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3.2.0 Dec 12, 2022


  1. Fixed startup on 1.8.0
  2. Added 1.19.3 support


  1. Fixed crash on 1.7 clients
  2. Updated to latest bungeecord build, which adds 1.19.3 support (no longer compatible with older versions)


  1. Fixed anti-override for tablist names being disabled when layout is enabled even if no layout is visible due to no condition being met
  2. Fixed startup error when slots contained a number instead of interval
  3. Implemented a fix for compatibility with plugins that add empty player name to a team
  4. Fixed startup error when fixed slot slot value was not a valid number
  5. Note on 1.19.3+: Entries will now appear in chat complete as mojang removed a mechanic I used to hide them


  1. Prioritize per-world settings over per-server


  1. Fixed announcement bar disappearing when a placeholder in it is updated
  2. Fixed %countdown% placeholder not activating for usage in TAB's expansion
  3. Fixed announcement bars appearing in disabled worlds/servers


  1. Fixed classic placeholders not updating in a line of text if a relational placeholder updated


  1. Changes to default groups.yml file - removed admin and group overrides to reduce the load on LP mods answering this question over and over
  2. Fixed nested conditions not working when defined below condition that uses them
  3. Added support for OR condition types in short format using "|" symbol


  1. Attempted to fix startup error (#717)

Tab expansion:

  1. replace_ function now parses nested placeholders as well
  2. Fixed values not being sent to new server's bridge on server switch

Global playerlist:

  1. Added %playerlist-group_<group>% placeholder showing online player count in specified server group
  2. Server names are no longer case-sensitive
  3. Fixed faulty mechanic causing the feature to break nick/skin plugins on 1.19+ (as mojang no longer allows that mechanic) (#752)


  1. Reduced amount of characters needed for sorting by groups, permissions and "placeholder" type (more about this limit on wiki)


  1. Fixed debug command saying sorting is disabled even when layout is enabled and sorts players


  1. Removed old event API

3.1.5 Sep 20, 2022


  1. Marked 1.19.2 as compatible (plugin will no longer send a console warn)


  1. Added config option to control `canSeeFriendlyInvisibles` flag


  1. Fixed rare issue with nested placeholders


  1. When enabled, plugin is no longer formatting original entries which might contain raw placeholders at first, causing wide entries
  2. Added config option to show vanished players in layout

Global playerlist:

  1. Fixed client kick issue & added config option to control the value causing it
  2. Fixed issues on 1.7


  1. Added "startsWith" and "endsWith" condition types for string operations


  1. Fixed show command sending scoreboard for players who have it hidden using a toggle command

3.1.4 Aug 4, 2022

Fixed plugin causing disconnect when typing in chat. If you are wondering what does TAB have to do with signed chat messages, player signing key is sent using tablist packet and TAB is a tablist plugin so.. yeah.

Also fixed 2 bugs from previous release.

3.1.3 Jul 28, 2022


  1. Fixed startup on 1.7.x and 1.8.0
  2. Added 1.19.1 support


  1. Fixed vanish/invisible status retrieved through bridge not resetting on server switch
  2. Fixed console error when using 1.7.x client
  3. Added check for Waterfall's disable_tablist_rewrite config option for the plugin to work properly


  1. Fixed not listing a group in list sometimes making it not sort on the bottom properly
  2. Fixed space between entries causing them to not work as expected
  3. Fixed startup error caused by misconfiguration (not defining values when sorting by predefined values)

Unlimited nametag mode:

  1. Option to disable the feature for players on boats now support boats with chest as well
  2. Armor stands are no longer spawned for <1.8 players
  3. Fixed sneak status not detected on reload
  4. Improved heights to match vanilla & removed space-between-lines option
  5. Fixed per-world formatting not applying/changing on world switch


  1. Fixed startup error when a config option was missing
  2. Fixed startup error when disabled world or server was null


  1. Fixed lines with the same text not appearing when use-numbers is true
  2. Fixed error when using show command without player argument from console


  1. Properties can now also be removed per-world or per-server (with no argument and immediately following with -w or -s)
  2. Auto-complete will no longer suggest default bossbars when announcing bossbar

Aligned suffix:

  1. Fixed rare error
  2. Updated default character widths for 1.19

Placeholder output replacements:

