
What is ReviveMe?

  •  It is a plugin that will give second chances when you are about to die!
  • When you are killed you will not die. you will change your status to "Down" and you will be able to move in the world freely but when your time is up you will die
  • Ask a friend to revive you before you die.
  • If you are the enemy you can open his inventory and steal what is necessary, you will not have to take all the junk items from his inv, just select the best ones!
  • You can also revive them by crouching close to them and everything is completely customizable!

How does revive me work?

  • Revive Me cancels the damage that would cause him to die and changes him to the downed state. after that you will have a countdown to die, if you are not revived before the time you will simply die.
    you can simply surrender by holding down "crouch".
    They can also lift you on their head by pressing left click on the injured


How to install it?

  • Drag the jar file into your plugins folder
  • restart server or load plugin with plugman
  • Ready! now just have fun


Depends on other plugins?

  • No. it does not need another plugin to work
  • You can use other plugins compatible with it, for example Citizens. With this plugin you can knock down or revive an NPC.

List of currently supported plugins.

  1. Citizens
  2. CrackShot
  3. PlaceHolderApi
  4. QualityArmory
  5. Vault
  6. WorldGuard
  7. Vulcan

Any other compatibility you need will be added. you just have to ask for it on discord.
Many other plugins do not generate errors with ReviveMe so they are not on this list but they work perfectly

It is also compatible with team vanilla!
You can decide in configuration how absolutely everything should work!


Here are some example images








In events.yml they can create "functions" to execute commands or certain actions in some moments of the game.
Here are some examples and I will add much more detail in the future.
If you have some ideas of what else I could add, you can tell me and so it will be clear.png:)

/ReviveMe Help | permission: '' #get a list of all the commands you have access to

/ReviveMe Revive <Player> | permission: 'reviveme.command.revive' #revive an injured player

/ReviveMe Down <Player> | permission: 'reviveme.command.down' #You hurt a player to put him on the floor

/ReviveMe kill <Player> | permission: 'reviveme.command.kill' #kill a player regardless of their status

/Reviveme suicide |  permission: 'reviveme.command.suicide' #you commit suicide if you dont want to wait

/ReviveMe reload | permission: 'reviveme.command.reload' #reloads all configurations

PlaceHolderApi list:

  • %reviveme_status%
  • %reviveme_death_delay%
  • %reviveme_invulnerability_delay%
  • %reviveme_bar:<Bar name>% example %reviveme_bar:bar1%
Compatibility With HexColors. examples: