  • UltimateShop is a powerful shop plugin for Spigot, we just try added all premium shop plugins feature to this plugin.
  • Multi-based shop plugin! The relationship between products and prices is many to many, and can be freely controlled by conditional systems. You want to player pay 500 points and 1 stack diamond to buy one powerful diamond sword and 5 days VIP permission group? This can be easy done in UltimateShop!
  • Apply price system, you can make each times player buy a product need pay different prices!
  • Dynamic price system, just like in real life, products price can change each time every players buy or sell them.
  • Per player and global limit (or stock) system, and built-in an auto reset feature to help you fill the stock.
  • Built-in Item Format which allow you make any item you desire, including custom food, custom tool, custom attribute, custom armor, and so on.
  • Built-in powerful menu system, just help you create more nice shop menus, common menus and buy more menus! In premium version, we can auto translate the Java menus into Bedrock Form UI menus without any change from you!
  • Built-in powerful action and condition system instead of commands and permissions only, and UltimateShop allows you can almost use them everywhere!
  • Built-in powerful placeholders like math, random, compare, discount and allows you display product's placeholder in PlaceholderAPI! (Premium)
  • All number option support dynamic value/symbol. You can use placeholder and math symbol in number type option, you can set dynamic stock, product amount, price amount, and so on! Want to the price based on player's level? This also can be easy done!
  • So many custom item plugins, economy plugins support, also UltimateShop 100% support your hook plugin item even the items lore, displayname have changed.
  • High flexibility brings infinite possibilities. Dynamic Price, Real Life Stock, Seasonal Price, Rotate Product, Daily Shop, Economy Exchange, Daily Reward, Steak Reward, Command Shop, Spawner Shop and so on, all of them can be done by UltimateShop!
  • Highly configurable. You can freely set shop click events (like left click to sell 1 stack and right click to buy 1), customize price descriptions, and customize matching rules for product sellling.
  • Sub button for products, you can display same product in different places, this allows you make villager-trade-GUI-like shop GUI.
  • Custom price feature allows you easily create economy or item price even UltimateShop does not support that economy/item plugins! (Premium)
  • Smart item give method, the plugin can automatically group the items purchased by the player and calculate the remaining space in the player's inventory. (Require you enable this feature in config.yml)
  • Usability. For frequently used scenarios, the plugin provides sample configurations on Wiki, with some auto-settings to help you automate what you want to do.
  • Auto transalte vanilla item name at plugin message, placeholder and so on. You don't need to manually set each product name for vanilla items. (Require 1.16+ server version, Premium)
  • Built-in Sell Stick, Sell All GUI which out any other addon plugins! (Sell Stick requires Premium)
  • Many, many, other things...

Please view Wiki.


  1. XSeries:
  2. EasySQL:
  3. EasyPlugin:


  • No refunds.
  • Report bugs in our Discord.