarmory.createnewitem
- qualityarmory.getmaterialused
- qualityarmory.debugmessages
- qualityarmory.getopengunslot
- Inherits quailityarmory.default
- qualityarmory.default
- qualityarmory.craft
- qualityarmory.shop
- qualityarmory.usegun
You can view the API and how to use it here:
If you want to support me in maintaining this plugin, you can do so through Ko-fi:
How to Install
- Drop this plugin into you plugins folder
- Restart your server