2.2.1 Oct 26, 2021
Fix startup on Paper

2.2.0 Oct 21, 2021
New Commands and performance improvements
- Improved overall plugin performance and memory usage

- Added new Chat Announcer, more information at https://github.com/4drian3d/TitleAnnouncer/wiki/Chat-Commands

- Fixed some bugs

2.1.2 Oct 9, 2021
Added several improvements based on the benefits of the new java versions

2.1.1 Oct 7, 2021
Fixed plugin initialization in Velocity
Fixed plugin initialization in Velocity if Protocolize is not found

2.1.0 Oct 6, 2021
New Placeholder, update to latest Paper and CommandFactory
- Improved Paper and Velocity Bossbar handling
Improved performance and functionality in Bossbars sending.

- Implement CommandFactory
Improved command logging on the server thanks to Jonakls with pull request #9

- Improved No Permission configurable messages
Fixed and improved configurable no permission messages.
For this reason, the plugin has been updated to use the latest version of Paper 1.17.1+

2.0.1 Oct 3, 2021
- Fixed plugin code style
- Fixed some bugs in the send and server commands
- Fixed bugs in the replacement of legacy colors

2.0.0 Sep 30, 2021
Velocity Support, Adventure 4.9.1, Improved Configuration, and more
+ Added Velocity 3.0.2+ Support

*Added /server (title|actionbar|bossbar) commands.
The other commands work by prefixing them with a v, for example: /vannouncebossbar.
*Added Proxy placeholders: <online>, <name>, <ping>, <client>, <locale>, <server>, <version>
*Added support for proxy sounds thanks to Protocolize. You must have it installed on your Velocity proxy to have sound support. Optionally you can install Protocolize-Legacy to provide sound support for 1.8-1.12 clients

+ Update to Adventure 4.9.1

* Removed support for Paper 1.16.5. Only Paper 1.17.1+ is supported.
* Improved permission check.
* Added support for sending subtitles in case the ; separator is not provided in the title commands.
* Updated MiniMessage to last version.

+ Improved Configuration

* The plugin now uses a better configuration library, allowing multi-platform support and universal configuration.
* The configuration was modified, some values will work, but others will be ignored. It is recommended to reset the configuration

+ Fixed Bugs

* Customizable no permissions message now works properly
* Improved the performance of certain parts of the code.
* The code has been reorganized, making it modular and easier to maintain.

2.0.0-BETA1 SNAPSHOT Sep 28, 2021
Added Velocity support, update to Adventure 4.9.1 and more
- Added Velocity 3.0.2+ Support

* Added /server(title|actionbar|bossbar) commands
* The other commands work by prefixing them with a "v", for example: "/vannouncebossbar".
* Added Proxy placeholders: <online>, <name>, <ping>, <client>, <locale>, <server>, <version>

- Update to Adventure 4.9.1

* Removed support for Paper 1.16.5. Only Paper 1.17.1+ is supported.
* Improved permission check
* Added support for sending subtitles in case the ";" separator is not provided in the title commands

- Improved Configuration

* The plugin now uses a better configuration library, allowing multi-platform support and universal configuration.
* The configuration was modified, some values will work, but others will be ignored. It is recommended to reset the configuration

- Known Problems

* Titles do not work in Velocity at the moment.

1.16.0 Sep 23, 2021
PlaceholderAPI and Legacy colors support
- PlaceholderAPI support
Added support for placeholders from PlaceholderAPI.

- Legacy color support
Basic support for color codes &1, &2, &l, &k, etc... has been added.
These colors will be converted to their MiniMessage equivalent before being sent.

1.15.0 Sep 21, 2021
Fixed bugs and improved performance
- Fixed a bug when executing commands and for some reason the user's ping was invalid.

- Improved performance on conditionals, tabcomplete and commands

- Moved some functions to shared modules to avoid redundancy

1.14.0 Sep 5, 2021
Improved performance and code cleanup

1.13.0 Aug 31, 2021
Improve Tab Complete
- Now all commands have their respective and functional auto-completion of arguments.

1.12.0 Aug 29, 2021
Improved Bossbar
- Now you just have to specify the duration of the Bossbar ad instead of the percentage of reduction per second!

Remember to check the wiki for the new usage https://github.com/4drian3d/TitleAnnouncer/wiki/Bossbar-Commands

- Now the bossbar will have a smoother animation and better performance.

1.11.0 Aug 29, 2021
Bossbar Announcements!
- Now you can send announcements in the form of a Bossbar!

Remember to review the guide to understand the use of the command

- Improved some code

1.10.0 Aug 27, 2021
Plugin Placeholders!
- The plugin now has its own placeholders to use in your announcements. Check the complete wiki at: https://github.com/4drian3d/TitleAnnouncer/wiki/Placeholders

- The main command has been improved, adding separate title and actionbar help subcommands and improving the autocompletion.

1.9.0 Aug 25, 2021
Improved configuration and code
The size of the plugin has been reduced, with no loss of functionality, on the contrary, several internal improvements have been made.

Now the plugin is less prone to errors due to configuration failures and now you can configure the plugin prefix separately from each message, you can set your own prefix or simply remove it with "" if you like.

The handling of the plugin's internal components has been improved, it should now be more readable, maintainable and efficient.

1.8.1 Aug 24, 2021
Reduced JAR file size

1.8.0 Aug 23, 2021
Reload command, use of Paper-API and more
- New Main Command "/announcer" or "/titleannouncer"

- New Reload Subcommand: "/announcer reload"

From now on, the plugin will make use of Paper's AsyncTabCompleter, which will improve the autocompletion of commands with the best possible performance.

*In this update there are minor changes in the configuration, it is recommended to reset the configuration or add the values manually.*

1.7.0 Aug 21, 2021