1.13.14 May 12, 2021
Latest release of ServerNPC
# Changelog 1.13.14

* Fixed spam error with ProtocolLib.

# Changelog 1.13.13

* Fixed minor bug with ProtocolLib and Holograms
* Fixed index out of bounds in Action Cooldown

# Changelog 1.13.12

* Now holograms support ProtocolLib
* Added negative permission (/npc action (name) add false !hello.world cmd:/say Hello world)

# Changelog 1.13.11

* Fixed error with libraries
* Fixed error that spam "null".

# Changelog 1.13.10

* Fixed error with a closed channel.
* Fixed error related to Holograms.

# Changelog 1.13.9

* Fixed minor bug with calls.
* Fixed minor bug with Holograms.

# Changelog 1.13.8

* Removed debug log.
* Fixed minor bug. (ConcurrentModificationException)
* Fixed minor bug with calls.
* Added parameter `CUSTOM API URL` for advanced users.
* Now the `notify update` parameter disable the console announce.

# Changelog 1.13.7

* Added extra checks for holograms.
* Fixed minor bug with Action Stepper.
* Fixed minor bug with Interact Actions.

# Changelog 1.13.6

* Fixed minor bug with holograms.
* Fixed minor bug with inventories.
* Fixed minor bug with asynchronous events.

# Changelog 1.13.5

* Recoded the skin system, now get the skins from api.isnakebuzz.com is available.
* Fixed minor bug with teleport.

# Changelog 1.13.4

* Fixed empty hologram bug.
* Fixed glow colors.
* Fixed bugs with Skin.

# Changelog 1.13.3

* Fixed Internal Hologram System.
* Fixed skin debug messages.
* Fixed bug with snake api.

# Changelog 1.13.2

* Fixed nms names in 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11 - 1.12.

# Changelog 1.13.1

* Fixed broken 1.13.
* Added extra checks for ProtocolLib hook.

# Changelog 1.13.0

* Changed class Main to ServerNPC.
* Changed internal log system.
* Added a custom hologram system.
* Added a temporal Main to get API. (Deprecated)
* Added wait action. (wait:3000 - waits 3 seconds before execute next action)
* Removed TinyProtocol, replaced by SnakeProtocol (private) system.
* Fixed NullPointer if ProtocolLib isn't installed.

# Changelog 1.12.18

* Fixed minor bug with Labymod.

# Changelog 1.12.17

* Fixed minor bug with Inventory name size.
* Added option to change what hologram system you want to use. (Need config reset.)

# Changelog 1.12.16

* Fixed a bug with Menu Titles.
* Fixed a bug with NPC List pagination.
* Added NPC rank priority to the Settings.yml (`Scoreboard.priority = Z`)

# Changelog 1.12.13

* Added client side LookClose (Edit it in Settings.yml).
* Added bungeecord commands support. Action: bgcmd.

1.12.10-RELEASE Sep 1, 2020
Fixed minor bug with inventory on 1.16.2

1.12.9-RELEASE Aug 26, 2020