2.1.2 Aug 13, 2023
Update 2.1.2 | Some Bug Fixes

Adjusted the system for finding a tracker tag on the tool.
Fixed an issue with WildStacker, that stacker type should now work once again.
Fixed an NoClassDefFound error for older versions that handle enchants differently.
Added NBTAPI back into the plugin.

Please let me know if you come across any issues on my Discord immediately.

2.1.1 Aug 6, 2023
Update 2.1.1 | Formatted Counter, Enchantment Limits, and more.

Added an update checker.
Added formatted counters.
Enabling this will allow the plugin to condense numbers with their appropriate suffix. For example, 1234 will turn into 1.23k

Please add this to your config.yml under counter:

# Everything dealing with the counter process.
  # Enable formatting the counter tag? Ex. 1234 will turn into 1.23k
    enabled: false

Added enchantment limiting.
Please add this to config.yml:

# This section is for limiting he max value an enchant can be upgraded to.
# Remember to use the proper names for the minecraft version.
    - looting:10

Removed a counter converter.

2.1.0 Jul 25, 2023
Update v2.1.0

Updated NBTAPI support so now it works past versions 1.16.
NOTE: This plugin is no longer built in, and now server owners need to keep it updated.
Updated some systems. Report to the Discord if you need support.
Added bStats.

2.0.3 Apr 2, 2021
Update 2.0.3
Players can now be considered towards the tracker.
Fixed NoClassFound error for legacy versions when using WildStacker as your stacker type.
Some minor changes.

2.0.2 Mar 31, 2021
Quick Fixes
Applied minor tweaks to polish the plugin.

2.0.1 Mar 30, 2021
v2.0 Recode.
Full base recode. If you're upgrading to 2.0 update your files accordingly. Check our documentation for tutorials.

1.2.1 Dec 19, 2020