4.0.0 Mar 25, 2024
Release Notes | v4
+ Complete re-code from the ground up.
+ No longer in-active (obviously), shops will now get normal updates
V3 shops will not work at all. You have to start from scratch. 
(If anyone is actually using it still after like 2 years of it being inactive >_>)
Discord Support
To Report bugs or request features, open an issue on the Github Repo.
If you purchased on a platform where you cannot access this anymore, message me on #verification on the discord server.

3.5.0 May 10, 2022
Feature Update

+ Added back discord webhooks which was initially removed for 3.0

3.4.1 Mar 19, 2022
Bug Fix

+ Fixed issue with inventory titles on 1.18 R2

3.4.0 Mar 15, 2022

1.18.2 support

3.3.1 Feb 24, 2022
Bug Fix
+ Fixed issues with lores adding an extra (empty) line even when the lore is set to be empty.
(!) I've been asked to combine messages of multi-sell/buys. This will be changed in the next update.

3.3.0 Feb 12, 2022
Bug Fix
+ Added {item} & {qty} placeholders and sell/buy messages
+ Fixed issue with {value} variable which was in the wrong area (money remove)
+ Fixed issue where the pagination buttons will only use the previous button material
+ Fixed issue where /shops sellall and the main menu sell all will sell items that weren't allowed to be sold
+ Fixed issue where you can buy items that could not be bought by adding them to the cart. 

3.2.0 Feb 8, 2022
+ Added back /shops open <shop> [player] command
+ Fixed issue where the shop's background item will not take affect

3.1.0 Feb 4, 2022
Minor Additions / Bug Fixes
+ Fixed bug where the navigation buttons would not display page number when on page 1 or last page (they shouldn't even show up)
+ Added missing navigation button customization (material/name/lore)
+ Fixed bug where the custom fill slots would not apply properly causing the gui to not to size correctly.
+ Fixed issue with slot filling which caused items to fill out of order / overflow
+ The shop content list / cart / and purchase menus will show the purchase qty on the item up to 64

3.0.0 Feb 2, 2022
3.0 Release
Shops 3.0 Major Changes
I suggest that you read everything here especially if you will be upgrading from 2.X
Convert from 2.18.0 to 3.0.0
If you're on 2.18, you can use the /shops export command which will generate a shop-export.yml file, you can keep that file within the Shops folder but delete everything else. Once you install the new jar and run shops 3.0+ for the first time, it will generate the needed files. You can then use /shops import to import data from that file. 
NOTE: While the import feature works more or less as intended, its recommended that you check each shop to ensure they imported correctly. 
It's highly suggested that you run this on a test server if upgrading from 2.18 first to ensure everything is set correctly!
Major Additions / Changes 
- Limited Item Quantity, shop items can now how a quantity set on them
- Refill Times, create unlimited refill times to replenish stocks, stocks will automatically be refilled upon a reload/server restart
- Easier Main menu customization (shop positions) 
- Customizable what each individual shop should look like (the decoration items, and which slots should be filled with shop items)
- Layout type for a shop (manual or automatic), you use manual when you wish to set a specific main menu slot.
- Shops and their items can use individual currencies from different plugins or from the same, ex, using coins & gems from UltraEconomy
- Dynamic command, shops can have their own command, ex /blocks will open the block shops
- The checkout system is all in one place now, this applies discounts/tax automatically
- Shop items don't need to be items alone, they can be commands or both
- The material picker actually shows inventory safe materials now (no air items or invalid items)
- The cart and item purchase menus will only sell/buy as much you can afford/have in your inventory
- You can search shops for specific items
- PlaceholderAPI support
- You can use https:// minecraft textures or skulls:id or hdb:id for all material values
- Added a price map system, this will be used to quickly find the worth of items
Purchase quantities for single items are automatically generated. Meaning if you add a grass block with a stack size 64 for $64, shops will set the price for a single one to $1. Also when purchasing items, whatever that stack size was is the amount they'll receive. 
Example: 64 Grass Block, with a purchase qty of 2 will give them 2 stacks, pretty simple.
Major Removals:
- MySQL Support, during shops 2.0 MySQL support was added in such a way where it really didn't make sense nor was it used. It added un-necessary complexity to something that didn't require it. 
- Config Editor, as brought up in previous points, many users found that the old config editor was "annoying" and that it can be a security issue. So with that being said, it has been removed temporarily in order to design it from the ground up.

2.18.0 Dec 18, 2021
Export Command
+ Added an export command (/shops export) to export shop data, this is in preparation for v3.0, there isn't any set date for it yet, but I might as well add this in ahead of time.

2.17.1 Dec 13, 2021
Shop Rearrangement Improvements
+ Improved the usability how the shop menu editing (shift right click mode)

2.17.0 Dec 2, 2021
1.18 Support
+ Added 1.18 Support
(!) If you run into any errors/issues let me know on the discord server

2.16.1 Oct 10, 2021
Bug Fix
+ Fixed an issue where item information (like potion durations) would not show up within the shop content menu.

2.16.0 Oct 6, 2021
UltraEconomy Support
+ Added support for UltraEconomy, when using UltraEconomy as an economy provider, you need to specify which currency you wish to use. For example: "economy provider: UltraEconomy:Gems"

Thank you to TechsCode for providing me with a copy of UltraEconomy so I can add support for not only this plugin, but all my premium plugins.

2.15.0 Oct 3, 2021
Feature Update
+ Added sell all command (/shops sell all) which will sell your inventory to any shops that can take the items.

2.14.1 Sep 7, 2021
+ Fixed an issue when setting icons, they would show the item stats (ex. + 3 Armor)
+ Updated to latest core

2.14.0 Sep 3, 2021
+ Updated to the latest TweetyCore
+ Added an upload command (/shops upload) which will upload your flat file shop data to MySQL
+ Fixed an issue with MySQL and the column data length

2.13.0 Aug 5, 2021
+ When adding 64 when purchasing an item, if the quantity is 1, it will add 63 instead otherwise it will add 64
+ The purchase info item can now show the total amount of items actually being purchased, you can add it using the variable %total_items%
+ You can now change the ID of shops using the /shops changeid <shopId> <newId> command


2.12.0 Aug 4, 2021
+ Added a sell inventory button per shop, if you have items in your inventory that can be sold at that particular shop, it will sell all of them.
+ Added a middle click option to sell / buy button in the quantity selection GUI to sell all of that particular item in your inventory.


2.11.0 Jul 24, 2021
+ Switched to a new economy manager system (Supports: Vault, PlayerPoints, Reserve)
+ New config editor system, new pages will be created for settings if there is no more room in the gui.
+ Config editor is now more organized, meaning sections, toggles, strings/materials/sounds, and lists are all grouped appropriately.
+ Updated to latest TweetyCore

2.9.1 Jun 24, 2021

1.1.2 Jun 24, 2020