Download/Buy plugin here:
Fully configurable backups.
Auto Performance in saving and no loss of items.
Options to save backpack when player dies.
Option not to drop backpacks on the floor.
Smart charging on demand use.
Virtual Backpacks and Physical Backpacks.
Backpacks can be from 1 to Infinite pages.
Auto Organize Item Button, Auto Smelt, Auto Pickup, and Ingot To Blocks.
Custom NBT tags, for example using custom textures.
Upgradeable where members can buy new pages by permission.
Configurable crafts and infinite possibilities of creation by pages, rows, editable or not, option of settings to turn resources on and off.
Easy list for players to create their backpacks.
Actionbar notifying you when items are placed in the backpack.
An administrator can edit any backpack even from offline players and physical backpacks.
Pages and rows by permission.
Support for WorldGuard and worlds where you can't use backpacks.
Blacklist of items that cannot be stored in the backpack.
Configurable upgrades and can be turned off.
An advanced GUI menu system with sounds when performing actions.
Installing a plugin
How to install Ultimate Backpack plugin
After downloading from a trusted source like Spigot, mc-Market or Songoda from STOP on your server and place the downloaded .jar of Ultimate BackPacks file into the /plugins/ folder and from START on the server.
Check the upload log if everything went fine, including Hooks, Savings and so on.
Plugins have an anti-piracy system that crashes at random times, leaked or pirated plugins are not supported
Commands and Permissions
All permissions follow the command pattern, for example: the /backpack help command has its permission. you can use wildcard permissions to add ubackpack.player.* to players
Player Commands:
Aliases: backpacks, bpk, bag, mochila]
/backpack help - Show help menu. (
/backpack virtual - Open virtual BackPack. (ubackpack.player.virtual)
/backpack home - Open home BackPack. (ubackpack.player.home)
/backpack crafts - Open crafts list. (ubackpack.player.crafts)
Admin commands:
/ubackpack help - Show help menu. (
/ubackpack reload - Reload settings. (ubackpack.admin.reload)
/ubackpack open <UUID|NICKNAME|ID> - Open a virtual or physical backpack (
/ubackpack list - List all Backpacks (ubackpack.admin.list)
/ubackpack give - Give a backpack to a player (ubackpack.admin.give)
The Ultimate BackPack plugin can connect with other plugins that are added to the list. These plugins bring a link and can use external functions to enhance your clan experience.
Compatible plugins:
WorldGuard - Optional for some functions
Custom Items FREE ! - by Ssomar
Executable Items - by Ssomar
AutoSell - by clip
To use placeholders you need to have PlaceholderAPI plugin installed on your server and place clan placeholders in your plugins.
The list of placeholders is also available in the /plugins/UltimateBackPack/PLACEHOLDERS.txt folder
Download PAPI here:
Placeholders list:
Use the Ultimate Backpack API in your plugins
Ultimate Backpacks doesn't have a Maven repository yet.
The link to BackPackAPI.jar is not available, you must import the .jar file downloaded from the market.
To use the API you must import the API file (which is not an installable plugin) into your library. Start adding depending on your plugin.
softdepend: [UltimateBackpack]
Now you need to check if the plugin has been turned on
public class Main extends JavaPlugin{
private static BackpackAPI backpackAPI = null;
private static RegisterAPI registerAPI = null;
public void onEnable() {
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("UltimateBackPack")) {
this.backpackAPI = BackpackAPI.getInstance();
this.registerAPI = RegisterAPI.getInstance();
And finally call the api using this.backpackAPI or this.registerAPI