  1. Fixed color codes causing exact match to not work (since new PlaceholderAPI no longer translates colors)
  2. Are now applied again after applying nested placeholders


  1. Fixed startup error when a layout is missing groups


  1. Fixed condition placeholder outputs being 1 refresh loop behind their nested placeholders

Tab expansion:

  1. Added %tab_nametag_visibility% showing if player can see nametags of players or not (/tab nametag toggle) and renamed %tab_ntpreview% to %tab_nametag_preview%


  1. Made Wither's size on 1.8.x zero, avoiding visual glitch with less than 50% health
  2. Fixed issues when hidden-by-default is enabled


  1. Added compatibility with Layout feature

3.1.2 Jun 11, 2022


  1. Added 1.19 support

Tab expansion:

  1. Fixed some placeholders not loading on join


  1. Fixed error when player has no layout displayed


  1. Lines with empty text will no longer show, empty placeholder output mechanic still works
  2. Fixed startup error when a line was null in config
  3. Fixed additional empty lines present when use-numbers was enabled
  4. Fixed RGB codes not translating into legacy when using long lines

Unlimited nametags:

  1. Removed 1.8 bug compensation that rarely led to OOM due to thread spam

Aligned suffix:

  1. Assume vanished players can see themselves even without tab.seevanished permission
  2. Fixed memory leak


  1. PLACEHOLDER sorting type now allows placeholders that contain ":" inside them, such as conditions

3.1.1 Apr 1, 2022

Before we get to the update notes you are so excited to carefully read and act accordingly, I would like to make 2 announcements first.

First of all, this is the last updating adding any functions for a while. I am not able to keep up with the demand from users for the current vastly decreasing income and am limiting my activity to minimum. Full explanation, as well as what can you do if you want the plugin to keep growing can be found in this paste.

Second, I want to inform Velocity users that Velocity support is not officially advertised and although the plugin works, support will be dropped in the future for both objective and subjective reasons.

Now, let's get to the changes:


  1. #516 - Fixed error spam when reading player skin

Aligned playerlist:

  1. Fixed error

Group refreshing:

  1. Fixed group changes in LP not being detected


  1. Fixed 2x rare error when refreshing
  2. Fixed StackOverflowError when using placeholder's identifier inside replacement values (will act same as %value% now)
  3. Fixed placeholders only used in tab expansion not refreshing
  4. Fixed placeholders not loading initially into tab expansion
  5. Replacements now support negative values in intervals, use ~ symbol instead of - to define range
  6. Fixed placeholders sometimes not loading on bungeecord
  7. #543 - Fixed placeholder refreshing issue with specific refresh interval combinations

Unlimited nametags:

  1. Fixed memory leak
  2. Fixed nametag preview disabling on server switch when TAB is on bungeecord
  3. Fixed 3x rare NullPointerException
  4. Fixed 2 API bugs with disabling armor stands


  1. #517 - Fixed upload/download of header/footer
  2. #517 - Fixed case-sensitivity of groups in database


  1. Fixed rare NullPointerException


  1. Exposed a few methods with placeholders


  1. Fixed feature breaking when enabling unlimited nametag mode
  2. Fixed players possibly not being assigned into teams properly due to players sharing same team name
  3. Fixed /btab reload removing players on the same server from tablist when global playerlist is disabled
  4. Added nickname change detection from other proxies

Global playerlist:

  1. #539 - Fixed player possibly getting removed from tablist when rejoining rapidly


  1. #545 - Added latency refreshing for player slots


  1. Added auto-complete for group names in /tab group command

3.1.0 Mar 4, 2022

Most important part of this update is full recode of bridge plugin for communication with TAB on the proxy:

  1. Drastically reduced packet flow
  2. Added support for relational placeholders
  3. Added unlimited nametag mode
  4. Added tab expansion
  5. Added pet name fix feature

Other changes:

