
The most unique Spigot protection plugin on the market!
Against (Netty-)CrasherVPNsExploitsHacked-Crash-Items, and Ping/Bot-Attacks!



RayzsShield is a highly advanced, ad-free, and customizable Minecraft security plugin with a lot of extra features.
This plugin protects your server against (Netty-)Crashers, VPNs, Exploits, Hacked-Crash-Items, and Ping/Bot-Attacks!
It's easy to configure and works for every Minecraft spigot server version between 1.8-1.12 & 1.14-1.19!

A lot of servers are already trusting in RayzsShield! ^^
Here is a small statistic from bStats:




Included features:
Many in-game commands to manage the plugin!
You can replace /rs with something like #anticrash to personalize the plugin to your own! This can be changed in the plugins/RayzsShield/messages.yml at messages.admin.command!
[permission: rayzsshield.admin]
For each command, the permission is: (it should be self-explainable)

Get an in-game notification when someone tries to crash the server!
You can toggle receiving notifications with this command:
/rs notify [permission: rayzsshield.admin.notify]

Get notified via a discord-webhook notification when someone tried to crash the server!

This is what the player sees:
You can change the kick-message in the messages.yml under messages.alert.kickplayer.message!

Execute a command through the server console after the player tries to lag/crash the server:


Toggle checks and reload the plugin in a GUI!
To open this GUI you need to execute this command:
/rs gui [permission: rayzsshield.admin.gui]


Get an in-game actionbar for small statistics when someone is botting/spam-pinging your server.
You can toggle receiving the actionbar with this command:
/rs verbose [permission: rayzsshield.admin.verbose]


You can disguise the plugin to pretend it's something else or completely vanish it from the server. (/pl, /plugins)
To vanish the plugin from the plugin list, you need to enable the option: to hide

The extra-feature Backfire means, that the player receives a message after he tried to crash the server:


To detect and fix new crasher/ping-exploits RayzsShield includes a PacketLogger!
If your server got crashed and you have enabled the PacketLogger, you can send this file to me and I can fix this crasher easily:

For those who want to create a test server with RayzsShield:

Almost EVERYTHING is configurable!


All permissions:

Action / Command Permission Function / Description
Everything rayzsshield.* Gain all permissions of RayzsShield
Bypass permission for the CrashCommand-Check rayzsshield.admin.join Get notified about new updates or other important broadcasts/alerts after joining the server
Bypass permission for the CrashCommand-Check rayzsshield.bypass.command Execute blocked commands which would lead the server to a lag/crash (e.g. in WorldEdit or PermissionsEx or Multiverse-Core)
Bypass permission for the IllegalTabCompletion-Check Tab blocked commands which would lead the server to a lag/crash (e.g. in FAWE)
/rs rayzsshield.admin See all available RayzsShield commands
/rs tps rayzsshield.admin.tps See the current TPS in real-time
/rs verbose rayzsshield.admin.verbose Toggle the connection stats.
Good for the Ping/Bot-Attacks statistics
/rs notify rayzsshield.admin.notify Toggle to receive notifications/alerts when someone failed to crash the server
/rs gui rayzsshield.admin.gui Open the GUI to toggle the checks, reload the plugin or see small statistics about how many people already failed to crash the server
/rs debug rayzsshield.admin.debug Generate a URL to see the current InGameLogs
/rs reload rayzsshield.admin.reload Reload the configurations of the plugin

Developer API:

// Import for the ShieldPlayer class [Includes the Player and the Channel to work with]
import de.rayzs.shield.api.player.ShieldPlayer;

// Import for the CustomChannel class [Includes the Channel, the pipeline and the address]

// Imports for the Packet-Simplifiers [InGame]
import de.rayzs.shield.utils.simplifier.player.PlayerByteSimplifier;
import de.rayzs.shield.utils.simplifier.player.PlayerPacketSimplifier;
import de.rayzs.shield.utils.simplifier.player.PlayerByteSimplifier;

// Imports for the Packet-Simplifiers [OutGame]
import de.rayzs.shield.utils.simplifier.server.ServerPacketSimplifier;
import de.rayzs.shield.utils.simplifier.server.ServerBytesSimplifier;

// Imports for your own checks
import de.rayzs.shield.plugin.bukkit.check.CheckManager;
import de.rayzs.shield.plugin.bukkit.check.CheckAbstract;

// Imports to work with the player who got detected [Trying to crash/lag the server]
import de.rayzs.shield.plugin.bukkit.detect.DetectListener;
import de.rayzs.shield.plugin.bukkit.detect.DetectManager;

// Register an Event after someone got detected trying to crash your server
DetectManager.register(new DetectListener() {
    public Message messageType() {
        return Message.ALERT_PLAYER_INPUT_INVALID;

    public void execute(ShieldPlayer shieldPlayer, CustomChannel channel) {
        Player player = shieldPlayer.getPlayer();
        System.out.println(player.getName() + " got kicked for an invalid packet input! [" + channel.remoteAddress() + "]");

