Lisaxx Dec 4, 2023
Version 1.3.5
A really good scoreboard managing plugin! Really outstanding and fitting my needs. Thank you very much for your great support!
Mulung Jul 23, 2023
Version 1.2.9
Another great plugin made by Techscode, also their future plans with an Tablist integration! Keep going! Really unique and amazing community you guys have!
TheMatty Jun 11, 2023
Version 1.2.4
A great plugin for configurating scoreboards.

The ability to have a separate scoreboard for every world is really useful feature.

Everything is accessible through the ingame GUI, which is easy to understand even for beginners.
SparrowSoul Nov 6, 2021
Version 1.0.7
I swapped from Featherboard (which is a great plugin itself) I just wanted something a bit easier to configure on the fly and Ultra Scoreboards provides that.
SlaapkopAmy Sep 17, 2021
Version 1.0.5
UltraScoreboards is in my opinion the best scoreboard plugin on the market right now because everything is done in a GUI and real life changes. So you don't need to reload the config or restart the server.
I use this currently on my production server and I can vouch it also work on bedrock (Geysermc with floodgate).
Also re-ordering the lines of the scoreboard is very easy to do in GUI you just drag it to the place you want it to be and it updates directly. no need anymore to copy pasta and then reload to see if its good or not.

It also works on all versions 1.8-1.17 :)
If you miss any features then you can always ofcourse post it on the feedback website and they will look if its possible.
The support team is also great and you don't see that often.
Greazi Sep 11, 2021
Version 1.0.4
The best scoreboard plugin there is changes are directly vissable with the GUI editor.
I have never had a plugin that updates when editing a scoreboard so GG on that

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