  1. Marked 1.18.2 as compatible
  2. Fixed issues with long lines in scoreboard
  3. Made ping value in layout slots configurable
  4. Fixed error with placeholder sorting type
  5. Fixed bossbar never showing when joining disabled world/server
  6. Solved github issues #347, #475, #488, #494, #501, #504, #506
  7. Fixed errors
  8. Fixed placeholders not updating in bossbar when values changed while bossbar was hidden
  9. Added /tab groups command listing all configured groups
  10. Added /tab group <name> command listing all settings of a group
  11. Added /tab mysql upload/download commands for data migration
  12. Dropped direct UltraPermissions support (still supported via vault / permission node
  13. Removed %maxplayers% placeholder, static number or placeholderapi alternative can be used instead
  14. Massively reduced CPU usage on bungeecord
  15. Added /tab nametag toggle (tab.nametag.toggle permission) which enables/disables nametags for player running the comma
  16. Renamed /tab ntpreview to /tab nametag preview (and permission from tab.ntpreview to tab.nametag.preview)

3.0.2 Jan 31, 2022
  • Added registered placeholders into tabcomplete of /tab parse
  • Fixed placeholders not updating in placeholder output replacements
  • Fixed per-world / per-server header/footer not working with multiple worlds/servers separated with ;
  • Fixed error when RedisBungee plugin did not enable correctly
  • Added API method to get player's current scoreboard
  • Small fixes in default configuration
  • Fixed 12 issues in config conversion to 3.0.0 format
  • Fixed missing entries in /tab cpu
  • Fixed/added github issues #442, #444, #447, #448, #453, #455, #472
  • Fixed cpu leak in %online% placeholder on bungeecord
  • Fixed sorting not always working when it's misconfigured
  • Fixed error when executing /tab scoreboard show
  • Fixed many various random and startup errors
  • Small optimizations
  • Improved placeholder refreshing on bungeecord through bridge, changes will apply immediately when response is received instead of waiting for next refresh (this will for example make scoreboard placeholders update almost instantly instead of looking at raw placeholders for up to a few seconds and overall fix refresh interval being double)
  • Fixed belowname and yellow number disappearing on server switch when installed on bungeecord
  • Fixed startup error caused by layout misconfiguration
  • Layout now ignores vanished players
  • Reduced amount of redundant packets sent on world/server switch
  • Fixes in RedisBungee support
  • Fixed % symbol displaying as %% if no placeholders are used in the text
  • Made bungeecord event processing async to caller thread to avoid console spam
  • Fixes with mysql
  • Removed remove-strings config option due to being redundant
  • Improved command feedback from bossbar send and announce commands
  • Fixed compatibility on 1.8.8 tacospigot
  • Fixed scoreboard not appearing on bungeecord when switching from a server which had scoreboard from different plugin
  • Bossbars will now always be displayed in defined order (previously when one was removed and then added back due to display condition order swapped since clients orders them by time added)
  • Added syntax for per-world / per-server properties with command, for example /tab player NEZNAMY tabprefix &6&lTAB &r -w world (or -s server)
  • Added option for long scoreboard lines on <1.13, to use it, add Long| prefix to lines which should be longer
  • Fixed unlimited nametag desync when players ride each other

3.0.1 Dec 11, 2021
  1. Added 1.18.1 to known versions
  2. Fixed invalid placeholder used in default layout.yml
  3. Added conversion for multiple groups being sorted with same priority
  4. Solved %online% not updating on vanish
  5. Fixed mohist 1.12.2 support
  6. Added mineskin support by uuid into layout
  7. Fixed bungeecord errors when using invalid relational placeholder
  8. Added color support to remaining players text in layout
  9. Added another check to avoid bungeecord bug kicking players
  10. Fixed placeholderapi placeholder on bungeecord and sync placeholders showing "null" instead of identifier before they are initialized
  11. Added back %essentialsnick% placeholder
  12. Fixed 9 errors
  13. Fixed some placeholders showing wrong value after reconnecting
  14. Fixed animations lagging when using nested animations inside
  15. Added back animation file conversion (2.8.10 -> 2.9.0)
  16. Fixed conditions not refreshing when using event-based placeholders (%server%, %world%..)
  17. Fixed world forwarding to bungeecord via bridge
  18. Fixed refreshing stopping when server travels back in time
  19. Removed <#RRGGBB> format due to conflict with gradient with the same pattern start
  20. Fixed _DEFAULT_ group not being used when using MySQL
  21. Fixed issues with luckperms hook
  22. Fixed startup error on bungeecord when assigning groups by permissions and using bukkit permission manager
  23. Allowed decimal numbers in sorting placeholder
  24. Added API method to change player group

3.0.0 Nov 30, 2021
Distribution change
The first major change is distribution change.

Right now, the plugin is divided into free and premium version with just one flag in code changed. Since the plugin is opensource and website like blackspigot existing, people had an easy time getting the premium version for free anyway. It was also annoying to maintain, since every time I compiled the plugin I had to check who am I compiling it for (in case of bug reports and such) and change flag appropriately, sometimes forgetting which resulted in hours of wasted time on debugging the cause. We also got several users complaining scoreboard isn't working after updating, turned out they downloaded free version.

