

Add rich translations to you Minecraft Server or Proxy


  1. Install MiniPlaceholders
  2. Download TumiTranslator
  3. Drag and drop on your plugins folder
  4. Start the server
  5. Add as many translations and languages as you like


  1. Add translations to all your MiniPlaceholders compatible plugins in Paper, Folia and Velocity environments
  2. MiniMessage format support
  3. MiniPlaceholders placeholder support in translations
  4. Support for more than 25 plugins from Paper, Folia and Velocity

How does it works?

TumiTranslator adds translations via a MiniPlaceholders Expansion, so you can add translations to any plugin that has MiniPlaceholders support, without having to modify packets, which affects the stability of your server.

In addition, it has support for using existing MiniPlaceholders placeholders in your translations, so you can use placeholders from the Player Expansion, Expressions Expansion and others to customize your translations to your liking, with full support for the entire chat format in Minecraft Vanilla.




This placeholder renders the specific translation according to the locale of the client.

This placeholder renders the specified translation according to the specified locale.


TumiTranslation with Velocitab

TumiTranslation with VCustomBrand

