
Looking for a way to easily create in-game cinematics for your server? ServerTours is the answer!

What can I use this for?
Tired of boring signs and holograms? Show new players an introductory tour around your server instead! ServerTours is much more engaging than other methods.

For more advanced users, ServerTours also offers an advanced developer API (see below). This can be used to integrate with other plugins and provide a truely dynamic experience.


  • Powerful cinematic editor that anyone can learn in minutes
  • Built with performance in mind
  • Editor visualizes routes with particles: what you see is what you get!
  • Set titles & text to display at every point
  • Set commands to run at different points in the tour
  • Multiple types of tour waypoints (stationary, orbit, and interpolate)
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.17.x, 1.18.x, and 1.19.x
  • Configure everything!
  • Comprehensive developer API which can be used to integrate with other plugins
  • PlaceholderAPI integration


  • %servertours_route% - Shows the route currently being played
  • %servertours_point% - Shows the route point you're at
  • %servertours_numpoints% - Shows the total number of points this route has
  • %servertours_percent% - Shows what percentage of the route you've completed

ServerTours requires ProtocolLib to run.


/tour create <Name>
Creates a new tour route - servertours.commands.create

/tour remove <Name>
Removes a tour route - servertours.commands.remove

/tour edit <Name>
Enters edit mode for the specified tour route - servertours.commands.edit

/tour exit
Exits edit mode - servertours.commands.edit

/tour reload
Reloads the config.yml and lang.yml files - servertours.commands.reload

/tour play <Name>
Shows you the specified tour route - (Granted to everyone by default)

/tour play <Name> [Player]
Shows the specified player the tour route -


ServerTours offers an easy-to-use Developer API which can be used to integrate other systems into the plugin. Useful links:



Please make sure you're running the latest version of ServerTours and ProtocolLib (however, make sure this is the correct build for your version of Minecraft! More info about this can be found on the ProtocolLib Spigot page). Often issues are already fixed in newer versions.

If you're getting kicked when you click on a route point, try using Waterfall instead of Bungeecord.

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