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itchydingo Dec 29, 2020
have you got a test version as i'm not really sure about this i had simular before and paid out my teeth =(
AviationF17 Jan 31, 2021
There's Stratos Light available on Spigot here
Cruz Apr 12, 2021
question before i buy am i allowed to pre-generator a world and then remove the plugin and still keep using that pre-generated map just fine? And no im not gonna expand beyond border of what has been pre-generated.
Zarkrey May 13, 2021
Is it possible to configure the plugin to generate worlds with 1.8x blocks only.

For example create the world in 1.15, generate it completely in the desired zone and use the map for an 1.8 server
Alex May 13, 2021
Nop it probably won't work
6roke Jun 10, 2021
Hey, I need some support do you have discord?
Seitan Jun 24, 2021
Im having this issue when creating the world
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