1.1.1 Apr 23, 2021
Made PacketEvents 1.8-pre-13 compatible.
Made PacketEvents 1.8-pre-13 compatible.

1.1.0 Apr 8, 2021
Added an ingame python shell!
I added an in game python shell as well as some bug fixes.
Only available for spigot.

do /pyshell (or any of its aliases) to toggle it.
/pyshell toggle | toggles the shell.
/pyshell stop, off, disable | disables the shell.
/pyshell begin, start, on, enable | enables the shell.
/pyshell reset | resets the shell (removes all variables, functions, etc and starts from scratch)
/pyshell getlines | gets all the lines you executed.

stdout and stderr are redirected to you, the player with white and red as default colours respectively.

You can also do [icode]exit()[/icode] to exit the shell.

Minecraft replaces multiple spaces with just one, so to have more than one space, you can do [icode]\ [/icode]. It gets replaced with a single space. You can chain these together to make multiple spaces (for indentation purposes).

If you have an incomplete thing, the shell will go into a sort of "scripting" mode where it appends all your stuff to a buffer until you send a single [icode]\[/icode] (essentially an empty string). For example:

> sq = lambda x: x * x
> if sq(3) == 9:
> \ \ print "the square of 3 is 9"
> \
"the square of 3 is 9"

1.0.1 Apr 5, 2021
Made sync/async tasks easier.
Added new spigot functions. They should works the same way that they would in java, but without the plugin argument.

run_task_later(method, delay)
run_async_task_later(method, delay)
run_task_timer(method, delay, period)
run_async_task_timer(method, delay, period)

Added new bungee functions. They should works the same way that they would in java, but without the plugin argument.

schedule(task, delay, period=0, unit=TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

New variable: plugin

py-settings.yml changes: https://github.com/True-cc/SPYgotUtils/pull/3/files#diff-a51f15615379fdcc5eed0c8157ff530bf566abf4f30b065861490e482953b030

1.0.0-Alpha Mar 4, 2021
Alpha version of 1.0.0!!! Please report bugs
Cleaned up the chat filter a lot.
Bug fixes.
Now using SimplixStorage because it's universal (doesn't require spigot or bungee etc).
Added more features probably.

Thinking of porting to velocity...

0.6.0-B-Hotfix1 Mar 1, 2021
Forgot to generate test-conf.py
Now it should generate.

0.6.0-B Mar 1, 2021
Lots of changes, espeically to py-settings.yml and scripts.
Added init, start-defs, and start-vars to py-settings.yml
Made it so you can execute files (without import) and strings from python scripts.
Cleaned some stuff up.
Renamed AbstractDB to AbstractSQLDB
Probably more!

0.5.1-B-Hotfix-1 Feb 22, 2021