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4.1.4 15 hours ago

Hotfix from previous release.

4.1.3 17 hours ago
  1. Added 1.20.5 support
  2. Added support for Bukkit jars without CraftBukkit relocation (#1220)
  3. Added back config option to disable TAB's PlaceholderAPI expansion from registering
  4. Added more misconfiguration checks for Layout feature
  5. Added console warn if a player appears to be a Bedrock player, but floodgate says they are not (likely means floodgate is not configured correctly)
  6. Added console warn on startup if errors.log file reaches 1MB
  7. Added console warn if numeric placeholder in condition is not a number
  8. Added console warn if a sorting element (such as group) of some player is not in list
  9. Added console warn if using Waterfall with a config option that causes issues
  10. Added console warn if a placeholder in Belowname / Playerlist objective did not return a number or returned decimal number instead of integer
  11. Added console warn if using a condition with 2 patterns but missing type (and / or)
  12. Added automatic conversion of \n to newline symbol, without requiring to use "" instead of ''
  13. Added support for empty value in sorting by pre-defined values
  14. Added %bedrock% placeholder showing true for Bedrock players, false for Java players
  15. Added condition support to enable-collision option
  16. Added config option to disable SLL in MySQL
  17. Added config option to configure refresh interval of permission-related things (sorting, groups, placeholders)
  18. Fixed MiniMessage RGB colors support on Velocity (#1210, #1231)
  19. Fixed error in PremiumVanish hook if using an ancient version of the plugin (#1171)
  20. Fixed random errors
  21. Fixed potential thread deadlock (#1230)
  22. Fixed json syntax error in sorting (#1184)
  23. Fixed compatibility issue with some Fabric mods (#1191, #1212)
  24. Fixed scoreboard lines having forced color even if none is used (#1189)
  25. Fixed prevent-spectator-effect not applying to players who unvanish
  26. Fixed tablist anti-override potentially not working on Velocity and Sponge
  27. Fixed per-world settings of unlimited nametags not updating on world switch
  28. Fixed placeholder output replacements not working in nested placeholders
  29. Fixed Layout entries not showing correctly for 1.8.0 players (#1225)
  30. Fixed placeholder output replacements to %group% placeholder changing player groups internally
  31. Fixed client lag when team anti-override took place (#1193)
  32. Remove native support for <gradient:#RRGGBB:#RRGGBB>Text</gradient> as it was clashing with MiniMessage causing issues (#1252)
  33. Improved MySQL error messages to be more user-friendly
  34. Armor stand spawning is now sent in a single bundle packet on 1.19.4+, will fix rare flicker on sneak (#1168)
  35. Massive performance improvements to all parts of the plugin
  36. Increased scoreboard line length limit by 2 characters on <1.13
  37. CPU usage tracking will now only be enabled after running /tab cpu for the first time
  38. Unlimited nametag mode's armor stands will now move instead of teleport. This should drastically improve synchronization and bypass vanilla desync bug (#1236)

4.1.2 Dec 8, 2023

Hotfix from previous version

4.1.1 Dec 7, 2023

Updated 1.20.4

4.1.0 Dec 6, 2023
  1. Updated to latest BungeeCord
  2. Added support for Bukkit 1.20.3
  3. Added support for Fabric 1.14.4 - 1.20.1 & 1.20.3
  4. Fixed endsWith condition (-|)
  5. Added unregistering teams of vanished players for players who cannot see vanished players to prevent third party clients from abusing teams to discover online vanished staff members
  6. Fixed double bossbar on Velocity on server switch
  7. Added support for new 1.20.3 scoreboard features (more info on wiki pages of each feature)
  8. Deleted aligned tabsuffix feature as the feature was added into MC itself in 1.20.3. The feature was buggy and hard to maintain (and use) anyway. If someone wants to use this feature regardless, simply don't update as the main change is 1.20.3 support anyway.
  9. Added support for relational placeholders inside other placeholders

If using TAB on BungeeCord, update TAB-Bridge to version 5.0.0.

4.0.9 Nov 5, 2023

Hotfix on BungeeCord from previous update.

4.0.8 Nov 4, 2023
Added support for latest BungeeCord. 
Please note that the latest changes introduced a packet encoding bug in features TAB offers that causes <1.13 players to be disconnected immediately on join. This bug is inherited by forks as well, including Waterfall and possibly further forks as well. 
Considering the bungee update didn't add anything meaningful other than support for some 1.20.3 snapshot, it is better to stay on an older version (BungeeCord #1759 or lower, Waterfall #548 or lower) until this is fixed in BungeeCord.
Disabling the plugin for <1.13 players to avoid the disconnect would be a bad solution for many reasons.

4.0.7 Oct 16, 2023

Fixed various issues on 1.20.2 BungeeCord. 
If you use it, and updated your backend to 1.20.2, don't forget to update bridge as well, because it compensates for a new bug introduced in bukkit 1.20.2 causing plugin messages to not be sent on join.

4.0.6 Oct 1, 2023

Added 1.20.2 client support to BungeeCord (requires newer BungeeCord build with a new method added).

4.0.5 Sep 27, 2023
Added support for new Spigot 1.20.2 build that uses mojang mappings for fields and methods (forks will probably follow as well).
Note on BungeeCord: There are still no news on 1.20.2 client support on BungeeCord. While the issue linked in previous update got closed, it got falsely closed - nothing was fixed. Shall a fix be introduced and plugin require an update to take advatange of the fix, plugin will be updated.

4.0.4 Sep 22, 2023

Added 1.20.2 support.

