This addon requires Ultimate Clans 8.4.0+
UNDER TEST | Requires Minecraft 1.15+
Addon of: ⚔ Ultimate Clans ⚔ | Take your server to a higher level
Quest Addon adds quests for clans. There are two types of quests: Daily quests and quests that can only be done once per clan. Rewards options have also been changed and can now add EXP, Money, Commands or Clan Points.
The menus were also recreated
This addon must be installed in the folder "/plugins/UltimateClans/addons/"
/clan quest - Expand quest commands
/clan quest list (-gui) - List quests
/clan quest status - See quest status
/clan quest start - Start a quest
/clan quest abandon - Abandon a quest in progress
This addon does not contain additional commands.
Admin Commands:
/clanquest help - Show help menu
/clanquest addpoint <mission> <player> <amount> - Add points to player missions.
/clanquest reload - Reload settings
Types of Quests:
MythicMobs (free or paid) - Optional.
LevelledMobs - Optional.
CMI - Optional.