With this plugin you can allow your players to choose one or more configured tags that can be displayed in the chat or anywhere you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders. If your chat makes use of minimessage to build the format you can even apply hover or click events to the tags.
- Select one or more tag(s)
- MiniMessage formatting support! (Allows you to use Hex colors, gradient, rainbow, transitions and more)
- SQLite, MySQL and MariaDB database support. (Use MySQL or MariaDB if you want to sync between servers)
- PlaceholderAPI support.
- NametagEdit support.
- MiniPlaceholders support.
- DeluxeTag and NetworkManager importer. Import tags from the DeluxeTags plugin or NetworkManager plugin.
- Lock tags to a specifc server.
- In-game editor. Create and edit tags in-game using command or gui.
- Limit the amount of tags your players can select. You can set a default value in the config but also define a limit using permissions.
- Customizable tag permissions.
- Velocity support. Click here for more information.
- /tag - Opens the tag selector
- /tag help - Show all tag commands including arguments
- /tag manage - Opens menu to manage tags (create, edit or delete tags)
- /tag reload - Reload config files and the tags from the database.
- /tag create <name> <tag> [description] [server] - Create new tag. (Since this command takes multiple arguments you can use spaces if you wrap the argument with quotes. Example: /tag create newtag ultimatetag "<red>Ultimate Tag" "<gray>The Ultimate tag")
- /tag delete <tag> - Delete tag.
- /tag settag <tag> <newtag> - Redefine the tag itself
- /tag setdescription <tag> <newdescription> - Redefine the description of a tag
- /tag setserver <tag> <newserver> - Redefine the server of a tag (set to all for all servers)
- /tag setpermission <tag> <newpermission> - Redefine the permission of a tag
- /tag addtag <player> <tag> - Add a tag to a player
- /tag removetag <player> <tag> - Remove a tag from a player
- /tag clear <player> - Clear the selected tags of a player
- /tag import <DeluxeTags, NetworkManager> - Import tags from DeluxeTags or NetworkManager.
%ultimatetags_tag% - Placeholder to return the selected tag(s) in minimessage format
%ultimatetags_tag_legacy% - Placeholder to return the selected tag(s) in legacy format (Doesn't support hover, click, etc)
%ultimatetags_tag_has_tag% - Placeholder that will return yes if the player has selected at least one tag or no if the player doesn't have any tag selected.
%ultimatetags_tags_selected% - Placeholder that will return the amount of tags a player has selected.
%ultimatetags_tags_<limit>% - Placeholder to return the selected tags in minimessage format but will limit the amount of tags
%ultimatetags_tags_legacy_<limit>% - Placeholder to return the selected tags in legacy format but will limit the amount of tags
Note: This plugin does not format your chat. You'll need a plugin that does this for you!
Now I have selected both the hero and Noob tag.
type: SQLITE
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: ultimatetags
username: ultimatetags
password: ultimatetags
useUnicode: true
characterEncoding: utf8
separator: " "
defaultLimit: 0
hideLocked: false
name: tag
- tags
servername: ''
config-version: 5
selected: "You selected the <name> tag."
unselected: "You unselected the <name> tag."
maximumTagsReached: "You've reached the maximum amount of tags that you can select."
noneSelected: "You don't have any tags selected."
noPermission: "<red>I'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command.<br>Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error."
config-version: 2
MenuTitle: <red>Tag Selector
UpdateInterval: 0
MenuSize: 54
- material:BARRIER
- 'name:<white>Tag: <yellow><name>'
- 'lore:<tag>'
- 'lore:<description>'
- 'lore:'
- 'lore:<red>Locked'
- material:NAME_TAG
- 'name:<white>Tag: <yellow><name>'
- 'lore:<tag>'
- 'lore:<description>'
- 'lore:'
- 'lore:<green>Click to select this tag.'
- material:NAME_TAG
- 'name:<white>Tag: <yellow><name>'
- 'lore:<tag>'
- 'lore:<description>'
- glow:true
- material:ARROW
- 'name:<white><bold>Previous'
- 'lore:<gray>Go back to the previous page.'
- material:ARROW
- 'name:<white><bold>Next'
- 'lore:<gray>Open the next page.'
- material:CHEST
- 'name:<white><bold>Close'
- 'lore:<gray>Close the menu.'
- material:PlAYER_HEAD
- skull:%player_name%
- 'name:<white><bold>Clear tags'
- 'lore:<gray>Clear the tags you selected.'
If you have any suggestion please use the discussion section to post your suggestion and not the review section.
You can also contact me on Discord: pilske