1.4 Aug 14, 2021
Chat & Banned Names
In this update I have included the following:
> Basic Chat format. These can be defined in the Config.yml file and will use the player's primary Vault group - Vault is also now a dependency of this plugin
> Basic chat filter. A list of words can be defined in the Config.yml file, the plugin will remove them from the player's message if the module is enabled.
> Banned name kick. A list of words can be defined in the Config.yml file that you do not want players using in their account names. The plugin will kick a player whose name contains one of these words.
> Vault is now a dependency of this plugin, it will NOT enable unless vault is installed.
> To use these new features, you will be required to remove your old Config.yml and Lang.yml files
> Basic Chat format. These can be defined in the Config.yml file and will use the player's primary Vault group - Vault is also now a dependency of this plugin
> Basic chat filter. A list of words can be defined in the Config.yml file, the plugin will remove them from the player's message if the module is enabled.
> Banned name kick. A list of words can be defined in the Config.yml file that you do not want players using in their account names. The plugin will kick a player whose name contains one of these words.
> Vault is now a dependency of this plugin, it will NOT enable unless vault is installed.
> To use these new features, you will be required to remove your old Config.yml and Lang.yml files
1.3.2 Jul 31, 2021
Locations Update #2
In this update I have included the following:
- /SetWarp command has been added
- /DeleteWarp command has been added
- /Warp command has been added
- A toggle setting for the /SetWarpm, /DeleteWarp & /Warp command has been added to the configuration file
I suggest resetting your configuration file and Lang file in this update as I have made a number of changes to them.
If you have any questions or find any bugs, please join my discord and creating a ticket.
- /SetWarp command has been added
- /DeleteWarp command has been added
- /Warp command has been added
- A toggle setting for the /SetWarpm, /DeleteWarp & /Warp command has been added to the configuration file
I suggest resetting your configuration file and Lang file in this update as I have made a number of changes to them.
If you have any questions or find any bugs, please join my discord and creating a ticket.
1.3.1 Jul 25, 2021
Location Update #1
In this update I have included the following:
/SetSpawn command has been added
/Spawn command has been added
A toggle setting for the /Spawn & /SetSpawn command has been added to the configuration file
A toggle setting to teleport players to spawn on first join & every join has been added to the configuration file
I suggest resetting your configuration file and Lang file in this update as I have made a number of changes to them.
If you have any questions or find any bugs, please join my discord and create a ticket.
/SetSpawn command has been added
/Spawn command has been added
A toggle setting for the /Spawn & /SetSpawn command has been added to the configuration file
A toggle setting to teleport players to spawn on first join & every join has been added to the configuration file
I suggest resetting your configuration file and Lang file in this update as I have made a number of changes to them.
If you have any questions or find any bugs, please join my discord and create a ticket.
1.3 Jul 20, 2021
Command Toggle
This is a small update that adds a configuration section allowing you to enabled & disabled different commands.
It is recommended that you re-create your configuration file to allow the new "commands" section to generate correctly.
It is recommended that you re-create your configuration file to allow the new "commands" section to generate correctly.
1.2 Jul 2, 2021
Command & Message Formats
In this update I have included the following:
Auto Broadcast messages can now be centred by enabling the setting in the configuration file
/Repair has been added
/Vanish has been added
I suggest resetting your configuration file and Lang file in this update as I have made a number of changes to them.
If you have any questions or find any bugs, please join my discord byusing this link: https://samuelyoung.dev/discord
Auto Broadcast messages can now be centred by enabling the setting in the configuration file
/Repair has been added
/Vanish has been added
I suggest resetting your configuration file and Lang file in this update as I have made a number of changes to them.
If you have any questions or find any bugs, please join my discord byusing this link: https://samuelyoung.dev/discord
1.1 Jun 23, 2021
Ping List, BStats & Safe Fall
This is a small update that adds the following:
Server Ping list message (with support to center the message)
BStats has been integrated. Stats can be found here: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/SCore_sykuu/11795
A simple safe fall system has been implemented for when the flight command is toggled off
The first version of my wiki has been released, check it here: https://docs.samuelyoung.dev
Server Ping list message (with support to center the message)
BStats has been integrated. Stats can be found here: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/SCore_sykuu/11795
A simple safe fall system has been implemented for when the flight command is toggled off
The first version of my wiki has been released, check it here: https://docs.samuelyoung.dev
1.0 Jun 22, 2021