With the new update, the plugin is premium only with free download on github. There will is no free/premium version, there will only be the plugin with everything it has. This will help spread previously premium-only features towards wider audience and ending the dark age of paid scoreboard plugins (evil laugh). This is also directly related to discord support changes, see below.

This will have several advantages:
  1. All users will have access to more features by default, possibly spreading the plugin to more users
  2. People who want to test the plugin before buying to make sure all advertised features are actually present are now able to do it easily
  3. Less headache for me from discord tickets, as well as more time to work on the plugin

The only possible disadvantage of this would be lower income from those who would buy it if they didn't have free access. However, they are already able to do so right now, either by compiling source code or using websites like blackspigot to get it. Because of that, I don't think (much) less people will be buying it.

Because of this change, buyers will actually need some advatanges to have a reason to buy the plugin (since only relying on donations just doesn't work):
  1. High quality discord support
  2. Access to pre-releases
  3. Access to bug reports/feature requests without being ignored
  4. More? Any ideas?

Discord support
Right now, support is provided to everyone with support for premium version only provided to buyers. This results in many issues:
  1. Many people come asking for help before reading wiki and even if they receive direct wiki link answering their question, they don't read it and just say it didn't work, resulting in wasting my time spoonfeeding them. More than once I delayed my sleep due to an active ticket from someone refusing to read the wiki. Once in the middle of september we got 3 tickets during night who sent a message about 30 minutes after ticket creation that they solved their issue. If they managed to do it without help, others can as well.
  2. Some of them then say they don't speak english well, which I don't find as a fair reason to waste my time I could spend improving the plugin for everyone. If they don't speak english well, they are very likely not old enough to be capable of running a serious server.
  3. Many of those who decide to get the plugin from blackspigot have no shame asking for help with premium version. They then say they bought it, but "can't verify right now, just help me quick pls I just want this little thing", their server owner bought it, who will never verify, or straight up leave the server after being asked to verify. With MC-Market's verification bot they'll have no one to beg and waste time of.
  4. Some say they compiled the plugin themselves and ask for help, despite readme saying they won't get any. Really not any better than the point above.
  5. Some have noticed the premium mark in debug output and instead of sending a screenshot from game when asked they paste console output, but remove "Premium" from version, thinking how great hackers they are, to then just get caught by secret marks of the debug output. Then, they either go back to previous steps or say they aren't asking for help with premium features so what's wrong with it. Disrespecting me and yet demanding my time. That's what is wrong.
  6. Currently, I spend about same amount of time providing support as developing the plugin, which is completely unacceptable since wiki exists. Imagine where would the plugin be if my time spent on it was double. Yes, helpers exist, but they are doing it for free in their free time. I can't tell them to be available 24/7 for support.
  7. Many users ask for help and then don't respond back with results after they were answered, sometimes for days and even weeks. This just makes it harder to manage tickets and we must ping users to get any feedback from them. Often after a week of pinging them every day they asking if the wiki page we sent them / them hints we gave helped to solve their problem they just say "no" and we can go back to the beginning. Premium users do this as well, but it's way more common for free users.

With new version, I will mute community support channel and tickets will only be available to buyers. Until then, mc-market will (hopefully) finish their discord verification bot, which they cannot try to fool/beg in any way (saying they don't want to fill discord on mcm profile, saying it doesn't work etc etc). Wiki will also be improved to contain everything users may need. Often I can feel my brain cells dying when talking to some users and when I explain something to my friends, they ask why do I explain it like they were complete idiots. I don't know, I am used to it "for some reason". There also has to be a reason for users to actually buy the plugin, since they can get it for free now.

