Delivering Dragon Slaying Rewards' is an exciting addition to any Minecraft server looking to add an extra challenge for their players.

With this plugin, players can compete to be the top three in inflicting dragon damage and receive special rewards - there's no better incentive to team up and fight the beast! Plus, the plugin is easy to install and customize according to server preferences - dare to challenge your players with this exciting plugin!

3.png 2.png 

✔ Configurations for each dragon:
✔ Health
✔ Attack damage
✔ Generation Type
✔ Ad templates
✔ EXP Drop
✔ Glow
✔ Events
✔ Schedulers
✔ ActionBar
✔ BossBar
✔ Custom Name
✔ Rewards for top 3 Damage
✔ Placeholder API For Counter
✔ Customizable Messages
✔ Customizable Rewards
✔ Scheduled and configurable alerts from settings
✔ Multiple Programming for each dragon
  1. /jdragon create <dragon> <type> - Allows you to create a new file to configure your dragon. For instance, you could create a fire dragon or an ice dragon.

  2. /jdragon spawn (dragon) [time] [-s] - Generates a timer in seconds before the dragon spawns. Using -s disables the dragon spawn announcement.

  3. /jdragon cancel <dragon> - Cancels a dragon that is in progress.
  4. /jdragon delete <dragon> - Deletes the dragon's YAML file.
  5. /jdragon help <page> - Displays the help message and allows you to switch between pages.

  6. /jdragon info <dragon> - Shows general information about the specified dragon.

  7. /jdragon list - Displays the list of dragons.
  8. /jdragon setloc <dragon> <spawn/endcrystals> [int] - Configures the locations for dragon generation or for each ender crystal.

  9. /jdragon reload - Reloads the configuration.
  10. /jdragon scheduler <create/delete/list> - Configures schedules for each dragon without opening the file.

  11. /jdragon setup <dragon> - Configures values such as output, attack damage, brightness, and others for the specified dragon.

  12. /jdragon teleport <dragon> <x> <y> <z> <world> - Teleports the dragon to specific coordinates in a specified world.

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  • Join Our Discord Server: Click on the following link to join our Discord server,
  • Select Support Channel: Once on the server, go to the designated text channel for support, e.g. "support" or "FAQ".
  • Create a TIcket: Write your question or describe the problem you are experiencing with the ticket. Our community moderators will be happy to help you.
  • Expect an Answer: Normally, you will receive an answer in a short time. If you don't get an immediate response, don't worry, someone will help you soon!
Note: Our support and community team is available at different times, so please note that responses may vary depending on availability.


    PlaceholderAPI: (link)
        Type: Soft Dependency
        Description: Adds custom placeholders to PAPI.
