Rank and Badges are made and tested using ItemsAdders.
Read everything before buying! Currently only support ItemsAdder for textures.
Tested in Paper 1.20.1
Read everything before buying! Currently only support ItemsAdder for textures.
Build, Skin, Config, and "Player" Icon are not included within purchase, they serve only for showcase purposes
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Includes in this Pack:
26 Unique Rank Icon
26 Unique Rank Badges
ItemsAdders Configuration (Drag & Drops)
Guide How to use it with ItemsAdders.
Installation Guide:
- Unzip the file
- Drag & Drop ItemsAdder folder to your server plugin directory.
- Reload your itemsAdder using command /iazip > iareload > iatextures
How to use it:
- After finishing the installation you can diretly use the icon. You can search every icon using command [/emoji].
- You can use :{rankname}: to show the icon. For example :initiate: it will show Initiate rank icon.
- If you planing to show the rank using scoreboard or tab you can use %img_rankname%. For example %img_initiate% it will show Initiate rank icon.
- You can get the icon as items badge using /ia
If you have question regarding to this pack you can join Orion Studi Discord