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AnimatedNames [here]
ChatColor+ Premium [here]
EZRanksPro [here]
Featherboard [here]
LiteBans [here]
OneTimeItem [here]
PlayerVaultsX [here]
TokenEnchant [here]
VoteParty [here]
MCMMO [here]
ProtocolSupport [here]
TitleManager [here]
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The Spawn, provided with love by Senior Team, elegantly places itself into the server. With this resource, you can use this spawn without having to pay for the resource on the Senior Team resource page - who wins now?
Join Senior Teamhttps://discord.gg/E9N7UsT
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Made with a desire of changing the usually basic /shop into a unique artifact that represents the economy of the server, the custom /shop integrates itself seamlessly into our ranking system, meaning items and categories can be locked until the user has ranked up to a certain rank. The items and categories enchanted are those unlocked.
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↓ Rankup VS Global Rank ↓
The rankup is your rankup, or the ranks found in /ranks.
The global rank is your donator or staff rank. In this case the user had neither and with Citizen being the default rank, Citizen was displayed.

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Upon voting, you are automagically given Vote Points. These points can be spent in the Vote Shop to buy extravagant items such as overpowered blocks and even donator ranks...
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The exquisite /vote that displays whether you have voted or not on certain links:
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In this setup, there are four variations of kits:
  • Normal Kits (/nkits)
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  • Custom Kits (/ckits)
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  • Unlockable Kits (/ukits)
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  • Monthly Kits (/mkits)
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Normal Kits are your general kits, a simple click to claim which grants you items. The Normal Kits in this setup relate to donator ranks.
When Normal Kits are claimed, they are given first as a claimable item, this is to allow trade between players. To fully claim the kit into all of its items, simply right click the given claimable item.
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A P2W benefit for YOU! These kits are to be given upon a deal with the owner for a custom kit. These kits will given the items negotiated by the player and the owner with a negotiated redeem timer.
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Unlockable Kits can be unlocked through claimable items which can be found in crates and are supposed to be able to be buyable in the store (or other ways too). These kits have specific redeem timers (how often you can claim the kit) and sometimes also includes upgradable levels.
Upgrades usually cost money, but in certain Unlockable Kits at Level 7 -> 8 and Level 8 -> 9 the upgrades can also cost XP.
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Monthly Kits can be unlocked in the Monthly Crate only. These kits have a redeem timer of one month and contain extremely good rewards.
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The Huts are land in the spawn that can be purchased by players to build in and construct chest shops.
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The magnificent arena located below spawn. Drop in and get into the action.
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As you progress through the rankups, your cobble generator will begin producing more and more valuable blocks. The gif provided below shows a near-maxed cobble generator.
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Tier I
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Tier II
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Tier III
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Tier IV
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Tier V
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Tier VI
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Tags can be viewed in chat and in tablist (as seen in the Chat Format section). They can be unlocked in Crates.
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Incentivize players to construct shelter from the rain with Acid Rain which deals damage if players are in the environment where the rain can touch them! This features means that if it is raining and a player is in the rain without a helmet, they will take damage, if they have a helmet they will not. If it is Acid Rain, all players in the rain will take damage.
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