Now, those who did not buy it will not get support and they will want it. They also won't have access to bug report/feature request channel on discord and will not have access to pre-releases. This will be easier for me, as well as motivate users to buy the plugin.
Someone reacting to this change said he is fine with it, because he doesn't need support anyway. He said this after 5 tickets and 265 messages in public channels. Not sure about that one.

API rework
The API is reworked to offer a lot more options and generally be cleaner, such as having to go through scoreboard manager interface which is null if scoreboard feature is disabled instead of calling send scoreboard directly to player not knowing what will happen when it's disabled.

Configuration changes
Structure changes

Since there is no free/premium version anymore, premiumconfig file content was moved to config, as well as bossbar.yml, which felt pretty small just for that one feature. Users and groups were moved into separate files users.yml and groups.yml, which will have 2 benefits:
  1. It will remove `Users` and `Groups` keyword, resulting in 1 less indent (2 less spaces) and keyword gone, resulting in lower chance of users making it to discord pasting their syntax error after they removed Groups keyword for some reason or didn't respect spacing.
  2. When a command is ran to alter config (altering groups/users), it will result in all comments of config disappearing. This increases the chance of users making it to our discord asking what an option does, despite first line of their config containing wiki link. Altering another file and not the main config will avoid this issue.

Config structure was also changed. Related config options are now grouped together with a switch to toggle the whole feature on/off, helping users recognize which options affect others, such as disabling nametags will disable sorting as well.

Configuration files will automatically be converted to new format.


The whole idea of scoreboard chaining using "if-condition-not-met" was removed in favor of a much easier solution which will not confuse new users. Default-scoreboard option was removed as well as defining next scoreboard in chain. Now, scoreboard priorities are defined by their order in config. If a condition for the first one isn't met, second scoreboard is checked etc.

Per-world section was also removed, since you can simply use `display-condition: "%world%=worldname"`

Just like with scoreboard, per-world section was removed, use `display-condition: "%world%=worldname"` instead.

default-bars option was removed as well, all bossbars will now be displayed (if display condition is met). For bossbars not enabled by default give `announcement-bar: true` property to it.

The idea of multiple sorting elements was extended and now allows more than 2 (since previously you could only define 1 sorting placeholder), however, keep in mind there's a limit (

New features
MySQL Support

First major addition is MySQL support. This will store users and groups, instead of using the files. It can be enabled in new config section for mysql. Conversion is currently not available, but might be in the future.

Ability to create a layout with 4 columns (less not supported currently) with conditions for each section, as well as completely different layouts per conditions. Obviously full placeholder support and extremely optimized.

RedisBungee support
Support for cross-proxy player processing - tablist name formatting, nametags, belowname, online counts in online placeholders etc.

Placeholder changes
Some placeholders were changed / removed. For removed placeholders look for their PlaceholderAPI alternative.
  1. removed `%money%`, use `%vault_eco_balance_formatted%`
  2. removed `%deaths%`, use `%statistic_deaths%`
  3. removed `%xPos%`, use `%player_x%`
  4. removed `%yPos%`, use `%player_y%`
  5. removed `%zPos%`, use `%player_z%`
  6. removed `%essentialsnick%`, use `%essentials_nickname%` - this in default config resulted in users copypasting this bukkit-only placeholder to bungeecord and complaining it doesn't work there
  7. added `%vanished%` showing vanish status from other plugins, originally added for internal use, but literal output is not used, so it can be freely altered with placeholder output replacements
  8. added `%mspt%` showing average tick time (requires paper core)
  9. `%afk%` no longer supports plugins which no one uses / have placeholderapi placeholders. Now only supports Essentials, Purpur and AntiAFKPlus. It no longer has directly configurable output in config (previously `afk-yes` and `afk-no`), since placeholder output replacements are now available to everyone
  10. `%online%` was removed and `%canseeonline%` was renamed to `%online%`
  11. `%staffonline%` was removed and `%canseestaffonline%` was renamed to `%staffonline%`
  12. `%world%` placeholder is now available on bungeecord as well with bridge
  13. removed `%rank%` and added `%group%` showing primary group, for customization see placeholder output replacements

