This plugin is made by overkidding and is owned by the Edenmine.Eu network.

How to use:

Put this plugin in your plugins folder with a 1.16.5 spigot, configure the max amount of mobs,

and have fun with the custom game experience.

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What this plugin do?
I searched online for the server where I'm developer (edenmine network) we were searching a mob spawner limit and at the end of the limit the spawner was going to break but we didn't find anything so I made it.

Basically the plugin makes a spawner mobspawn limit and break it at the end without giving it back to the player.
That can be used with survival or skyblock gamemodes or any custom hardcore gamemode.

  • Hologram system
  • Full configurable

To-Do List:
  • Max entities per chunk
  • Per mob spawn health



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