☛ Description:
SimpleScore Configuration, one of the best, as well as most popular scoreboard plugins for your Minecraft server, configs are currently using a combination of HEX and Minecraft Color Codes, but you can change the colors to whatever you wish!
☛ Showcase:
☛ Dependencies:
SimpleScore - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/simplescore-animated-scoreboard.23243/
PlaceholderAPI - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/
Vault - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vault.34315/
VotingPlugin - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/votingplugin.15358/
SimpleGems - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/simplegems.96827/
☛ Expansions:
The following PlaceholderAPI expansions are required for the scoreboard to display the correct values: statistic, vault, votingplugin, server, simplegems
☛ Custom fonts:
For better looking fonts, you can use Lingojam Text Editor as well as RGB Birdflop
☛ Installation Guide:
1. Download the SimpleScore configuration file.
2. Open it, and begin by copying the contents of it.
3. Replace the current text in your servers' configuration (scoreboards.yml) with the text I provided in the scoreboards.yml file.
4. Edit placeholders to fit your server.
5. Use /sb reload or restart your server for the changes to apply.
☛ Support:
If you are in need of support then please join the support discord! https;//discord.gg/tndzyfSdbM
Support will be provided for the following
1. Troubles installing the configuration file
2. Any bugs you find within the configuration file
3. Additions/changes you might want to see added to the resource
4. + Anything else you might be struggling with
☛ TOS:
1. You are not allowed to resell this resource
2. You may only use this configuration on servers you own