Other changes
Just like with every update, various minor changes/fixes are present as well:
  1. 1.18 support
  2. Fixed issues when bossbar announce command was used several times at once for the same bossbar
  3. Sync placeholders will now show as red in /tab cpu to warn about them, since they slow down the server
  4. Added world forwarding to bungeecord (requires bridge update), allowing all kinds of per-world settings on bungeecord
  5. Significantly reduced CPU usage and drastically reduced memory allocations (when testing animations I was able to get 100x lower memory allocations with same configuration)
  6. Added support for CatServer and Fabric (with cardboard mod)
  7. Added missing options to tabcomplete
  8. Added `/tab scoreboard show <name> [player]` command sending specified scoreboard to player
  9. Improved /tab cpu output with more detailed info on which part of each feature is sending packets
  10. Belowname is now disabled by default
  11. Added geyser hook to show scoreboard line values as 1-15 for bedrock users instead of 0s to fix line order
  12. Fixed placeholders only used in tab expansion not refreshing
  13. Fixed gradient text being black if output is only 1 character long
  14. Fixed global playerlist sometimes not working properly with vanish plugins
  15. Added config option to disable scoreboard detection from other plugins
  16. Fixed a lot of random errors
  17. Added compensation for rare bug in unlimited nametag mode making armor stands not appear
  18. Global playerlist now updates latency of players on other servers (can be disabled)
  19. Added support for nested placeholders
  20. Bossbar and scoreboard now require permission to toggle instead of having an option (`tab.bossbar.toggle` and `tab.scoreboard.toggle`)
  21. Improved yaml error assistant
  22. Bossbar and scoreboard now require permission to toggle
  23. `_OTHER_` group keyword was renamed to `_DEFAULT_` for a more accurate reflection of it's functionality
  24. Changed parse command syntax to `/tab parse <player> <placeholder>`
  25. Fixed bossbar visibility issues on 1.8
  26. Conditions will now have automatically chosen refresh interval based on fastest nested placeholder (permission checks count as 1000ms) instead of using values from config
  27. Fixed rare bungeecord error leading to a kick
  28. * Added detection for name changes with nick plugins to properly apply nametags & sorting
  29. Reworked command messages, file is now called messages.yml and contains even more messages to customize
  30. Added support for CMI's {#RRGGBB<>} shortcut in gradients
  31. Added <#RRGGBB> RGB format
  32. Configuration files should automatically come with UTF-8 encoding
  33. Scoreboard line numbers will now update correctly when a line hides and use-numbers is set to true
  34. Changed `tab.togglebar` permission to `tab.bossbar.toggle` and `tab.togglescoreboard` to `tab.scoreboard.toggle`
  35. Fixed scoreboard not visible when joining into disabled world/server and switching to enabled
  36. Added %tab_scoreboard_name% placeholder returning name of currently visible scoreboard

2.9.2 Jul 10, 2021
- Added 1.17.1 support
- Fixed disconnect on bungeecord
- Fixed error
- Fixed startup error caused by misconfiguration
- Added workaround for viaversion not returning correct player version, resulting in various issues
- Fixed NPE in API
- Added * support for per-world settings & disabling features in worlds (such as lobby-* would include all worlds starting with "lobby-")
- Fixed fix-pet-names option causing problems on 1.17
- Fixed bossbar progress always showing full on creation
- Small performance and memory optimizations
- Debug config option is now public
- Removed placeholderapi expansion downloader to avoid rare harmless error

2.9.1 Jun 17, 2021
- Hotfixed 2 critical issues
- Added option to define custom character widths into aligned suffix feature
- Added placeholder output replacements support to relational placeholders

2.9.0 Jun 16, 2021
Premium version changes:

Added scoreboard announce command (/tab announce scoreboard <name> <length>)
Added detection of scoreboards from other plugins to properly hide tab's and send it again once the other plugin's one disappears
Added command argument to scoreboard for silent scoreboard toggle /tab scoreboard toggle/on/off [player] -s
Added option to delay scoreboard on join
Added new sorting type PLACEHOLDER sorting by predefined values in new list
Placeholder output replacements now correctly accept yes/no keys without requiring to put them into ""
Fixed RGB codes sometimes not displaying in scoreboard for 1.16
Fixed security issue with scoreboard
Fixed rare scoreboard color issue
Fixed >= and <= condition types not working
Fixed align tabsuffix feature sometimes creating more space than needed due to players who are no longer online
Fixed align tabsuffix feature crashing when relational placeholders are used
Fixed conflict between hidden-by-default and remember-toggle-choice scoreboard options
Probably fixed rare scoreboard display issue

