- Internal Logger System + Webhook Discord of clan activities.
- System of Member Roles configurable according to the server.
- Clan Leagues Addon.
Optional Bridges:
TitansBattle - https://polymart.org/resource/2526
Optional Assistant (Minecraft 1.18+):
EntityWizard - https://github.com/UlrichBR/EntityWizard/releases/latest
Optional Addons (V7):
(Free) Holograms - https://polymart.org/resource/2522
(Free) Discord Integration - https://polymart.org/resource/2523
(Free) TitansBattle (Bridge) - https://polymart.org/resource/2526
(Free) Corpse Addon - https://polymart.org/resource/2837
(Paid) Quests - https://polymart.org/resource/2521
(Paid) Chest - https://polymart.org/resource/2527
(Paid) War - https://polymart.org/resource/2519
(Paid) Bank - https://polymart.org/resource/2516
(Paid) Land - https://polymart.org/resource/2513
(Paid) Gladiator - https://polymart.org/resource/2812
(Paid) LeaderBoard - https://polymart.org/resource/3378
(Paid) FarmCoin - https://polymart.org/resource/4441
(Paid) Nexus - https://polymart.org/resource/2515
(Paid) League - https://polymart.org/resource/6050
/clan create <tag> - Create a new Clan
/clan cancel - Cancel pending actions
/clan changeleader <player> - Transfer the leadership
/clan desc <description> - Add description to Clan
/clan disband - Delete you Clan
/clan leave - Leave a Clan
/clan join <tag> - Accept a clan invitation
/clan deny <tag> - Deny clan invite
/clan promote <player> - Promote a member
/clan demote <player> - Demote a member
/clan home - Clan homes
- /clan home create <name> - Create a home
- /clan home delete <name> - Delete a home
- /clan home list (-gui) - List all homes
- /clan home teleport <name> - Teleport to home
- /clan home view <name> - View a home
/clan chat - Toggle clan chat
/clan ff - Toggle clan friendly fire
/clan modtag <newtag> - Change clan tag
/clan list (type)/(-gui) - List all clans
/clan info (tag) - View clan info
/clan profile - View member commands
- /clan profile view (player) (-gui) - View player profile
- /clan profile set <key> <value> - Set profile settings
- /clan profile updateskin - Update skin
- /clan profile invites (-gui) - View invitations
/clan rival - Clan rivalries
- /clan rival add <tag> - Add clan rival
- /clan rival remove <tag> - Remove a rival
- /clan rival list (tag) (-gui) - List clan rivalries
- /clan rival deny <tag> - Deny a rival
- /clan rival accept <tag> - Accept a rival
/clan ally - Clan alliances
- /clan ally add <tag> - Add new ally
- /clan ally remove <tag> - Remove an alliance
- /clan ally accept <tag> - Accept a clan alliance
- /clan ally deny <tag> - Deny clan alliance
- /clan ally list (tag) (-gui) - List clan alliances
/clan member - Clan member
- /clan member invite <player> - Invite a player
- /clan member kick <player> - Kick a member
- /clan member list (tag) (-gui) - List clan member
- /clan member search (text) - Search a member
/clan settings - Change clan settings
- /clan settings banned (-gui) - List banned players
- /clan settings view (-gui) - View clan settings.
- /clan settings set <key> <value> - Change clan settings
/clan role - Change clan role
- /clan role sync (-gui) - Sync role permissions
- /clan role view (-gui) - View clan role
- /clan role set <key> <value> - Change clan role
/clan regroup - Regroup the clan
- /clan regroup send - Send a clan regroup
- /clan regroup accept - Accept a regroup invite
- /clan regroup deny - Deny a regroup invite
/clan ban <player> - Ban a player
/clan unban <player> - Unban a player
/clan nickname <nickname> - Change clan nickname
/clan banner - Change clan banner
- /clan banner upload (-gui) - Upload a clan banner
- /clan banner delete - Delete the clan banner
- /clan banner view (-gui) - View banner information
/clan mail
-/clan mail send <to> <text>
-/clan mail read (time) (page) (gui)
-/clan mail clear
/uclan chatspy - Spy the clan chat
/uclan addslot <player|tag> - Add slots to the Clan
/uclan setslot <player|tag> - Set slots to the Clan
/uclan removeslot <player|tag> - Remove slots to the Clan
/uclan addpoints <player|tag> <amount> (reason) - Add points to the Clan
/uclan setpoints <player|tag> <amount> (reason)- Set points to the Clan
/uclan removepoints <player|tag> <amount> (reason) - Remove points to the Clan
/uclan changetag <player|tag> <newtag> - Changing a clan tag
/uclan resetplayerkdr <player> - Reset Player KDR
/uclan resetclankdr <player|tag> - Reset Clan KDR
/uclan globalff - Toggle clan friendly fire
/uclan delete <player|tag> - Delete a clan
/uclan forcejoin <player> <player|tag> - Add a player to a clan
/uclan verify <player|tag> - Verify a clan
/uclan reload - Reload the settings
/uclans extension - View and edir extensions
Default languages:
English (EN), Polish (PL), Turkish (TR), Russian (RU), Spanish (ES), Hungarian (HU), German (GE), Português (BR). others soon..
Optional dependencies:
⊲ Ultimate Koth ⊳ - By UlrichBR
⋉ Ultimate Outpost ⋊ - By UlrichBR
PlaceholderAPI, Vault, PlayerPoints, WorldGuard, LeaderHeads, ComplexTurrets, SuperVanish and PremiumVanish, CombatLogX, DeluxeCombat, PvPManager and PvPmanager Lite, Duels, TitansBattle, GriefDefender, ProtocolLib, TokenEnchant, ItemsAdder, FancyHolograms, EssentialsX, CMI, GriefPrevention, BlueMap, ProtectionStones.
Default Configuration:
These are the terms applied when purchasing here at polymart.
You may not distribute this plugin in any form.
This plugin is personal and non-transferable.
There are no refunds for this plugin as it is a digital service received upon purchase.
You may not distribute parts of this plugin's code other than through the API.
Misuse of these rules leads to buyer removal and is reported to polymart and your account may be permanently banned.