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---------- StaffChat ---------
Version: 1.1
Game Version: 1.8-1.17
Info: You and your staff members can all chat privately in there own chat.
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/staffchat <message> - Talk in the staff chat.
 Aliases: /sc /staffc /chatstaff /cs /schat
/togglestaffchat - Toggle staff chat on or off.
 Aliases: /sct /tsc /togglesc /sctoggle /cst /tcs /tschat /tstaffc /staffchattoggle
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staffchat.send - Send messages to the staffchat. Note: This can be changed in the config.yml.
staffchat.see - See the messages that has been sent to the staffchat.
staffchat.toggle - Toggle the staff chat on or off.
Note: This can be changed in the config.yml.
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# StaffChat Config Version 1.1
# What will be sent to staff when someone speaks in staffchat.
# %name% = Player's Username | %message% = The message to be sent
staffchat_msg: "&6[SC] &c%name% &6> %message%"
# What will be sent to tell the staff memeber that there messages were sent.
messagesent_msg: "&6[SC] Your message has been sent to the staffchat."
# What will be sent to tell staff members that they have toggled there staffchat.
  enabled: "&6[SC] Your staff chat has been &aenabled&6."
  disabled: "&6[SC] Your staff chat has been &cdisabled&6."
# No permission error message.
noperm_msg: "&c[!] You do not have permission to do this!"
# Command usage message.
usage_msg: "&c[!] Usage: /staffchat <message>"
# What the player will put at the begining of there message to be sent into staffchat.
chatsymbol: "#"
# Permission to see the staffchat.
see_perm: "staffchat.see"
# Permission to talk in the staffchat.
send_perm: "staffchat.chat"
# Permission to toggle staff chat on and off.
toggle_perm: "staffchat.toggle"

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To get support with this plugin, join my discord - https://discord.gg/6QNEGPK3Fb