From free version:

Added 1.17 support
Added support for Thermos & forks
Added new feature "PingSpoof" - shows everyone as having the same configured ping value in green par (for example 0)
Added support for using % symbol without breaking placeholders after it - use %% to display it
Added anti-override logging so you know if your plugins are not configured correctly & oonfig options to disable anti-override
Added permission group & node forwarding from bukkit server to the proxy if enabled (requires bukkit bridge updated as well)
Added extra properties "headerappend" and "footerappend" that add extra text on the bottom of header/footer, useful to display extra info for staff members without copypasting the whole thing
Added more ways of using remove-strings (#259)
Added option for global playerlist to see vanished players as in spectator gamemode for those who have permission to see vanished players
Added command to send bossbar to one player only (#251)
Added more misconfiguration checks
Added option for global playerlist to isolate unlisted servers instead of grouping them
Added option to configure legacy colors for RGB codes using #RRGGBB|L where L is legacy code
Added config option to configure space between unlimited nametag lines
Added %player-version-id% placeholder, useful for conditions to make version-specific text
Added config option to disable unlimited nametags in worlds
Added permission requirement (tab.tabcomplete) to use tabcomplete in tab's commands
Added purpur afk support to %afk%
Added bukkit vanish plugin support to global playerlist via bridge (which must be updated as well)
Significantly improved performance of fix-pet-names feature
Updated ViaVersion hook to 4.0.0 (older versions not supported)
%canseeonline% placeholder on bungeecord now supports backend vanish plugins
Massively reduced memory usage
do-not-move-spectators option enabling/disabling now takes effect immediately instead of on next change
Increased placeholder expansion downloading initial delay to give plugins more time to load expansions
Improved performance of RGB colors
Improved /tab cpu command
Improved compatibility of unlimited nametag mode with vanish plugins
Changed animations.yml structure for less opportunities to mess up spacing (your file will automatically convert)
No longer refreshing players when command to set property is used if value did not change (for autmatic commands, improves performance)
Improved API
Fixed many errors
Fixed compatibility issue with ySpigot (random abandoned spigot fork)
Fixed RGB usage causing &r to not work correctly
Fixed unlimited nametag mode sometimes not spawning armor stands on join
Fixed unlimited nametag mode's armor stands sometimes not appearing
Fixed armor stands not visible when teleporting from disabled world to enabled
Fixed %coundown% of bossbar announcement not updating when accessed using %tab_placeholder_countdown%
Fixed startup error caused by hooking into LibsDisguises if the plugin is not enabled
Fixed API bugs
Fixed issues when ProtocolSupport was on the server but not enabled due to wrong version
Fixed abovename/belowname defined in per-world not loading correctly
Fixed compatibility of unlimited nametag mode with player ride plugins
Fixed startup error due to invalid refresh interval of placeholders, replaced with a warning
Fixed global playerlist's spy servers not respecting vanish status
Fixed errors in LP hook
Fixed errors on /tab reload
Fixed wrong visuals displayed when using a plugin that teleports players to different world immediately on join
Fixed unlimited nametags not respecting crowling and gliding
Fixed wrong offset with unlimited nametags when riding unusual horse types
Fixed error in placeholder output replacements
Fixed tablist name formatting on 1.7 clients
Fixed tablist name formatting sometimes not appearing when anti-override is disabled
Fixed issues with per-world-playerlist
Fixed errors when using & tab-completing /tab command from console
Fixed placeholders not refreshing when assigned to players via API
Fixed number parse error messages stripping color codes
Dropped direct BungeePerms support as no one was using it (still can assign by permissions)
Removed modify-npc-names config option under unlimited nametag mode as NPC names should be properly configured in NPC plugin (also it was a source of hate from their devs which is now no longer available)

2.8.10 Jan 8, 2021
Fixed issue on 1.8 from previous release

2.8.10 Jan 6, 2021

2.8.9 Nov 22, 2020

2.8.8 Nov 15, 2020

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