AbisGamer Jul 19, 2023
Version 1.0
I've deeply looked into this setup, I've also bought all other similar setups that have existed since 2020, and I can say with confidence that this is the best one so far. There is a lot of content (a lot more than those other ones) and the setup isn't buggy and unstable like the other ones. This setup has great potencial, great future updates could be made aswell. I hope the team plans to update the setup sometime in the future.

Author's response
Thank you for that detailed response! Updates are underway as we speak!
Unitei Jul 16, 2023
Version 1.0
Thank you very much for the provided assembly, Kangaroozy is a very good and kind person, he made concessions to the buyer and made a payment through Patreon.

Author's response
Thank you very much for your review! If you need any more help don't be afraid to make a ticket in the discord!

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