doxyCze Dec 28, 2024
Version 8.3.3
I can confidently say that this clan plugin is among the best in its category. The add-ons that can be added give a nice way to spice up the clans. The only thing that slightly bothers me is that some of the paid features feel a bit outdated, but I believe they will continue to improve over time. <3

Author's response
Thanks for the review. but I would like you to tell me a little more... which addons are you referring to and what could be improved? If you want I can listen to you on discord ok
ksudee Jan 10, 2025
Version 8.4.5
This developer is a loose cannon. He removed my access on discord because I was reporting errors. He refuses to refund. I immensely regret purchasing anything from him. Buyer beware.

Author's response
Your server has a ping of almost 500 and is unable to use the plugin and asked for a refund for the plugin. So trying to offend me won't solve things.
Gordobriel Dec 18, 2024
Version 8.3.2
A very good plugin with unique features that make it stand out. It also offers great support, as the developer was quick to address an issue through a ticket and always seemed willing to help. I highly recommend this plugin to the community!

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
KILLER42 Oct 16, 2024
Version 7.15.2
Overall, the plugin is great, BUT:

1. It would be nice to have a chat feature for allies (/clan chatally).
2. When a player switches to clan chat, a message should be displayed to notify them of the switch.
3. Clan import from other plugins would be a useful feature.

Author's response
1. Ally chat exists but not in the way you want. 2. The on and off chat message exists, pay attention. 3. Importing data from other plugins is optional, not mandatory
GJ_Euphory Jul 8, 2024
Version 7.13.2
After a long time, UltimateClans V7 is finally starting to be worth it, despite what happened in my previous review, now I am happy with Ulrich's work, but I still insist, look for a staff team!

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
EpicJosch69 Jul 2, 2024
Version 7.13.1
Best clan plug-in out there!
Developer replies really fast to support tickets!
Can only recommend this plugin!

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
ddd000987 Mar 14, 2024
Version 7.6.0
I need Chinese translation

Author's response
Thanks for the review! Translations are sent by other members spontaneously, so as soon as someone makes them available I will post them.
ezmodeboxey Jan 21, 2024
Version 7.2.1
Does what it is supposed to.

Why not 5 stars?
- The plugin is decently expensive, especially when counting in addons, this it should be a 'very premium' experience. While it is configurable, it is decently time consuming and compared to other plugins at this price decently complicated for new users.
- The plugin has also had a few bugs, although they do get patched within a couple weeks or months and are nothing major.

Author's response
Thanks for the review! The plugin is always receiving new features so there are always updates to fix bugs, if you find any, don't hesitate to send them to me on the support server!
0Kilz Dec 25, 2023
Version 6.16.2

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
SMARTASSSZK Nov 10, 2023
Version 6.14.1
Nowhere have I seen such good plugin support as UltimateClans! The author loves his product very much and cares about it. If I had 10 stars, I would have given them. Thank you!

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
bladeRR1 Nov 5, 2023
Version 6.13.3
excellent plugin and great service on your discord :)

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
Asteraoth Sep 27, 2023
Version 6.12.12
The best clan plugin that I have seen over the many years playing Minecraft. Worth every penny. Definitely recommend this plugin to any type of server.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
Dabbiks Sep 21, 2023
Version 6.12.7
I searched for a clan plugin for a long time that would meet my unique expectations, avoiding the common visual template seen in others. I even tried to commission the creation of a custom plugin from experts, but none of those options could meet my requirements. Now, this plugin is like my salvation - every feature is configurable. Do you want to change the user interface's appearance? That's no problem. Or perhaps you'd like to customize the content of every message? Here, you receive a file with over 2000 lines that you can modify as you wish. It's also worth emphasizing that the technical support is exceptionally helpful and responds quickly (usually within a few to a dozen minutes). This is definitely a worthwhile purchase, even if it were twice as expensive.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
Vidosya Jul 8, 2023
Version 6.6.0
An excellent plugin for clans that has no analogues and is very convenient to use, if you sit in the configuration for less than half an hour, it is already clear what and how to configure for use

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
JeissonP Jun 3, 2023
Version 6.4.10
Truly the best clan plugin I have ever tried, it has exceeded my expectations and I recommend it 100% if you are looking for a great clan plugin with great features.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
Dr1yest Mar 10, 2023
Version 6.1.0
the best clans plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
DinoBosssYT Mar 3, 2023
Version 6.0.2
A great job from the developer, I hope he keeps on working hard and always adding things =) I loved this version.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
OldNan_ Feb 7, 2023
Version 5.10.1
Great plugin and very active developer, support note 10!

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
JairoCa Jan 30, 2023
Version 5.10.0
Best clanes plugin ever, cool plugin keep it up! :)

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
yooniks Jan 22, 2023
Version 5.9.10
1. The plugin is laggy with more than 100 players
2. The plugin doesn't even update players kills and deaths. kd/r and the other statistics are always 0.

Author's response
1. there is an EXPRESS recommendation to use mysql for many players. 2. The plugin is modular, so you need the pvpmanager addon to manage pvp, kdr and ff between clans and members. Try looking for support before posting a meaningless review just "throwing" the plugin in the folder ...
TreasureStudios Oct 24, 2022
Version 5.6.0
Good plugin, nice idea, but a lot of bugs.
Hard to catch up.
Even when presented to the author, they aren't fixed
KR1PT0N Aug 26, 2022
Version 5.4.3
truly one of a kind excellent plugin.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
alexpascual Jul 14, 2022
Version 5.1.0
I have been using the plugin for months now, the developer is friendly and answers tickets.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
notmoving Jul 10, 2022
Version 5.1.0
Best clans plugin, updated for actual versions 1.19+ and optimized

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
Luisitohh_ Jun 19, 2022
Version 5.0.2
the best clan plugin in the whole market, and the developer provides the best support in the world.
I highly recommend this plugin it's worth it

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
LupinArsene Jun 18, 2022
Version 5.0.0
The best Clans plugin, there is no other that can compare to it! Buy it!!

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
Bloody_Mind Jun 17, 2022
Version 5.0.0
Wir haben das Plugin seit der Version V3 und finden, es ist absolut das beste Clanplugin und wird durch die modulare Art immer besser.
Mach weiter so.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
nolberh Jun 17, 2022
Version 5.0.0
I have always said it, Uclans is the best clan system plugin today, it is a must have for a server, the developer is very active and responsive, I highly recommend you to buy this plugin, almost 2 years of development on this plugin proves everything I say.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!
apatuka Jun 17, 2022
Version 5.0.0
By far this is the best Clan plugin on the market. I already switched from Factions, Guilds, Kingdoms, but nothing is compared with this amazing plugin, from the great support and dev friendly integration with 3rd party plugins to the vast amount of features and addons for this plugin (the most remarkable is the BungeeCord support).

Author's response
Thanks for the review!

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