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Seitan Sep 21, 2021
Hi! Can we use PlaceHolder from PlaceHolderAPI in the boss bar? :)

I want to link Tebex so when a player buy a Jobs reborn boost it says in the boss bar that the player name bought a boost for x time :) thanks!
4drian3d Sep 22, 2021
For now you can only use the plugin's own placeholders, but in the next update I will add support for PlaceholderAPI placeholders.
Seitan Sep 23, 2021
Nice that would be a game changer! :D
4drian3d Sep 23, 2021
The latest update adds support for PlaceholderAPI and legacy colors (&).

You can use the 2 types of placeholders that the plugin offers: <player> (TitleAnnouncer) or %player_name% (PlaceholderAPI). But if there is an equivalent for a PlaceholderAPI placeholder in TitleAnnouncer, it is recommended to use this one to improve performance.
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