// Register an Event to receive an incoming packet to create your own InGame-checks
CheckManager.register(new CheckAbstract() {
    public Type type() {

    public boolean isForced() { return false; } // Should be enabled everytime?

    public boolean shouldBlocked(Object... obj) {
        PlayerPacketSimplifier simplifier = new PlayerPacketSimplifier(obj); // This simplifier is the CheckType PLAYER_PACKET
        // If you're using the CheckType PACKET_BYTE, you have to use the PlayerByteSimplifier!
        // e.g: PlayerByteSimplifier simplifier = new PlayerByteSimplifier(obj);
        Player player = simplifier.getPlayer();
        Object packetObj = simplifier.getPacketObject();
        CustomChannel channel = simplifier.getChannel();
        List<Object> list = simplifier.getList();

if(packet == evil) return true; // Block packet if it's evil
        else return false; // Ignore packet (Letting it through the other checks)

// Register an Event to receive an incoming packet to create your own OutGame-checks
CheckManager.register(new CheckAbstract() {
    public Type type() {
        return Type.SERVER_PACKET; // SERVER_BYTE, SERVER_REGISTER = when a channel is connected to the server

    public boolean isForced() { return false; } // Should be enabled anytime?

    public boolean shouldBlocked(Object... obj) {
        ServerPacketSimplifier simplifier = new ServerPacketSimplifier(obj); // This simplifier is the CheckType SERVER_PACKET
        // If you're using the CheckType SERVER_BYTE, you have to use the ServerByteSimplifier!
        // e.g: ServerByteSimplifier simplifier = new ServerByteSimplifier(obj);
        Object packetObj = simplifier.getPacketObject();
        CustomChannel channel = simplifier.getChannel();
        List<Object> list = simplifier.getList();

if(packet == evil) return true; // Block packet if it's evil
        else return false; // Ignore packet (Letting it through the other checks)






Why are the features not working? (e.g: GUI isn't opening)
It's because you haven't put your license key in the config.yml!
Without the license key, all Premium-Features are deactivated and you're using the lite version of RayzsShield without it.
To get your license key please join my discord server and ask for your license key! I will ask you to prove your purchase by asking for your PayPal transaction and your BuiltByBit-Username. After this process, you'll get your license key as fast as possible!


Why does it not block any Bots/Ping-Attacks?
Of course, you'll have to enable those features by yourself in the config.yml under "checks.server.TCPFlood|AntiBot".
TCPFlood = AntiNullPing
AntiBot = AntiBot & AntiVPN (you have to enable the module "antivpn" as well if you want to use the VPN-Detection!)


I have a bug or suggestion!
Please join my discord server for things like this.
I LOVE to improve RayzsShield and for that, I need YOUR opinion!
So please don't be shy and tell me what you don't like about RayzsShield and how I can improve this. This would help me a lot!



How to enable RayzsShield-Premium after purchase
All RayzsShield-Premium features will only work when you insert the license key!
Here are a few steps:

⌲ Join my discord server.

⌲ Create a Ticket and send your Paypal transaction & your Username in this channel.
⌲ Wait until your license key is ready. (Can take up to 24 hours)
⌲ Insert the license key in the config.yml under "license: insert-key-here"
⌲ Restart the server to load the configuration file fully.


[!] Make sure that your server has a stable internet connection!
RayzsShield is connecting to my webserver ( to check your license key and for new updates.

This website is not collecting any data on purpose but it might be that the hosting provider or CloudFlare
is using information like the IP address or the user agent of the web connection!



Of course, you can suggest new features on my discord server so that I can improve the plugin.
I do not guarantee to add every suggestion I get!



Small information

This is the Premium version of this plugin and includes a lot of extra features!

If you want to be protected but don't wanna pay for it, you can use the lite version of RayzsShield for free!

(not available yet)


But why did I make a lite version of RayzsShield which is free to use?

The main reason for RayzsShield was to be a plugin that gives the player default protection against crashers. But most of those plugins are just paid (too expensive) or completely bad/poorly coded.

With this plugin, I want to help everyone else here who hasn't enough money to afford a basic-protection plugin. (like me 3 years ago)

This Premium-Ressource does only have a lot of extra features which the lite-version doesn't have!



Reviews on BuiltByBit

Proof of ownership








Terms Of Service (TOS)
⌲ It could take up to 24 hours to give you your License-key. Please be patient!
⌲ RayzsShield isn't able to fix TPS drops caused by other plugins!
⌲ You won't get a refund after purchasing this plugin!
⌲ You are not allowed to give RayzsShield-Premium to other people or make it public!
⌲ You are not allowed to share your License key! If you share your License key, it will be deleted instantly!
⌲ I (the developer) do not guarantee a 24/7 uptime of the License-Servers. Please be patient when the servers are offline.
⌲ Be advised that this project can end every time and anytime!

By purchasing RayzsShield-Premium you fully agree with all points I've listed above!
Be advised that breaking one of these TOS rules could lead to an instant deletion of your license key without any warning!