Phase 522 Sep 18, 2023
Phase 522 - Rewritten Base & Open Source
- Saved performance on Folia by disabling certain chunk processes.
- Rewrote the base of the checks & configuration to be more object oriented.
- Adjusted the teleport event to not change the detection location so easily.
- Open sourced the project on GitHub, link on overview page.
Phase 521 Sep 8, 2023
Phase 521 - Partly Rewritten False Positive Detection
- Adjusted the legacy configuration to be more compatible.
- Better synchronized the SpartanPlayer object.
- Diversified the memory storage to be more in par with the thread requirements.
- Partly rewrote the identification of the False Positive Detection to be time based.
Phase 520 Sep 1, 2023
Phase 520
- Adjusted the PlayerData and Combat utilities to support more outdated Minecraft versions.
- Removed a forgotten debug message in the plugin’s configuration sharing.
- Adjusted the Spartan Player object to calculate nearby entities faster.
- Adjusted the description of the Spartan Menu items to correct a typo.
- Removed the mass check toggle options of the settings.yml configuration.
Phase 519.2 Aug 28, 2023
Phase 519.2
Adjusted the EntityMove check.
Phase 519.1 Aug 25, 2023
Phase 519.1
Adjusted the configuration, updating is recommended.
Phase 519 Aug 23, 2023
Phase 519 - Stability Improvements
- The GhostHand check will now operate more strictly but in silent mode.
- Adjusted the Player Fight objects so as not to calculate absurdly big values.
- The Ground utilities will now be more aware when a player is active.
- The KillAura response detection will now require more than one opponent to work.
- Checks can now be toggled per detection type if available.
- Bouncing blocks will now be calculated regardless of liquid blocks.
Phase 518.1 Aug 14, 2023
Phase 518.1
Adjusted the Exploits elytra detection, updating is recommended.
Phase 518 Aug 13, 2023
Phase 518 - New Configuration Option
- Improved the bedrock player identification method.
- Improved the configuration syntax information.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option “Important.load_player_head_textures”.
Phase 517 Aug 8, 2023
Phase 517 - Lot's going on but here's an update
- Improved the recently rewritten IrregularMovements detections.
- Detection names will no longer be found in the configuration.
- Synchronized certain object methods for better data flow.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements imperfections.
- Updated the default bedrock player prefix to be the same as Geyser.
Phase 516.1 Jul 26, 2023
Phase 516.1
Small improvements and corrections.
Phase 516 Jul 25, 2023
Phase 516 - IrregularMovements Partial Rewrite
- Rewrote 7 IrregularMovements detections for better detectability.
- Reordered and partly rewrote utilities for better information flow.
- Teleportations will now occur less frequently and more accurately.
- Commas can now be used to bypass multiple checks via command.
- Check data can now be reset via the inventory menu.
- False Positive identification is now more objective due to new limitations.
- Location calculations will now happen faster and more accurately.
- The XRay check will now collect data per world environment.
- Updated the database creation_date column from varchar(26) to varchar(30)
Phase 515 Jul 11, 2023
Phase 515 - Hot Weather Hot Update
- Improved the ImpossibleInventory auto-totem detection.
- Improved the KillAura raytrace-of-blocks detection.
- Adjusted several handlers and identifiers which will result in less false positives.
- Optimized the way information is stored and analyzed for overall less performance usage.
- Introduced new context in the descriptions of the Manage Checks inventory menu.
Phase 514 Jul 1, 2023
Phase 514 - Big Time Optimisations
- Used the Block utilities to create the Pattern utilities for significantly more performant block identification.
- Made the “Max Cancelled Violations” threshold dynamic per check.
- Threads will now refresh at different rates which will help save performance.
- Removed the “Important.violations_reset_seconds” settings.yml option, violations will now reset every minute.
- Problematic Detection prevention will no longer include hackers but suspected & legitimate players.
Phase 514 Jul 1, 2023
Phase 514 - Big Time Optimisations
- Used the Block utilities to create the Pattern utilities for significantly more performant block identification.
- Made the “Max Cancelled Violations” threshold dynamic per check.
- Threads will now refresh at different rates which will help save performance.
- Removed the “Important.violations_reset_seconds” settings.yml option, violations will now reset every minute.
- Problematic Detection prevention will no longer include hackers but suspected & legitimate players.
Phase 513.1 Jun 23, 2023
Phase 513.1
Adjusted the thread system to sleep when not needing to execute a task, updating is more than recommended.
Phase 513 Jun 22, 2023
Phase 513 - Asynchronous Optimisations & Return of Problematic Detections
- Problematic Detections have returned and are incorporated into the False Positive Detection feature.
- Rewrote the thread system using custom code so tasks are submitted & executed faster.
- Updated the Cancel Violation handler for more accurate prevention levels.
- The Research Engine will now calculate less information depending on the edition of Spartan.
- Checks that cannot punish will no longer be covered by the customer-support command.
- Adjusted the Ground utilities for faster calculation of on-ground movement.
Phase 512 Jun 15, 2023
Phase 512 - 1.20 Server Improvements
- The MorePackets check will now check bedrock players on certain Spartan versions.
- The Maximum Checked Players will now work a tiny bit more accurately.
- Made all Folia interactions run synchronously so as not to encounter errors.
- Horses will now be identified properly in 1.20 servers.
Phase 511 Jun 7, 2023
Phase 511 - 1.20 Minecraft Support
Added support for Minecraft 1.20
Phase 510.1 Jun 5, 2023
Phase 510.1
Adjusted the "Maximum Checked Players" feature, downloading is more than recommended!
Phase 510 Jun 5, 2023
Phase 510 - Newly Found Optimisations
- The Detection Tick feature will now run in a broader amount of circumstances and save performance.
- Organized the Version utils to calculate more information mathematically instead of manually.
- Optimised the Maximum Checked Players feature to be more synchronised as a process.
Phase 509 May 28, 2023
Phase 509 - Improved Detectability
- The Chunk system will now organize data per world to save performance.
- The Spartan inventory menu will now show punished players next to reported players.
- Improved the Cloud feature by making it run faster and more reliable in regards to its processes.
- The Speed check will now contain more detection information in hopes of helping correct false positives more specifically.
- The IrregularMovements will now distinguish between more scenarios to offer more detection performance.
Phase 508 May 18, 2023
Phase 508 - Amazing Code Optimizations
I had a few users test this update, one saw a whopping 45% improvement in performance. Moving forward, update logs will mention only what’s important, I will focus more on words and explaining in simple ways the progress that has taken place.
- Optimized code that is responsible for calculating bouncing, vehicles, collisions, elytra & liquids.
- Rewrote a significant part of the Wave feature after receiving useful user feedback.
- Decreased the amount of schedulers the plugin uses and improved support for the Folia fork.
- Detections that have been disabled will no longer be included in many calculations.
- Got some great ideas that you may see in future updates, for now enjoy this one.
Phase 507.2 May 17, 2023
Phase 507 May 15, 2023
Phase 507 - Improved NoFall check
- Added a new settings.yml option to toggle empty heads in the inventory menu.
- Rewrote a part of the NoFall check to make the check run more accurately.
- Implemented experimental support for the Folia fork, expect issues even though I paid attention to all code.
- Replaced tons of Java objects with their original interface to decrease memory usage.
- A lot more was changed that's not worth to document, enjoy.
Phase 506.2 May 7, 2023