- Made all events async.
- Bumped a few libraries and dependencies.
- Added force tags setting
- Added /tags about command.
- Added libby to velocity module to make the jar for velocity smaller.
- Fixed placeholders not working in NetworkManager when player is offline.
- Added experimental Folia support.
- Bumped the version of a few libraries.
- Fixed DeluxeTags Importer not working with the latest DeluxeTags version.
- Fixed No parser was specified message when trying to import tags from a plugin.
- Call TagUpdateEvent when changing permission of tag.
- Fixed the tags_total placeholder not working in placeholder api when player is offline.
- Added search item to tag selector and improved reloading the selector menu.
Reset the tagSelector menu file or add this section to the file:
- material:COMPASS
- 'name:<white><bold>Search Tag'
- 'lore:<gray>Search tags by name.'
- Fixed gui errors on 1.21.
- Fixed warning on 1.21 about commands.
- Fixed missing page argument in /tag list command
- Updates a few dependencies
- Fixed menus not working on 1.20.5, 1.20.6 and 1.21.
- Quick temporary fix for commands on 1.21
- Fixed error when HeadDatabase is installed
- Don't registerAsynchronousCompletions if server has brigadier capability.
- Added EssentialsChat support.
- Update player tags when tags change. Also reload player data when plugin reloads.
- Added HikariCP for connection pooling and also fixed sqlite database lock.
- Added pooling settings to the settings.yml
- Hotfix for failing HeadDatabase hook
- Fixed setserver without argument causing error. Now it will set the server to null.
- The syntax for /tags create is now /tags create \<name> \<tag> \<description> [permission] [server] which makes a bit more sense since standalone servers won't define a server.
- Removed input checks for server in create and edit tag menu to unset server.
- Added overwrite flag to /tags import command
- Added per-tag customizable item by checking for the tag name in the menu config. See more about this here
- Added support for heads from HeadDatabase. Check the skull itemdata here
- Fixed tags_legacy_limit placeholder in networkmanager.
- Added <permission> placeholder to tag selector menu.
- Added has_tags_available placeholder.
- Changed import command to import yml files that have been exported.
- Bumped Kotlin to 1.9.21.
- Bumped exposed to 0.45.0.
- Bumped mariadb-java-client to 3.3.1.
- MiniPlaceholders support.
- Removed TAB support since that is no longer necessary and causes errors on TAB 4.x.x.
- Added configurable tag permissions. Each individual tag can now have a custom permission.
- Made a experimental version for Velocity that is available for download on my Discord server.
- Fixed NametagEdit support.
- Use paper methods to create customskulls.
- Added tags_total placeholder
- Added tags_available placeholder
- Added has_tag_<name> placeholder
- Improved Tag Manage menus.
- Fixed a few performance issues.
- Added NetworkManager Importer to import tags from NetworkManager.
- Made some minor improvements to the DeluxeTags Importer.
- Updated Kotlin and MariaDB client.
- Added support for the populair TAB plugin.
- Added config for enabling and disabling each hook. For example if you don't want them to refresh when a player changes his tag(s).
- Fixed commands causing errors due to events being called async.
- Added TagsSelectEvent
- Added NametagEdit support (Update nametag when tag changes)
- Added DeluxeTag importer (Import your deluxetags into UltimateTags)