
With this plugin, players can claim daily / weekly / monthly rewards or any other you can think of, and are forget about the streak of connections. Moreover, the plugin is easy to install and customize according to server preferences: dare to challenge your players with this exciting plugin!​


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✓ Possibility to change the base commands
✓ Use MySQL or SQLite storage
✓ Infinite Rewards
✓ Actions and Requirements
✓ Multiple designs
✓ PlaceholderAPI support
✓ Support with Hexadecimal Colors.
✓ Custom Model Data Support
✓ Creation of customized items
✓ Page system in the menu
✓ 5 Menu designs in the wiki

Type: Soft Dependency
Description: Adds custom placeholders to PAPI. Allows placeholders to be used in the rewards.

We offer 5 default designs, which you can use and configure to your liking.