UltiEconomy is designed with a foundation to combine various economic features into one plugin. From unlimited currencies, to currency boosters with various conditions, and bank accounts with roles & permissions, UltiEconomy allows various opportunities for your server and your players.

Even More Features
Bank Account Role Permissions:
Each bank role within a bank account can be configured with different permissions to allow management of the account.
Interest Timer:
To motivate players to deposit to their bank accounts, they can get deposited a certain amount of interest inside each of their accounts.
This is configurable in the settings file.
Currency Conversion:
You can convert one currency to another (given that both currencies allow conversions).
The rates are determined by permission nodes.
Currency Bags:
- You can have items that hold a specified currency and amount that give that much currency on right-click.
Transaction Histories:
You can log wallet and bank transactions made, from deposits, withdrawals, to even conversions from currencies.
NPC Podiums:
You can configure how often they're set, their locations, what times we set them, and tons more.
Taxes & Fees:
Certain actions can be taxed/charged for a fee such as paying, depositing/withdrawing into bank accounts, changing the bank account owner, etc.
Global rates can be configured in the settings file, but players can also receive permission nodes to either have a different rate or bypass them completely.
Various Customization Options:
Various customization options are available for menus from item slots, button displays, menu sizes, model data support, and more.
In addition, there are hundreds of messages customizable, you can enable/disable various economy options, there are various settings available to modify currencies created, and so much more.
Folia Support (EXPERIMENTAL):
Do note that Folia is still in the alpha stage of development, so please use caution.
And tons more!
Excellent Customer Support
If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to open a ticket on our discord or contact [email protected]. Response time is typically within 24 hours, but can also depend on time zones, holidays, and the amount of other tickets to answer.