Please note that the plugin currently won't work for 1.20.2 players on BungeeCord due to an issue that's currently being investigated. There is currently no feasible solution available on the plugin's end, so we will most likely need to wait for a fix on BungeeCord side. If any progress on this is made and it will involve a change to the plugin, an update will be made for 1.20.2 client support on BungeeCord.

4.0.3 Jul 7, 2023

Bug fixes

4.0.2 Jun 22, 2023

Added back Vault hook and placeholders

Fixed error on /sb

If using bridge plugin, update it to 3.1.0

4.0.1 Jun 13, 2023

4.0.1 Jun 12, 2023
  • Added 1.20.1 to known versions list (to avoid warning saying unknown server version)
  • Fixed TabComplete on Sponge 7-, Sponge 8+ and Fabric
  • Fixed BungeeCord kick on 1.7

4.0.0 Jun 11, 2023

4.0.0 Jun 9, 2023
  • Added 1.20 support
  • Removed everything that should not be exposed in the API module and added API for layouts
  • Pet name fix feature was removed from the main plugin and released as a separate plugin.
  • Ping spoof feature was removed
  • Removed Vault hook. According to bStats, 88% of servers that use TAB use LuckPerms and 5.6% use nothing. Other permission plugins are still supported when assigning groups by permissions.
  • %vault-prefix% and %vault-suffix% got removed. You can use their PlaceholderAPI alternative or the internal LuckPerms placeholders
  • %afk% got removed, use %essentials_afk% for essentials and %purpur_player_afk% for purpur's afk detection
  • %essentialsnick% got officially removed, it was already partially removed previously only returning player's name
  • Placeholder refresh interval categories were merged. Relational placeholders still have to start with %rel_, so those are not a problem. You are no longer able to specify server placeholders manually. Only those from server expansion are now registered as server placeholders.
  • Added Fabric support. Due to nature of Fabric being unable to support more than 1 server version in a single jar, the release only supports 1.20.
  • Moved layout.yml content to config.yml
  • Feature are no longer being disabled in worlds/servers, but a disable-condition was introduced. It allows more customization. Bossbar and scoreboard got this option completely removed, as each configured object has display-condition already.
  • Layout now properly hides vanished players only from those, who shouldn't see them (previously everyone had the same view). This opens new options for the future.
  • Many other small changes and bug fixes

3.3.2 Mar 31, 2023

- Fixed github issue #842
- Fixed many errors
- Unlimited nametag mode will now force marker tag for 1.8.x players instead of allowing to configure it
- Fixed TAB expansion for placeholderapi not registering again on plugin reload with new PlaceholderAPI version

3.3.1 Mar 15, 2023


  1. Added 1.19.4 support


  1. Fixed broken anti-override for teams from previous version


  1. No longer sending updates to players in disabled worlds

Scoreboard teams:

  1. Fixed teams being registered on name change in disabled worlds


  1. Slots in player groups matching fixed slots will be ignored instead of overwriting them

Global playerlist:

  1. Reduced amount of packets sent & no longer blocking packets from other plugins


  1. Sped up plugin reloading on high player counts

3.3.0 Feb 21, 2023

Added Sponge support

  1. Supports both Sponge 7 (1.12.2) and Sponge 8 (1.16.5)
  2. Not all features are available on both versions, see what is and what isn't available on the Compatiblity page


  1. Fixed placeholders in title rarely not refreshing when switching between scoreboard with the same title

Unlimited nametags:

  1. Fixed error on player quit which caused further issues


  1. Fixed conversion to legacy codes inserting redundant codes, hitting limits much faster (#827)

3.2.5 Feb 13, 2023

- Removed %essentialsnick% placeholder due to being highly redundant (majority of server who want it have placeholderapi anyway). The placeholder will now return player name to avoid sudden placeholder break on update

- Attempted to fix false config conversion trigger (#762)

- Added support for * symbol in world/server groups in configuration at the beginning as well (previously only worked at the end)

- Unlimited nametag mode will now show armor stands of invisible players to players in spectator gamemode (#785)


The next version will include Sponge support. If you're a customer interested in this, let me know by opening a ticket on discord.

3.2.4 Jan 25, 2023

Fixed player login processing caused by a an error in Bukkit API

3.2.3 Jan 21, 2023

- Added RGB support to messages sent into console
- Added colorization of output of relational placeholders
- Fixed bossbar error when progress is below 0 or above 100
- Reverted placeholder timeout from previous update due to many issues
- Fixed rare error on bukkit

3.2.2 Jan 15, 2023


  1. Fixed startup on Thermos
  2. Added 1.5.0 support (for fun)


  1. Fixed players unregistered with wrong team name on team name change

Unlimited nametags:

  1. Fixed error leading to player disconnect


  1. No longer sending update packets to players who cannot see scoreboard

Aligned suffix:

  1. Fixed rare error


  1. Added instant updating if player's uuid is used in /tab player command


  1. Added timeout for placeholders to retrieve value to avoid plugin freezing when a placeholders makes an SQL task that freezes, set to 50ms

Global playerlist:

  1. Increased time of blocking player removal packets on server switch to prevent proxy removing players from tablist on server switch


  1. Small changes to default configuration showing how to do some commonly asked things


  1. Plugin will no longer forcibly add &r at the beginning of each line (so formatting will follow unless overridden)

Yellow number:

  1. Disabled the feature for bedrock players due to display bugs and no actual benefits


  1. Fixed rare error on reload

3.2.1 Dec 16, 2022

Fixed 2 issues from previous release.

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